Scooby-Doo and the gang investigates a new ghost at a water park resort.

Big screen spin-off of the Seventies sitcom. Mildred Roper is determined to make husband George celebrate their wedding anniversary in style, at a posh hotel in London. However, upon arrival George is mistaken by a gangland criminal for a rival hitman, and soon the Ropers find themselves up to their necks in trouble on the wrong side of the law!

During the Napoleonic wars, a Spanish officer and an opposing officer find a book written by the former's grandfather.

A documentary about the legendary and influential comedian, actor and writer, who went out from the BBC to conquer Hollywood, but sadly the system quickly withdrew its support when they couldn't contain his talents. This portrait is spiked with many comments from people who knew Feldman privately or had dealt with him professionally. His early death sadly rendered him all but forgotten by the public. The compilation consists of interviews, some film clips and photos as well as various audio clips from him.

Noël Cowardin näytelmään perustuva klassikko, jossa salaiset rakastavaiset alkavat tavata toisiaan juna-asemalla.

A bad day gets worse for young detective Murakami when a pickpocket steals his gun on a hot, crowded bus. Desperate to right the wrong, he goes undercover, scavenging Tokyo’s sweltering streets for the stray dog whose desperation has led him to a life of crime. With each step, cop and criminal’s lives become more intertwined and the investigation becomes an examination of Murakami’s own dark side.

During World War II, a small group of survivors is stranded in a lifeboat together after the ship they were traveling on is destroyed by a German U-boat.

Fassbinderin varhaiskskauden omaperäinen ja shokeeraava elokuva voitti Berliinin elokukuvafestivaaleilllla pääpalkinnon.Päällisin puolin herra Raabin elämä näyttää aivan normaalilta, ja joku voisi jopa kadehtia hänen menestystään. Hän työskentelee arkkitehtitoimiston piirtäjänä ja asuu mukavassa talossa viehättävän vaimonsa ja poikansa kanssa. Työpäivän jälkeen katsellaan televisiota ja viikonloppppuisin sukulaiset ja ystävät poikkeavat vierailulle. Heidän avioliittonsakin on onnellinen, vaikka pyrkyrimäinen rouva Raab välillä arvostelee miestään ja patistaa häntä ylenemään työssään. Arkipäiväisen pinnan alla kytee silti jotain arvaamatonta, joka eräänä päivänä ylittää herra Raabin sietokyvyn, ja ajaa hänet järjettömään tekoon josta ei ole paluuta entiseen.Pääosissa: Lilith Ungerer, Kurt Raab, Lilo Pempeit, Franz Maron, Harry Baer, Peter Moland, Hanna SchygullaOhjaus: Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Michael Fengler

The former famous painter Frenhofer lives quietly with his wife on a countryside residence in the French Provence. When the young artist Nicolas visits him with his girlfriend Marianne, Frenhofer decides to start again the work on a painting he long ago stopped: La Belle Noiseuse. And he wants Marianne as model.

Police Lt. Leonard Diamond vies to bring a clever, well connected, and sadistic gangster to justice all the while obsessing over the gangster's girlfriend.

Filmmaker Victor Erice follows Spanish artist Antonio Lopez in his painstaking attempt to paint the image of a tree.

A band-leader has arranged seven chairs for the members of his band. When he sits down in the first chair, a cymbal player appears in the same chair, then rises and sits in the next chair. As the cymbal player sits down, a drummer appears in the second chair, and then likewise moves on to the third chair. In this way, an entire band is soon formed, and is then ready to perform.

Two young men seek the solitude of the country; their peace is disturbed when a set of random occurrences suggest to their susceptible minds a pattern with sinister meanings.

The classic tale of Dante's journey through hell, loosely adapted from the Divine Comedy and inspired by the illustrations of Gustav Doré. This historically important film stands as the first feature from Italy and the oldest fully-surviving feature in the world, and boasts beautiful sets and special effects that stand above other cinema of the era.

Eyüp decides to cross mount Ararat looking for his aunt in Yerevan after following a madman's words. His aunt has also been expecting someone to come from behind this mount for many years. Eyüp cannot be sure about the woman he finds behind the blue door, whether it is his aunt or not because they can't understand each other.

A burned-out New York police detective teams up with a college psychoanalyst to track down a vicious serial killer randomly stalking and killing various young women around the city.

Frankenstein's unscrupulous colleague, Dr. Bohmer, plans to transplant Ygor's brain so he can rule the world using the monster's body, but the plan goes sour when he turns malevolent and goes on a rampage.

On vuosi 2127. Kaukaisella avaruusasemalla toimiva, Tri. Merchant, on pelottavan ja äärimmäisen vaarallisen tehtävän edessä. Hänen satoja vuosia sitten elänyt esi-isänsä rakensi mystisen kuution, joka oli samalla avain helvetin ovien avaamiseen. Merchant on päättänyt kääntää avaimessa piilevän voiman, ja sulkea nuo kauhun ovet lopullisesti. Mutta helvettiä vartioivien kenobiittien johtaja, Pinhead, ei aio luopua valtakunnastaan taistelutta. Menneisyys, nykyhetki ja tulevaisuus kohtaavat toisensa helvetin esikartanossa.

Out to steal a trophy from a local bowling alley, a group of college students accidentally unleash the imp -- a sadistic little spirit that creates demons and loves sexy women.