Ielaušanās laikā tiek ievainots vīrs, bet nogalināta sieva un meitiņa. Vainīgie vēlāk tiek apcietināti, bet tieši slepkavam likumdošanas un ekspertu kļūmju dēļ tiek piespriests minimāls cietumsods. Nepavisam ne vienkāršais tēvs nolemj atriebties gan vainīgajiem, gan tiesu sistēmai.

An outcast half-wolf risks his life to prevent a deadly epidemic from ravaging Nome, Alaska.

A UK-based military officer in command of a top secret drone operation to capture terrorists in Kenya discovers the targets are planning a suicide bombing and the mission escalates from “capture” to “kill.” As American pilot Steve Watts is about to engage, a nine-year old girl enters the kill zone, triggering an international dispute reaching the highest levels of US and British government over the moral, political, and personal implications of modern warfare.

A year after his father's death, Oskar, a troubled young boy, discovers a mysterious key he believes was left for him by his father and embarks on a scavenger hunt to find the matching lock.

Septiņi svešinieki ir iesprostoti labirintā, kas sastāv no nāvīgām lamatām.

Following a bomb scare in the 1960s that locked the Webers into their bomb shelter for 35 years, Adam now ventures forth into Los Angeles to obtain food and supplies for his family, and a non-mutant wife for himself.

Hellboy, his pyrokinetic girlfriend, Liz, and aquatic empath, Abe Sapien, face their biggest battle when an underworld elven prince plans to reclaim Earth for his magical kindred. Tired of living in the shadow of humans, Prince Nuada tries to awaken an ancient force of killing machines, the all-powerful Golden Army, to clear the way for fantasy creatures to roam free. Only Hellboy can stop the dark prince and prevent humanity's annihilation.

A man glimpses the future Fate has planned for him – and chooses to fight for his own destiny. Battling the powerful Adjustment Bureau across, under and through the streets of New York, he risks his destined greatness to be with the only woman he's ever loved.

Kravas vilciena mašīnista neuzmanības kļūdas dēļ vilciena sastāvs ar indīgām un toksiskām vielām ir uzņēmis ātrumu. Dzelzceļa pārvadājumu kompānijas dispečeri dara ko var lai novērstu katastrofu, tomēr visi mēģinājumi beidzas ar neveiksmi. Tikmēr cita vilciena mašīnists, par mata tiesu izvairījies no sadursmes ar nāvējošo vilciena sastāvu, pieņem lēmumu dzīties tam pakaļ, lai apturētu to.

A prim and proper schoolgirl goes against her society grandmother's wishes when she dates a motorcycle-riding juvenile delinquent.

Vampīru kopienā - The Reaper - ir notikusi reta mutācija. Vampīrs, kas tik ļoti patērēts ar negausīgu asinsspiedienu, ka viņi upurē vampīriem, kā arī cilvēkiem, pārvēršot upurus, kuri ir pietiekami neveiksmīgi, lai izdzīvotu, par Reapers. Vampīru tauta lūdz asmeni pēc viņa palīdzības murgainā mēra novēršanā, kas iznīcinātu gan cilvēkus, gan vampīrus.

For generations, the people of the City of Ember have flourished in an amazing world of glittering lights. But Ember's once powerful generator is failing and the great lamps that illuminate the city are starting to flicker. Now, two teenagers, in a race against time, must search Ember for clues that will unlock the ancient mystery of the city's existence, before the the lights go out forever.

Top student Jane Ryan heads to Manhattan for a college-scholarship competition. Her rebellious twin Roxy Ryan goes along to crash a video shoot. But anything can happen - and does - in a romp involving a pursuing truant officer, a smuggler, hunkalicious guys and the girls' realization that when the chips are down, a sister can be the best friend of all.

Billy Madison is the 27 year-old son of Bryan Madison, a very rich man who has made his living in the hotel industry. Billy stands to inherit his father's empire, but only if he can make it through all 12 grades, 2 weeks per grade, to prove that he has what it takes to run the family business.

Van Wilder has been attending college for far too many years and is scared to graduate, but Van’s father eventually realizes what is going on. When he stops paying his son's tuition fees, Van must come up with the money if he wants to stay in college, so he and his friends come up with a great fund-raising idea – throwing parties. However, when the college magazine finds out and reporter, Gwen is sent to do a story on Van Wilder, things get a little complicated.

Krāpšanā pieķertajam miljonāram Džeimsam Kingam tiek dotas 30 dienas laika savest kārtībā darījumus pirms došanās cietumā. Izmisušais hedžfondu menedžeris lūdz savam paziņam afroamerikānim Darnelam Lūisam palīdzēt viņam sagatavoties dzīvei aiz restēm. Pretēji Džeimsa pieņēmumiem, Darnels ir strādīgs uzņēmējs, kurš nekad nav bijis cietumā. Kamēr Darnels palīdz Džeimsam sagatavoties dzīvei nebrīvē, abi vīri atklāj, cik aplamu aizspriedumu varā bijuši par daudzām lietām, tostarp viens par otru.

After the death of the paranoid emperor Tiberius, Caligula, his heir, seizes power and plunges the empire into a bloody spiral of madness and depravity.

Piecas labākās koledžas laika draudzenes satiekas pēc 10 gadiem, lai nedēļas nogalē Maiami sarīkotu mežonīgu vecmeitu ballīti. Trakās uzdzīves laikā notiek dramatisks pavērsiens – viņas nejauši nogalina kādu striptīza dejotāju.

The fledgling romance between Nick, a playboy bachelor, and Suzanne, a divorced mother of two, is threatened by a particularly harrowing New Years Eve. When Suzanne's work keeps her in Vancouver for the holiday, Nick offers to bring her kids to the city from Portland, Oregon. The kids, who have never liked any of the men their mom dates, are determined to turn the trip into a nightmare for Nick.

Iemīļotais doktors Dūlitls ir atgriezies un viņam atkal ir jāveic svarīgi pienākumi-šoreiz viņš cenšas glābt mežu un kāda lāča dzīvību.