The Symphony of Haruhi Suzumiya or The String Performance of Haruhi Suzumiya (涼宮ハルヒの弦奏 Suzumiya Haruhi no Gensou), was an event featuring several songs and background music used in the The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya anime. All of the songs are performed by the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, and conducted by Phillip Chu, on April 29, 2009.

Galileo is thwarted in his pursuit to uncover the universe's mysteries by a lack of money, a lazy brother and a jealous rival. Luckily, he finds support from his student, Prince Cosimo, son of the Medici family.

EDSA XXX takes us on a wild ride through the ups and downs, twists and turns in the life of one man’s downfall and the rise to fame of another. The present leader KULOG NEGRO has led the country to progress; his rallying call is championing poverty for the benefit of tourists and film festivals. But the well-meaning leader is a mere puppet in the political arena and someone has just decided that he has to go.

Amy Keane, a thirteen-year-old trying to cope with the death of her mother and the reappearance of her father's ex-girlfriend, experiences the temptation of suicide after witnessing the outpouring of love for a local suicide victim.

Джейк Рассел хочет сделать своей невесте, Кэсси, идеальный рождественский подарок. Ему в голову приходит великолепная идея - устроить свадьбу на Рождество, но возникают непредвиденные препятствия, которые они должны преодолеть, чтобы пожениться. Неожиданно в город приезжает бывший заключенный Леон Дикс, он ищет деньги, которые спрятал в доме Кэсси. Джейк также не может найти документы Кэсси, которые нужно предоставить для регистрации брака. А ещё собака съела свадебный торт, и теперь Джейк во что бы то ни стало должен найти новый. И, наконец, дети Джейка не в восторге от затеи папы. Сможет ли Кэсси с помощью магии справиться со всеми трудностями и насладиться незабываемым Рождеством?

The tale of Walter, a rookie secret agent faced with a problem seldom covered in basic training: what to do when a curious pigeon gets trapped inside your multi-million dollar, government-issued nuclear briefcase.

Nasser 56 is a 1996 Egyptian historical film directed by Mohamed Fadel, starring Ahmed Zaki. The film focuses on the nationalization of the Suez Canal by Egypt's second President, Gamal Abdel Nasser, and the subsequent invasion of Egypt by Israel, the United Kingdom, and France.

Eustace is sent to a horrible school and finds a friend in Jill Pole, who's also running from bullies and looking for a place to hide. The two of them are magically transported from the garden shed into the magical world of Narnia, where they are entrusted with a task by Aslan: to rescue the king's stolen son, Prince Rilian. Together with Puddleglum the Marshwiggle, they must travel north across the mountains, dodge giants, and journey down into the earth itself to rescue Rilian from the mysterious evil that holds him bound there.

Television adaptation of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night

A film depicting the revenge of a couple who are fooled by the physical pleasures of a couple at work.

A series of fractured fairy tales vignettes.

In order to free his mother from the khan's imprisonment, the young warrior Kaisar must get a sacred sword from the Heavenly Land. With his help, he frees the most beautiful girl on Earth from the hands of all-powerful monks who preach the bloody cult of sacrifice to the forces of evil and master the martial art of ninja, for the love of which he is ready to give his life.

The successful shipowner Georg Behrendsen and his wife Irene are coming from South America to Germany for business. While negotiating in the home of senator Kersten, the senator's son Wilhelm (Werner Fuetterer) is taking care of Irene Behrendsen. The two fall in love with each other and decide to marry after Irene's divorce from her husband. But the old senator forces his son to decide whether to marry Irene or to become head of the shipping company. Not to break the family tradition, Wilhelm decides against the marriage. Irene, full of hatred against the senator, goes back to her husband. 25 years later. The senator is still head of the shipping company, because Wilhelm was killed in the war. He concentrates his love now on his daughter Victoria and he can't refuse any wish of her. Some day she tells him that she has been falling in love with a young german guy from overseas called Peter Behrendsen, not knowing that he is the son of the women who hates the senator the most.

Один не в меру бойкий полицейский мешает спокойно спать мумбайской мафии. Чтобы убрать его с дороги, нанимают исключительного киллера, которого внезапно убивает неизвестный стрелок. И мафия, и полиция, недоумевают, кто бы это мог быть. А тем временем зритель видит, что в Мумбаи вернулся проживающий в Париже ганстер, который в свое время был заметной фигурой бомбейского преступного мира. По приезде престарелый суперкиллер Виджу выглядит как крутой мачо, клеет девушек, танцует и обижается, когда его называют стариком. Поначалу он зачем-то устраивает мелкие пакости полицейскому, но потом ВДРУГ начинает его защищать и спасать. Причина стара, как мир.

Live Performance at Circo Voador, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Lollapalooza Brazil March 20, 2018.

Cirque du Soleil presents A thrilling ride through Kooza, a captivating documentary that looks at the creative process of Kooza, the latest and critically acclaimed touring show from Cirque du Soleil. Embark on a journey that starts at the humble beginnings of some of Cirque's creative pioneers as they share their personal voyage - and a few revealing anecdotes - that highlight the multiple stages of the creation of a live show.

TV Special converting a Disney fan's house into their dream home.