Uzreiz pēc astoņdesmit piektās jubilejas nogalināts detektīvromānu autors un kuplas ģimenes patriarhs Harlans Trombijs. Slepkavības izmeklēšanu uzsāk harizmātiskais un skrupulozais detektīvs Benuā Blanks, kuram acumirklī kļūst skaidrs – slepkavību ir pastrādājis kāds no Trombija plašās ģimenes locekļiem. Bet kurš tieši? Atjautības spēle uz dzīvību un nāvi ir sākusies!

The deep conversation between a Japanese architect and a French actress forms the basis of this celebrated French film, considered one of the vanguard productions of the French New Wave. Set in Hiroshima after the end of World War II, the couple -- lovers turned friends -- recount, over many hours, previous romances and life experiences. The two intertwine their stories about the past with pondering the devastation wrought by the atomic bomb dropped on the city.

Apbruņojies ar skaidru vīziju un dzelžainu plānu, Ričards Viljamss ir apņēmības pilns ierakstīt savas meitas Venusu un Serenu vēsturē. Meitenes trenējas Kalifornijas nolaistajos tenisa kortos Komptonā gan lietū, gan saules svelmē, un viņas veido gan tēva nelokāmā apņēmība, gan mātes līdzsvarotā plānošana un asā intuīcija, kas ļauj pārspēt šķietami nepārvaramus šķēršļus un piepildīt no viņām gaidīto.

A doomed love triangle between intrepid French scientists Katia and Maurice Krafft, and their beloved volcanoes.

"Reiz Holivudā" – režisora Kventina Tarantino 9. filma, veltījums Holivudas zelta laikmeta izskaņai. Filmas darbība norisinās Losandželosā 1969. gadā, hipiju ēras ziedu laikos. Bijusī televīzijas vesternu zvaigzne Riks Daltons un viņa ilggadējais triku dublieris Klifs Būts cenšas izsisties strauji mainīgajā Holivudas kino industrijā

When carefree Nyles and reluctant maid of honor Sarah have a chance encounter at a Palm Springs wedding, things get complicated when they find themselves unable to escape the venue, themselves, or each other.

Robert McCall finds himself at home in Southern Italy but he discovers his friends are under the control of local crime bosses. As events turn deadly, McCall knows what he has to do: become his friends' protector by taking on the mafia.

The prologue to My Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission (2021), taking place before Izuku Midoriya and his friends embark on a new mission.

Jerry Maguire used to be a typical sports agent: willing to do just about anything he could to get the biggest possible contracts for his clients, plus a nice commission for himself. Then, one day, he suddenly has second thoughts about what he's really doing. When he voices these doubts, he ends up losing his job and all of his clients, save Rod Tidwell, an egomaniacal football player.

Vairāk nekā gadu pēc filmas „Venoms” notikumiem pētnieciskais žurnālists Edijs Broks joprojām cenšas pielāgoties dzīvei kā saimniekorganisms ārpuszemes simbiotam Venomam, kas viņam piešķir superspējas, lai viņš varētu kļūt par nāvējošu aizstāvi. Broks mēģina no jauna uzsākt karjeru, intervējot sērijveida slepkavu Klītusu Kasadiju, kurā iemiesojies simbiots Slaktiņš un kurš pēc neveiksmīgas nāves soda izpildīšanas izbēg no cietuma.

The third film in the saga of the unlucky clerk Ugo Fantozzi, played by its creator, Paolo Villaggio.

Celebrated sleuth Hercule Poirot, now retired and living in self-imposed exile in Venice, reluctantly attends a Halloween séance at a decaying, haunted palazzo. When one of the guests is murdered, the detective is thrust into a sinister world of shadows and secrets.

Years have passed since the Three Musketeers, Aramis, Athos and Porthos, have fought together with their friend, D'Artagnan. But with the tyrannical King Louis using his power to wreak havoc in the kingdom while his twin brother, Philippe, remains imprisoned, the Musketeers reunite to abduct Louis and replace him with Philippe.

After a hard day at work and a condominium-board meeting, accountant Ugo Fantozzi goes on a trip with his family. Unfortunately, he will face a nasty surprise upon his return.

Reporter Na-yeong and her partner investigate a series of mysterious deaths and a perplexing case where her source was allegedly already dead at the time of their interview. Together they end up confronting a terrifying truth.

Two teenage couples traveling across the backwoods of Texas searching for urban legends of serial killers end up as prisoners of a bizarre and sadistic backwater family of serial killers.

Diviem rokeriem no Kalifornijas ir sapnis – radīt rokenrola hitu un glābt Visumu, ceļojot laikā. Lai gan abi ir jau pusmūža tētuki, viņi dara visu, lai sasniegtu mērķi.

One by one, with a sweet but inexorable rate, Ugo's colleagues, go to a better life. When Ugo is attending at one of the innumerable funerals, he and the priest remain involved in an accident. The doctor says that Ugo as only one week left to live

Otrā filma kinofilmu sērijā par suni Bēthovenu. Bēthovenam Ņūtonu ģimenē visu gadu ir klājies labi, bet nu ir laiks jauniem piedzīvojumiem un arī mīlestībai. Bēthovens satiek savu otro pusīti Mušiņu. Tagad ģimenes tēvam Džordžam jātiek galā arī ar rūpīgi slēpto suņu ģimenes pieaugumu – četriem kucēniem. Visiem dzīvi bendē negantā Mušiņas saimniece, kura necieš suņus un uzskata tos tikai par peļņas avotu.