A woman returns home to her father and childhood home, after being gone for over 20 years. Her purpose for the visit is to deliver the message that her fathers former wife has passed away.

After the closure of a lace factory in Calais, Andrée, Lulu and Solange are out on the street.

A young woman finds herself in a fight for survival against an evil maniac with an unlikely motive.

2011 年 1 月 1 日在日本优衣库服装店推出的全新动画。DVD 包含日本摇滚乐队 Aqua Timez 的 Mayonaka Orchestra 独家版本。数量有限的 DVD 作为礼物赠送给在网上或商店购买优衣库火影忍者图案 T 恤的人。

  这部四个半钟头的纪录片记载了从1940年到1944年,德国纳粹占领时期的法国,尤其是克莱蒙—弗朗镇,是一部法国城市被纳粹占领的历史。导演访问了大批的当事人:原德国军官、该镇的合作者以及抵抗者,还有当地的老百姓、政府官员和英国特工等,通过他们对那段历史的评论、原因、细节的讲述等等,再现了当时在德军占领下法国的真实面貌,并且勇于发觉和揭示那些向纳粹低头的法国人的心理状态。当时的法国维希政府和纳粹合作,被沦陷的法国人则懦弱地沦为法奸或者为德国人工作。影片分为两个部分,第一部分《崩溃》包括了对原法国总理Pierre Mendès-France的采访,他曾经因反维希政府的罪名被起诉;第二部分《选择》中的访问者René de Chambrun,是当时七千名法国年轻人之一,他们身着德军服装在东线作战。

为纪念火影忍者企划20周年,主办方少年JUMP在10月5日和6日在幕张国际展览中心举办了名为『NARUTO to BORUTO THE LIVE 2019』的大型LIVE活动。本次LIVE活动集主题曲演唱、CV现场漫画配音、2.5次元音乐剧《火影忍者 晓之音》以及《火影忍者:究极忍者风暴4》游戏试玩于一身。~所有的忍道,在这里汇聚~

  改編全法國中學生指定重點讀物《我答應》。《貝禮一家》王牌監製群操刀,又一喜淚交織的親情暖心之作,坎城影后夏綠蒂甘絲柏格,動人演出全歐洲的母親典範;橫跨五個國家、耗時十四個星期、深入20至50年代歷史核心的史詩鉅作。   羅曼加里(皮耶尼內 飾演)的人生可說是精彩非凡,在波蘭度過的貧困童年、法國尼斯陽光下的青少年時期,乃至於二次世界大戰時擔任飛行員,在非洲立下的彪炳戰功。他為了成為一位偉大的男人與著名作家,艱辛嘗盡人生的酸甜苦辣,全都是為了他的母親妮娜(夏綠蒂甘絲柏格 飾演)。這個可愛又特立獨行的婦人,對兒子的強烈母愛,令加里的人生充滿波折、熱情與神秘,也令他成為二十世紀的重要作家。只是,如此無止無盡的母愛,也終將成為他生命的負擔…。   電影《黎明的承諾》(Promise at Dawn)改編自法國文學巨擘羅曼加里1960年出版的自傳小說《我答應》,描述羅曼加里成為法國文學巨擘的傳奇故事,他與母親之間至情至性的動人回憶,一部橫跨二十世紀的史詩鉅作、喜淚交織的親情暖心電影。

小时候,敏珠和徐妍互相关心,比兄妹关系更亲密。然而,她无意中得知了徐妍的导师吴铉,因为这个男人,他们10年的友谊开始动摇。同时,正洙看到闵珠这样的样子很伤心,所以他和闵珠保持距离。因为敏珠和秀妍的误会,不太在意的郑洙可能会离开,所以敏珠在秀妍的帮助下试图分手。在分手的过程中,敏珠和徐妍又回到了亲密的关系。 因为男人而分居的女人的爱情,和两个男人的友情是滑稽地画出来的。

Six vignettes pit an assortment of characters against each other in everyday situations.


To support her family, Maria works as a trafficker of surrogate mothers, transporting them from place to place along a river — but when one disappears, Maria is left with the task of finding her and must enter deeper into a world she wishes to escape.

Amateur filmmaker Kemal Mutlu captures scenes of everyday life with plans of making a film. He lives with his housemate Nuri in a small flat in Istanbul. One day,Nuri's friend from orphanage, Izzet, comes to visit unannounced. Just out of prison, Izzet's colorful character grabs Kemal's attention, and he decides to make a film about him. Unfortunately, it soon turns out that underneath his friendly exterior, Izzet is a psychopath. When he is refused entry into a bar, he gets in by force and kidnaps actress Oznur Kula. Kemal is happy to have found an actress to star in his film, however things soon get out of control as Izzet's sick plans unfold.

The Stievenart family decides to spend their vacation far away and puts an ad on the internet. The Mailon family responds by offering to exchange homes. But the Stievenart family has an environmentally friendly house, while the Mailons consume a lot of energy.


Rogers Rangers fight the French & Indians in Canada while searching for a waterway which will lead to this ocean.


Presents three barrio stories: "La familia del Camello" about a public residential basketball coach and his dilemmas, "El baila'o de Julia y Berto" about two neighbors trying to rediscover love in their maturity, and "El rumbón de Fepe" about a man who has to choose between his barrio and the woman he loves.