Two recap specials that focus on Team Urameshi's matches in the Dark Tournament and four separate volumes focusing around one of the main characters; Yusuke, Kurama, Hiei, or Kuwabara.

It's one giant step for dog-kind as Scooby-Doo and the Gang blast off for an epic, other-worldly adventure in this all-new original movie! After winning the last 5 seats in a lottery, Scooby-Doo, Shaggy, Fred, Daphne and Velma are off to space in billionaire Sly Baron's brand new ship, the Sly Star One. It's all gravity-free fun until a mysterious alien begins destroying the ship! As the ship breaks down, the crew is forced to land on Sly Baron's base... on the dark side of the moon! Will the gang unravel this alien mystery? Will Scooby-Doo and Shaggy find snacks on the moon? Will Fred ever take his space helmet off?! Journey to the outer limits with Scooby-Doo to find out!

One part vigilante, one part criminal kingpin, Red Hood begins cleaning up Gotham with the efficiency of Batman, but without following the same ethical code.

The spirited Boruto Uzumaki, son of Seventh Hokage Naruto, is a skilled ninja who possesses the same brashness and passion his father once had. However, the constant absence of his father, who is busy with his Hokage duties, puts a damper on Boruto's fire. He ends up meeting his father's friend Sasuke, and requests to become... his apprentice!? The curtain on the story of the new generation rises!

Police officers around Tokyo are being murdered by an unknown assailant. When Ran witnesses an attempt on the life of one of her friends in the police, she loses her memory. Now, Conan and Inspector Megure must find the murderer while Ran attempts to regain her lost memories.

Keď sa dvaja súrodenci s mamou presťahujú do malého mestečka, zisťujú, že im dedko zanechal tajuplné dedičstvo. Netrvá dlho, kým si uvedomia svoje prepojenie s pôvodnými Krotiteľmi duchov...

Kapitán Jack Sparrow je späť! A znovu sa zapletie do siete záhrobných intríg. Upísal totiž svoju dušu legendárnemu Davymu Jonesovi, kapitánovi tajomnej lode Bludný Holanďan a ak sa mu nepodarí vyviazať z dohody, posmrtný život strávi v Jonesových službách. Prekvapujúci vývoj preruší svadobné plány Willa Turnera a Elizabeth Swannovej, ktorí sa znova ocitajú vo víre Jackových dobrodružstiev, čo ich dovedú k súbojom s morskými príšerami, nepriateľskými ostrovanmi, výstrednou veštkyňou Tiou Dalmou a dokonca aj k stretnutiu s Willovým nezvestným otcom Billom.

Keka is a beautiful young woman working in a call center. Wanting to hunt down the killers and avenge her boyfriend's death, she undergoes rigid training. Everything has been going well until she meets the guy who makes her fall in love again.

Mouri Kogoro is called to a special case in the ancient capital of Kyoto. There, Conan meets Heiji and they team up once again to solve the case, recover the stolen Healing Buddha statue, and even discover the identity of Heiji's first love.

Mothra and her fairies return to Japan to warn mankind that they must return Kiryu to the sea, for the dead must not be disturbed. However Godzilla has survived to menace Japan leaving Kiryu as the nation's only defense.

After the events of Justice League: War, Ocean Master and Black Manta have declared a war against the surface in retaliation of the aftermath of Apokoliptian-tyrant Darkseid's planetary invasion. Queen Atlanna seeks out her other son, Ocean Master’s half-brother Arthur Curry, a half-human with aquatic powers with no knowledge of his Atlantean heritage, to restore balance. Living with powers he doesn’t understand and seeing the danger around him, Curry takes steps to embrace his destiny, joining the Justice League, and with his new teammates he battles to save Earth from total destruction.

After the Combiner Wars ended, Cybertron started to be rebuilt. However, an undead Starscream has been reincarnated as Trypticon, wreaking havoc around him. To combat this menace, Windblade gathers up a ragtag team of Transformers, including Optimus Prime and Megatron, to resurrect an ancient ally. And while some may be forever changed by the events, others may not emerge with their sparks intact.

Na stranu zla zlákala sympaťáka Doma legendárna kyber-teroristka prezývaná Cipher, ktorá je rovnako krásna ako nebezpečná. Preto sa diváci nemôžu čudovať, že Toretto úplne stratil hlavu a vykašľal sa nielen na Letty, ale aj na všetkých starých kamošov. Že s ním má Cipher iné plány, ako sú romantické večere pri sviečkach, je však jasné. Kombinácia jej inteligencie a jeho svalov a vodičských schopností z nich môžu urobiť neporaziteľný tandem. Aby svet zostal v rovnováhe, prevezme opraty v rodine Hobbs, ktorý do nej proti svojej vôli priberie nového člena – Deckarda Shawa. Je to vysokooktánový tvrďas zo siedmej časti, ktorý mal pôvodne zhniť vo väzení. Spoločne s nimi sa budeme presúvať z divokého pobrežia exotickej Kuby cez upchaté ulice New Yorku až na pusté ľadovce v Barentsovom mori, aby sme si užili ďalšiu zábavnú a nezabudnuteľnú jazdu.

Noni Jean is a hot new rising star. But not all is what it seems, and the pressure causes Noni to nearly fall apart - until she meets Kaz Nicol, a promising young cop and aspiring politician who's been assigned to her detail. Can Kaz's love give Noni the courage to find her own voice and break free to become the artist she was meant to be?

An army major goes undercover as a college student. His mission is both professional and personal: to protect his general's daughter from a radical militant, and to find his estranged half-brother.

Keď Jackovi skríži cestu Angelica, tajomná žena z jeho minulosti, nemôže si byť ničím istý. Stále ho miluje, alebo ho len využíva pri hľadaní legendárnej Fontány mladosti? Situácia sa však ešte zhorší, keď je donútený nastúpiť na palubu lode Queen Anne’s Revenge, ktorej velí obávaný pirát Edward Teach, prezývaný „Blackbeard“. Jack nevie, koho sa má obávať viac, či Blackbearda, alebo záhadnej Angeliky a vydáva sa s nimi za nečakaným dobrodružstvom.

Japanese master spy Daka operates a covert espionage-sabotage organization located in Gotham City's now-deserted Little Tokyo, which turns American scientists into pliable zombies. The great crime-fighters Batman and Robin, with the help of their allies, are in pursuit.

Star is a young graffiti writer, the best in his city, Paris. His reputation attracts him as much into art galleries than in the police precincts. Accused of vandalism, he faces jail. Despite the threat, he decides to go to Rome with his crew in search of the meaning of his art.

Luca, a diction teacher, saves the life of a student which is the offspring of the famous "Serranò" criminal family. Out of nowhere, members of the Serranò family burst into Luca's life to repay him without accepting a "no" as an answer.

Detskí superšpióni Carmen a Juni Cortezovci pátrajú po ukradnutom prototype maskovača - prístroja, negujúceho každú energiu. Na malom ostrove, pri ktorom sa strácajú lode, nájdu šialeného vedca Romera, ktorý sa v podzemí ukrýva pred svojimi vlastnými výtvormi, zmutovanými výsledkami genetických pokusov. Keď sa im do cesty pripletú konkurenční detskí špióni Gigglesovci, na pomoc im bežia rodičia aj starí rodičia Cortezovci, všetko špičkoví špióni. Je jasné, že o ukradnutý prístroj sa na ostrove strhne veľká bitka.