Documentary on the legendary martial artist Bruce Lee, with a focus on the production of his unfinished film Game of Death. Using interviews and behind-the-scenes footage, Lee aficionado John Little paints a portrait of the world's most famous action hero, concluding with a new cut of Game of Death's action finale, reconstructed from Lee's notes and recently-recovered footage.

Sent into a drunken tailspin when his entire unit is killed by a gang of thrill-seeking punks, disgraced Hong Kong police inspector Wing needs help from his new rookie partner, with a troubled past of his own, to climb out of the bottle and track down the gang and its ruthless leader.

A speculative biopic about Swedish UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld, the anti-colonialist, allegedly queer diplomat who died under mysterious circumstances during the Cold War while trying to bring peace to the Congo.

A corrupt businessman commits a murder and the only witness is the girlfriend of another businessman with close connections to the Chinese government, so a bodyguard from Beijing is dispatched to help two Hong Kong cops protect the witness.

In Tokyo, Japan, several grotesque murders take place on rainy days. Detective Sawamura, who is in charge of the case, soon discovers that his own family is connected to the crimes.

Jackie je vrlo popularan kuhar u Melbourneu, jer često nastupa na televiziji. Diana je televizijska reporterka koja uspije snimiti mračne transakcije velikog narko-dilera Giancarla, no on i njegovi banditi primijete je dok ih snima. Krenu za njom u potjeru i u tom trenutku Diana se na ulici sudari sa Jackiejem. On premlati gangstere i spasi Dianu i njezinu dragocjenu videokasetu. U gužvi kod nje ostane njegova videokaseta na kojoj on prikazuje "tajne kuhanja", a kod njega kaseta na kojoj su snimljeni zločinci. Jackieju tada stigne u posjet djevojka Miki i kriminalci će je oteti kako bi ga prisilili da im vrati kasetu...

Novice policemen Stan and Ollie bungle a burglary investigation.

Kenneth (who likes to call himself Kay) begins to realise he's just another wannabe bad boy... even less than a loser in fact. After quitting his job at Laimsbury's, Kay vows to become a respected gangster... or cry trying. A pulls-no-punches, coming-of-age story, centering on one directionless hopeless "shotter", who finds his true worth in the face of urban adversity.

When Ruth Matthews's husband is killed in a fall at an archaeological dig, her daughter Sally handles her father's death in a very odd manner. As Sally's condition worsens, Ruth takes her to see Jake, an expert in childhood autism. Jake attempts to bring Sally out of her mental disarray through traditional therapy methods, but Ruth takes a different route. She risks her own sanity by attempting to enter her daughter's mind and make sense of the seemingly bizarre things that Sally does, including building a wondrous house of cards

Rick Pang, an IPSC champion who is also a gun expert who tinkers with his pistols to perfect his technique known as 'double tap' which is the terminology where a shooter can place two exact shots in the same spot to maximize marksmanship.

Na prijelazu 19. i 20. stoljeća lord Rathbone i njegovi kineski pomagači provaljuju u Zabranjeni grad te kradu carski pečat, a njegova čuvara ubiju. Kći čuvara carskog pečata Chon Lin mlada je i privlačna sestra iskusnog Chon Wana, koji je još uvijek u Americi, na Divljem zapadu. Lin obavijesti Chona što se dogodilo, i on s američkim prijateljem Royom O'Bannonom odlazi u London. U Londonu je i Lin, gdje saznaju da je lord Rathbone član kraljevske obitelji i Parlamenta, te da je povezan s kineskim ustanicima - bokserima...

Vođen intuicijom, Buck Yuen iznenadi pljačkaše u hongkonškom trgovačkom centru i oduzme im plijen. Nakon što se pojavi na televiziji, dospijeva u Istanbul preko Južne Koreje te, igrom slučaja, postaje špijun. Srećom, on je majstor kung-fua...

Jimmy Tong zaposli se kao vozač tajnog agenta Clarka Devlina. Kad Devlin nastrada u pokušaju atentata, Jimmy otkriva kako je Devlinovo odijelo posljednje čudo tehnologije koje ga po želji može pretvoriti u borilački stroj ili plesnog eksperta. Zajedno s mladom agenticom Del Blaine, Jimmy kreće u brobu protiv manijakalnog Dietricha Banninga, zločinca koji je naumio zatrovati svu pitku vodu svijeta...

Nate takes his family for a camping trip to reconnect. When they pull off at a rest stop, a gang of thieves hides their stash from an armored car robbery among the family belongings. They soon find themselves on the run and the gang will stop at nothing to get their money back.

Bored with Bollywood movies but fascinated with their Hollywood counterparts from his youth, Ram dreams to become a singer and actor in America, the country where dreams are made. He is encouraged when his American-based close friend, Vijay Rao, comes for visit, and brags about driving a Mercedes and living in a penthouse.

Sean Kane is forced to resign from the San Francisco Police Department's Narcotics Division when he goes berserk after his partner is murdered. He decides to fight alone and follows a trail of drug traffickers into unexpected high places.

Two Florida high school vixens hatch a murderous plan to win an inheritance, but they hadn't bargained for an escalating whirlpool of blackmail and sexual games with a sleazy insurance investigator who has his own plans for the money.

Bumbling R&D inventors Bruce and Lloyd get out of the lab and into the field as they search to locate their latest invention - which has somehow gone missing. When you're used to spending your day inventing the most cutting edge spy equipment known to man, adapting the stealth and guile needed to become a true secret agent doesn't come naturally. Unfortunately the invisibility cloak that the pair recently collaborated on has disappeared, and in order to ensure that it doesn't fall into the hands of KAOS they will have to master the skills of a true spy. But how exactly does one find an object that's invisible to begin with? As the search gets underway, these brainy inventors are given an eye-opening crash course in high-level espionage.

Five criminals unknown to each other are hired to complete a bank robbery. What should have been a smooth operation soon descends into paranoia, violence and horror.