Nakon ponovnog ujedinjenja s Gwen Stacy, Brooklynov prijateljski nastrojeni Spider-Man iz susjedstva katapultira se preko Multiverzuma, gdje susreće tim Spider-ljudi zaduženih za zaštitu njegovog postojanja. Ali kada se heroji sukobe oko toga kako se nositi s novom prijetnjom, Miles se nađe suprotstavljen drugim Spiderima i mora redefinirati što znači biti heroj kako bi mogao spasiti ljude koje najviše voli.

Radnja filma odvija se u 20-im godinama 20. stoljeća, tijekom građanskog rata u Irskoj. Dva dugogodišnja prijatelja nađu se u ćorsokaku kada jedan od njih naglo prekine njihovo prijateljstvo, s neočekivanim posljedicama za obojicu.

Događaji se odvijaju 1994. godine. Dvoje arheologa iz New Yorka, Noah i Elena, saznaju za drevni sukob između tri frakcije transformersa: Maximala, Predacona i Terrorconsa. Kada svijet bude korak bliže ponoru, čovječanstvo će morati udružiti snage u globalnom sukobu.

Rudolf Höss radi kao zapovjednik koncentracijskog logora Auschwitz. Neposredno izvan zidina logora nalazi se njegova vila s prostranom parcelom: mali bazen, travnjaci, grmlje - Hössova žena posvećuje puno truda uređenju vrta. Petero Hössove djece odrasta ovdje, njihovi kolege dolaze u posjet i ovdje planiraju svoju osobnu i profesionalnu budućnost.

Glavnog egzorcista Vatikana, prekaljenog Gabrielea Amortha pozivaju da istraži opsjednutost jednog dječaka. Poznavajući da 98% slučaja zahtjeva samo kvalitetnu psihološku pomoć, ostat će iznenađen kad otkrije da dječaka uistinu opsjeda demon, ali i da demon s Vatikanom dijeli dugo skrivanu misteriju te da su mu namjere puno gore nego što je Amorth očekivao... Film je inspiriran memoarima svećenika Gabrielea Amortha - “Egzorcist govori” i “Novi izvještaji jednog egzorcista” koji su brzo postali međunarodni bestseleri. Amorth je rođen 1925. godine u Modeni, zaređen je 1954., a u 61. godini života postaje egzorcist Rimske biskupije. Godine 1990. osniva Međunarodno udruženje egzorcista i predsjeda do 2000. Nakon toga, posvetio se gore navedenim memorarima koji su poslužili kao inspiracija za ovaj nadnaravni horor triler.

Chile, early 20th century. José Menéndez, a wealthy landowner, hires three horsemen to mark out the perimeter of his extensive property and open a route to the Atlantic Ocean across vast Patagonia.

Lucas is a 17-year-old gay teenager coping with the sudden and unexpected death of his father in an accident that may or may not have been suicide. He views his life as a wild animal in need of taming. Between a brother settled in Paris and a mother with whom he now lives alone, Lucas will have to fight to rediscover hope and love.

Kada Slater King upozna Fridu na svojoj dobrotvornoj gala večeri, zaiskre iskrice. Poziva je da mu se pridruži s prijateljima na putovanju iz snova na njegovom privatnom otoku. To je raj. Divlje noći prelaze u sunčane dane i svi se sjajno zabavljaju. Nitko ne želi da ovo putovanje završi, ali kako se počinju događati čudne stvari, Frida počinje preispitivati svoju stvarnost. Nešto nije u redu s ovim mjestom. Morat će otkriti istinu ako želi živa izaći s tog otoka.

February 1927. The funeral of Marcel Péricourt, the most powerful banker in Paris. His daughter Madeleine must take the helm of the financial empire of which she is the heiress. But she has a son, Paul, who with an unexpected and tragic gesture will place her on the path to ruin.

Sam is a professional boxer about to get released from prison. While on parole, his past catches up with him and he has no choice but to flee. Five years later, he has rebuilt a simple life on an exotic island in Thailand with his wife and her daughter, but when he gets blackmailed by a dangerous local godfather, he must embark on a dangerous drug smuggling mission which results in a tragedy. Now he has only one purpose: to seek merciless vengeance.

In the phantasmagorical town of Raven's End, a misguided young girl takes refuge in a decrepit old mortuary. The eccentric undertaker chronicles the strange history of the town through a series of twisted tales, each more terrifying than the last, but the young girl's world is unhinged when she discovers that the final story... is her own.

Profesionalni istrebljivač glodavaca u središtu je ove manje poznate kratke priče Roalda Dahla.

Following the death of her estranged father, Iris learns she has inherited a run-down, centuries-old pub. She travels to Berlin to identify her father’s body and meet with The Solicitor to discuss the estate. Little does she know, when the deed is signed she will become inextricably tied to an unspeakable entity that resides in the pub’s basement – Baghead – a shape-shifting creature that can transform into the dead.

U Hollywoodu 1980-ih, zvijezda filmova za odrasle i ambiciozna glumica Maxine Minx napokon je uspjela. Ali dok misteriozni ubojica uhodi holivudske starlete, krvavi trag prijeti otkriti njezinu zlokobnu prošlost.

Sama u švicarskim planinama, Anne otkriva da je njena izolirana koliba pod nadzorom i da je prisluškivana. Uhvaćena svojim prijašnjim životom tajne agentice obavještajne službe i aferom sa svojim nadređenim, Anne može računati samo na sebe da će izvući živu glavu.

After suffering a catastrophic and almost fatal spinal cord injury, professional rugby player Ed Jackson's world changed forever. Follows Ed's journey on his recovery as he achieves the mental and physical heights of Snowdonia, the Alps and Himalayas to the life-altering challenges closer to home.

A businessman wakes up beside an ancient grist mill situated in the center of an open-air prison cell with no idea how he got there. Forced to work as a beast of burden to stay alive, he must find a way to escape before the birth of his child.

In the fall of 1987, a group of small-town friends must survive the night in the home of a sinister couple after a tragic accident occurs. Needing only to make a single phone call, the request seems horribly ordinary until they realize that this call could change their life…or end it.

Reuniting for an unforgettable weekend, a group of high school friends takes a break from their separate lives at college to travel by RV to a musical festival. Their exciting weekend plans quickly unravel as they find themselves fighting to survive each other and the unknown.

Captured inside the darkness of the strange, designed room, a narcissistic journalist and a mean sinful woman learn the hard way that the truth cannot be buried forever and what begins quite harmlessly, ends in a game of life and death.