When his daughter's kidnappers electronically hijack his car, mild-mannered father Chris Thompson is forced to do their bidding or else suffer the consequences. Adrenaline was shot in a single 88-minute take on the streets of downtown Nashville, Tennessee.

A crop of millionaire inmates struggle to get accustomed to prison life, while inmate Nick Burton watches out for everyone's interests on the inside.

World War Mud takes place on an apocalyptic Earth in an alternative universe or the future.

"Proefessor John Sola (Eric Roberts) wants to do a human experiment about authority. When his subjects start dying one by one, he learns that somebody else wants to do a project about Solitude."

1845년 라 스칼라 극장에서 초연된 베르디의 일곱 번째 오페라로 독일의 문호 프리드리히 실러의 ‘오를레앙의 처녀’가 원작이며 테미스토클레 솔레라가 대본을 썼다. 오페라는 잔 다르크가 주인공이지만 실존인물에 대한 이야기보단 원작을 바탕으로 하고 있어 역사적 사실과 차이가 있다. 프랑스 역사상 가장 로맨틱한 이야기. 프랑스와 영국이 백년전쟁을 하던 시기, 프랑스군은 영국군에 밀려 프랑스 남부까지 후퇴에 이른다. 그 때 잔 다르크가 샤를 왕을 도와 프랑스를 위기에서 구해낸다. 샤를 왕과 잔 다르크는 서로에게 이끌리지만, 잔 다르크가 아버지 자코모에 의해 화형될 위기에 처한다.

A young man's hopes of leaving the confines of his small town are thwarted when he comes face to face with his imprisoned father's past.

“Harry & Meghan: An African Journey" features unprecedented access and exclusive interview with The Duke and Duchess of Sussex about the challenges they face living in the public eye.

A beautiful woman suspected of being a jewel thief is actually a detective tracking down a ring of bond thieves.

An old psychiatrist finds out that he is likely to suffer a second and probably fatal heart attack in the near future. As a consequence he becomes determined to seduce Odile, a young woman he first encounters in a railway compartment.

A story about love and live between a man and a woman of 80’s generation.

Impressionistic surrealism in three acts. The approach is literary experimental with optical effects. There are three mental states that are interesting: amnesia, euphoria and ecstasy. Amnesia is not knowing who you are and wanting desperately to know. I call this the White Night. Euphoria is not knowing who you are and not caring. This is the Dream of Meditation. Ecstasy is knowing exactly who you are and still not caring. I call this the Memory of the Future. This is an autobiographical film funded by the American Film Institute.

Dixie is caught operating a whorehouse, and is sentenced to 90 days house arrest in a convent! Can Dixie bend to the ways of the convent nuns to avoid jail?

가정주부 혜림은 늘 불안하다. 정신과의사 정욱은 최면요법을 통해 그녀에게서 섹스와 살인에 탐닉하는 또다른 자아를 발견한다. 특수수사 팀장 이응주는 성관계 후 남자의 성기를 잘라 죽이는 의문의 연쇄살인 사건을 추적중이다. 그러나 그게 혜림의 짓이라는 걸 모르는 사람은 세상에서 이응주뿐. 도대체 그는 언제쯤 사건을 해결할 수 있을런지.