Mickey and his friends take a close look at important street safety situations and tips.
Minato is a university student and has a fear of germs. She isn't interested in looking pretty. She lives with her stepbrother Toru, who is her stepbrother from her mother's remarriage. Meanwhile, Toru is handsome and a player with the ladies. He doesn't resist women who come on to him and he doesn't stop women from leaving him either. Minato is uncomfortable with Toru and his ways with women. They are the same age and attend the same university. They have an agreement, where Toru will not approach Minato within 2 meters when they are outside. One day, due to her friend’s request, Minato puts on make-up and wears her friend’s high school uniform. While she is out walking in public, she happens to meet Toru. She unexpectedly lies to him about her identity and tells him that she is a high school student. Toru falls in love with her at first sight.
When '80s B-movie icon Tim Thomerson wakes up one day to realize the acting roles are not coming his way any more, he sets out on a quest to find his former co-star Lance Henriksen to discover his secret of Hollywood longevity and gets more than he bargained for in the process.
Špionážní thriller vychází z události, která svého času otřásla světem. Na letních OH v roce 1972 vtrhli v Mnichově do objektu obývaného izraelskou výpravou palestinští teroristé ze skupiny Černé září a zastřelili 12 sportovců. Izraelská tajná služba Mosad sestavila speciální komando, které má zlikvidovat všechny, kdo se na útoku podíleli. Pachatelé jsou roztroušeni po světě, pátrání je však neúprosné a pomyslný meč mstitelů dopadá na jednu hlavu za druhou. K realizaci tohoto televizního filmu se spojila koprodukce šesti zemí.
A woman not married to the President runs for First Lady, but she winds up getting a better proposal than she ever expected. First Lady is a classic romantic comedy with the backdrop of Presidential Politics and Royal Charm.
A comedy about breaking up enough times to finally move on. This funny and moving short asks how far will someone go to mend a broken heart as it follows a young woman and her unusual way of dealing with a brutal break-up.
V hlubokých lesích Západní Virgínie se má pod vedením bývalého armádního plukovníka Dalea Murphyho (Henry Rollins) natáčet reality show ve stylu "Trosečník". Vítěz si má odnést rovných sto tisíc dolarů. Účastníci musí přežít v nepřátelských podmínkách divočiny. Nadšeni soutěžící i televizní štáb však brzy zjistí, že skutečně musejí bojovat - a to proti silné, sadistické a kanibalské rodině, jejíž členové se podobají spíše na obludy než na lidi. Až když začnou umírat první lidé, podle slov plukovníka Dalea vysvitne, že před lety došlo v opuštěné chemické továrně k havárii, při které do potoka proniklo množství jedovatých látek, které zabili zvířata a transformovali potomků místní rodiny na neforemné monstra. Bez možnosti ulovit si zvěř či ryby, tak začali klást pasti na všech, kdo do lesa pronikly. A teď jejich potomci mají naději na skutečně bohatý "úlovek"...
Sourozenecká dvojice podvodníků přesvědčí truchlícího miliardáře Bena, že ho mohou seznámit s Bohem tváří v tvář. Přizvou svého dlouholetého mentora Franka, aby 'zahrál' Boha, a všichni tři se pokusí o největší podvod svého života.
This lurid exposé of the Hitler Youth follows the woes of an American girl declared legally German by the Nazi government.
Sexy couple Zack and Benji decide to have an “open” weekend to partake in the smorgasbord of available men on their vacation to a gay getaway in Palm Springs. When Zack runs into his ex-boyfriend Casey at the resort, they both do their best to look like they are having a good time. How could they not, when they are surrounded by cute, frisky guys with six-packs and very little clothing?
Germany, WWII: 10-year old Dagmar has just lost her beloved twin brother Doug and her family through a bomb attack. Together with a young girl who worked in the bakery of Dagmar's parents they escape to Bavaria and find shelter at some far relatives of Dagmar's family. The little girl just doesn't feel comfortable in the strange family but soon finds a good friend: Laurent, a 17-year old French alien employee. Laurent is tormented by August, the "head of the family", but cannot defend himself because as soon as he causes a conflict he will be sent into an approved school in France which is even worse. Dagmar and Laurent become very close and become almost like brother and sister, they are all they have and Dagmar even falls a bit in love with Laurent. One day August sees how Laurent hugs Dagmar, he provokes a conflict and at the end Laurent is sent back to France...
Top Nazi officials, intent on rooting out traitors and those in the military who may be plotting to overthrow Adolf Hitler, recruit and train a group of beautiful prostitutes whose mission is to use any means necessary to uncover plots against the Fuhrer.
This early short from director Jane Campion concerns a group of teenage girls in the 1960s.
Když si zaměstnankyně módního oddělení myslí, že po otěhotnění bude muset ukončit svou slibnou kariéru, její šéf jí nabídne adopci dítěte.
Yoo-jin is rough and manly while Yoo-jeong is feminine and cute. Yoo-jeong works in an office until she finds out she's getting fired. The chairman uses this against her to provide sexual service and Yoo-jeong has no choice but to spend a night with him. Yoo-jin finds out about this and makes a plan to make him pay back...
Pár na romantické dovolené uvízne na moři, když tropická bouře odnese jejich vilu. Aby přežili, jsou nuceni bojovat s živly, zatímco pod nimi krouží žraloci.
Over three years in the making, 'The Heart & The Sea' explores the joy that lies at the very centre of a surfing life: family, friends & a shared intimacy with the sea.
A captivating examination of human obsession and love, Woman of the Night offers three stories in one film. In the first tale, a perverse young student with a voyeuristic habit spies on two of his female roommates. The second story follows an office manager who develops an infatuation with his secretary. The last part is a complex family drama about a debilitated father who forces his family to leave him, only to have a bittersweet reunion when his daughter’s life is threatened.