Paula, who is beautiful and full of life, ends with her boyfriend and is left devastated; her friends Fer and Jen decide to create a plan to find her the ideal boy: to find a virgin guy who can fall in love with her.

Based on the true life story of California gymnast Ariana Berlin. As she zoned in on her Olympic goals, 14 year old Ariana Berlin's life took a sharp turn when she was involved in a debilitating car accident. Gaining her confidence and movement back through learning hip hop dance, she unexpectedly found herself called back to the gymnastics world thanks to world renowned UCLA Coach Valorie Kondos Field. With Val's help, Ariana was eventually able to secure a spot on the UCLA gymnastics team and win an NCAA championship, a lifelong goal that she had always dreamed of. This is a wonderfully inspiring story of persistence, confidence, and the heart and courage to make a somewhat impossible comeback in life.

Things grow more and more desperate, and ridiculous, as three heroin addicts drive all over Los Angeles in search of what they need.

When a hip hop violinist busking in the New York subway encounters a classical dancer on scholarship at the Manhattan Conservatory of the Arts, sparks fly. With the help of a hip hop dance crew they must find a common ground while preparing for a competition that could change their lives forever.

On the eve of Y2K, orphaned 12-year-old Beverly discovers a broken mixtape crafted by her teen parents. Raised by her grandmother – who struggles talking about her late daughter – Beverly sees the mixtape as a chance to finally learn more about her parents.

All self-taught dancer Kate Parker has ever wanted to do was perform with the American Academy of Ballet. But when she doesnt make it after auditioning, she learns that it takes more than precision and perfection to succeed in the dance world.

The all-powerful Monkey King once roamed freely between Heaven and Earth, but after angering the Gods, he was imprisoned within an ice cage deep within the mountains. 500 years later, monsters attack a small village and a child flees to the mountains. Unknowingly, the child releases the Monkey King from his curse. With the help and encouragement from this special child, Monkey King saves the village from the evil monsters.

Bobas yra įprastas taksistas. Tačiau įsėdusios į jo taksį merginos niekada nepasiekia kelionės tikslo. Bobas - pagrobėjas, prievartautojas ir žudikas. Jo aukos po išprievartavimo užkasamos kiemo gale. Nevisi jo medžiojimai pasiseka. Vieną kartą į taksi įsėdo moteris su vaiku. Nužudęs vaiko motiną Bobas pradeda auginti berniuką. Pavadintas triušiu, berniukas virsta Bobo tarnu. Viską tvarko, valo kruvinas grindis, sienas ir net užkasa merginų lavonus. Daugiau nei dešimt metų prirakintas vaikinas buvo pagaliau priverstas Bobo tapti tokiu pat kaip jis. Tačiau tam nelemta nutikti. Vienas įvykis pakeičia viską: ir jo gyvenimą, ir jį pati. Vyras vardu Bobas važinėja savo taksi miesto gatvėmis ir ieško aukų. Šis taksistas yra žudikas maniakas, jis parsiveža namo moteris, vėliau jas išprievartauja ir nužudo.

A struggling actress tries to help a friend prove his innocence when he's accused of murdering the husband of a high-society entertainer.

On a flight home to Chicago for a family wedding, childhood friends Josh and Molly innocently agree to fake a wedding engagement to make Josh's dying father happy. Things quickly get out of hand with their two boisterous families, and a series of events causes them to pretend to be a couple and start planning a phony wedding. When the playacting begins to foster real feelings, the two must make some serious decisions: Split up and return to their lives in LA, or make a life as a couple back in Chicago?

Jonathan Reeves is tasked with infusing more contemporary styles and modernism into the American Ballet Academy, and enlists his top choreographers Charlie, Cooper and Tommy to recruit dancers to compete at a camp where the winners will be selected to join the Academy. Bella Parker, who has always lived in the shadow of her hugely successful sister Kate, finally gets her chance to step into the limelight as one of the dancers recruited for the camp.

A chronicle of the lives of several teenagers who attend a New York high school for students gifted in the performing arts.

Stranded at an airport at Christmastime, Ashley Harrison accepts a ride from Dash Sutherland, who has just rented the last car in town. As the pair heads north, their adventures include car trouble, adopting a puppy and being secretly tailed by federal agents, who believe Ashley is up to no good. With a hint of romance gradually filling the air will these two fall in love or will their journey bring about an unexpected road bump to romance?

Nothing gets between Anne Marie and her board. Living in a beach shack with three roommates, she is up before dawn every morning to conquer the waves and count the days until the Pipe Masters competition. Having transplanted herself to Hawaii with no one's blessing but her own, Anne Marie finds all she needs in the adrenaline-charged surf scene - until pro quarterback Matt Tollman comes along...

Simpatiška ir labai įdomi pasaka visai šeimai, sukurta pagal populiarią rašytojos M. Norton knygą. Naminukai yra mažučiai žmogeliukai, kurie gyvena "didelių" žmonių namuose ir nepraleidžia progos nudžiauti kokį nors jiems reikalingą daikčiuką. Tačiau jie sugeba ir su kaupu apmokėti savo skolas geriems šeimininkams ir negailestingai kovoti su blogaisiais. Kai godus advokatas Poteris (akt. J. Goodman) sumano nugriauti namą, kuriame gyvena Kiloku klano naminukai, tai būtent jie, o ne tikrieji namo gyventojai priverčia advokatą atsisakyti savo sumanymo ir pasigailėti, kad jis išdrįso prie to namo prisiartinti.

A successful, single businesswoman who dreams of having a baby discovers she is infertile and hires a working class woman to be her unlikely surrogate.

Even a God-like gourmet instance can sometimes be wrong: out of the blue, Eifel landlady Toni gets a star for her cooking skills. There is in their "copper can" only a lunch table with bourgeois home cooking. Of course, it is a mistake of the renowned restaurant guide, the star chef Rufus expensive: without the prestigious star threatens his eponymous gourmet temple off! When his snobbish regulars turn to Toni's "copper can", the landlady gets cold feet: In contrast to her mother Heidi, she wants to eliminate the error as quickly as possible from the world.

The new season of "American Dreamz," the wildly popular television singing contest, has captured the country's attention, as the competition looks to be between a young Midwestern gal and a showtunes-loving young man from Orange County. Recently awakened President Staton even wants in on the craze, as he signs up for the potential explosive season finale.