Film stavia na záberoch nakrútených v rokoch 1966 – 1971, teda od vzniku kapely až do smrti Jima Morrisona. Dokument zobrazuje kým skupina The Doors bola a čím sa stala. DiCillo nahliada do sveta slávy, drog a alkoholu, ktoré sú s kapelou spájané. Zameriava sa zároveň na jej oddanosť rockovej hudbe. Vedľa výstrelkov Jima Morrisona je to tiež príbeh Raya Manzareka, Robbyho Kriegera a Johna Densmora – muzikantov, ktorých dôraz na umeleckú slobodu a odmietanie kompromisov inšpiroval viaceré generácie.

WrestleMania 34 was the thirty-fourth annual WrestleMania professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event and WWE Network event produced by WWE for their Raw and SmackDown brands. It took place on April 8, 2018, at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans, Louisiana.

A concert video that captures legendary rock 'n' roll band The Doors at the height of the group's powers. Filmed live at the Hollywood Bowl in the summer of 1968, Jim Morrison and the band perform an extended version of "Light My Fire," plus ten of their other most loved songs, taking a standing room only audience on an aural journey of mystical worlds and psychedelic experiences.

Urgh! A Music War is a British film released in 1982 featuring performances by punk rock, new wave, and post-punk acts, filmed in 1980. Among the artists featured in the movie are Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark (OMD), Magazine, The Go-Go's, Toyah Willcox, The Fleshtones, Joan Jett & the Blackhearts, X, XTC, Devo, The Cramps, Oingo Boingo, Dead Kennedys, Gary Numan, Klaus Nomi, Wall of Voodoo, Pere Ubu, Steel Pulse, Surf Punks, 999, UB40, Echo & the Bunnymen and The Police. These were many of the most popular groups on the New Wave scene; in keeping with the spirit of the scene, the film also features several less famous acts, and one completely obscure group, Invisible Sex, in what appears to be their only public performance.

Martha is a single woman who becomes pregnant and commits suicide after giving birth to a pair of twins, Jessica and Angelica, who are adopted separately. Years later, Angelica becomes a lawyer working for the mafia. Jessica, who was adopted by a prostitute, has become a criminal and is now arrested for the murder of her husband. In prison she tries to be friends with the director without success and she has to pay her sentence.

The tragic story of the many lives of Father Dinis, his dark origins and his pious works, and the different fates of all those who, trapped in a sinister web of love, hate and crime, cross paths with him through years of adventure and misfortune in the convulsed Europe of the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

During the mid-1970s, in the Mexican state of Guanajuato, authorities discover a clandestine burial ground. The corpses are from murdered prostitutes. The suspects are three sisters known as "Las Poquianchis".

Filmmaker Jonathan Caouette's documentary on growing up with his schizophrenic mother -- a mixture of snapshots, Super-8, answering machine messages, video diaries, early short films, and more -- culled from 19 years of his life.

Live action feature based on the Mexican comic about the exploits of a witch living in the outskirts of 'Bondojia', when a ruthless small time politician tries to steal their land in order to build a luxurious condo.

Píše sa rok 1987. Bagdad sa stal rajom neslávne preslávených boháčov. Miestom, kde sa dá kúpiť čokoľvek, pokiaľ na to máte. Je to mesto plné intríg a korupcie - brloh irackého Čierneho princa Udaja Husajna. So svojou zvrátenou záľubou v hýrení a oplzlosti si berie všetko, po čom zatúži. Vaše Ferrari, vašu ženu, vašu dcéru, vašu krv - nikto si Udajovi nedovolí povedať nie. Jedného dňa je armádny poručík Latif Yahia povolaný z frontovej línie do Saddámovho paláca, kde je postavený pred preťažkú ​​voľbu. Buď sa stane Udajovým dvojníkom, alebo odsúdi celú svoju rodinu na smrť. Jeho život je v stávke, osud spečatený. Latif začína hrať úlohu Udaja Husajna, jedného z najmocnejších a zároveň najnenávidenejších mužov v celom Iraku. Učí sa chodiť, hovoriť a vyzerať ako on. Stáva sa neoddeliteľnou súčasťou Udajovho extravagantného sveta plného rýchlych áut, neobmedzeného množstva peňazí a ľahkých žien. Latif sa však so svojím osudom nemieni zmieriť a za každú cenu sa snaží uniknúť.

Michel, päťdesiatročný muž, grafický návrhár, sa rozhodol zmeniť mestský životný štýl a pokračovať v dobrodružstve. Fascinovaný leteckou poštou sníva o Jean Mermore, keď je na skútri. Jedného dňa uvidí Michel obrázok kajaku…

From Richard Gale, mad maker of CRITICIZED, comes a film that will never have you looking at cutlery the same way again. Set-up as an epic-length trailer for an upcoming release, HORRIBLY SLOW... depicts a man's endless pursuit by what has got to be one of the most determined and patient murderers the screen has ever seen.

In a small Vietnamese village torn apart by war, a young woman faces unimaginable horrors before deciding to escape to the city. There, she encounters a compassionate Marine who offers her hope and a chance at a new life, igniting the possibility of a future together.

Kafka, an insurance worker gets embroiled in an underground group after a co-worker is murdered. The underground group is responsible for bombings all over town, attempting to thwart a secret organization that controls the major events in society. He eventually penetrates the secret organization and must confront them.

Roa is a fictionalized account, based on real facts, about Juan Roa Sierra, the supposed killer of Jorge Eliecer Gaitán, Colombian politician and lawyer, dissident candidate of the Liberal Party for the 1950 Presidential elections, which he had a very high probability of winning.

Život Roberta Bermudeza, špecialistu na trestné právo, sa náhle obráti hore nohami. Pojme totiž podozrenie, že sa Gonzalo, ktorý býval jedným z jeho najlepších študentov, dopustil brutálnej vraždy priamo pred právnickou fakultou. Aby odhalil pravdu, pustí sa do vyšetrovania na vlastnú päsť, ktoré však čoskoro prerastie v posadnutosť, vďaka ktorej je nevyhnutne vťahovaný do temných zákutí. Pravda už je na dosah ruky, ale za akú cenu?

Larry Burrows patrí k ľuďom, ktorí si myslia, že svet je slzavým údolím a on je tým najnešťastnejším človekom na celom šírom svete. Je presvedčený, že jeho terajšia situácia by bola celkom iná, keby v detstve neprehral v baseballovom zápase. Jednej noci sa v bare rozpráva s barmanom Mikeom, ktorý mu dá nezvyčajnú ponuku. Vraj zmení jeho život a ponúkne mu taký, o akom vždy sníval. Larry ponuku bez váhania prijme a teší sa, že ho konečne postretlo šťastie. Aké je však jeho prekvapenie a sklamanie, keď zistí, že ani v novom živote sa nevyhne mnohým prekážkam a sklamaniam.

The life of Primo Carnera a.k.a. "Ambling Alp", Italian professional boxer and the World Heavyweight Champion from June 1933 to June 1934, but also accused by some of having ties to the mob.

A shy comic book fan is injected with an experimental serum and starts turning into a spider. When web covered bodies start appearing a policeman starts to investigate the strange case.