During the San Fermín celebrations in Pamplona in 1969, a man died when the bulls were let loose. There was nothing to identify him, except for the letter “H” on his keyring. Carlos Pardo Ros imagines this man’s last night: a drunken nocturnal stroll with the ghosts of H, at one of the world’s biggest folk festivals.

In the 1970’s, a group of high-schoolers, obsessed with Star Wars, picks up an 8mm camera and attempts to make their own sci-fi film.

A mother searches for her missing son after a devastating calamity, only to realize that she has died and is now confined to a realm of restless spirits.

Tang Zhijun, an editor of a science fiction magazine, attempts to find signs of an alien civilisation. When a strange young man claims to have received instructions from aliens, Tang and his team follow him in search of extraterrestrial creatures.

Млад крадец помага от чувство на мъжко приятелство и солидарност на закоравял престъпник.

Съвременното корейско кино ни поднася поредната изключително забавна и същевременно смислена екшън комедия. Тя демонстрира уникалната способността за кинематографична самоирония в контекста на твърде сериозен проблем - разделението на Корея. Изпълнен с динамични и иновативни бойни сцени, майсторски преплетени с чувство за хумор на ръба на пародията и абсурда, "Съвършено секретно" се нарежда сред един от най-взривяващите филми за 2013, който шеметно събира само в премиерния си ден приблизително 500 000 продадени билета. За режисьора Чан Чхол Су, който бе обявен за откритие на новото корейско кино през 2010 година на фестивала в Кан, това е дебютен игрален филм. Преди това той е работил съвместно с Ким Ки-док по "Пролет, лято, есен, зима.. и пак пролет" и "Самарянка".

Four siblings, Saleh, Fajar, Tyas and Azizah, have heard stories about heaven and hell since childhood. They were educated strictly by their father, a young ustad who was well respected in the village. One night, on their way to the opposite village without their parents knowing, Saleh and his younger siblings were swept away by a strong river current and disappeared. Saleh then woke up in another realm, the hell that his father always talked about. A search is carried out in the world to find the father's children, whether alive or dead. One by one the secrets are revealed, making fathers and mothers question whether they are providing enough for their children. In hell, Saleh and the others also look for each other, while facing increasing torment for the sins they have been hiding.

When a mysterious corpse is found in a river, a distressed police officer delves into a string of grisly murders as danger quickly approaches.

Shun Fujishiro is a psychiatrist and works at a university hospital in Tokyo. He is engaged to Yayoi Sakamoto. One day in April, when he is about to marry Yayoi Sakamoto, he receives a letter from his first love Haru Iyoda. They dated 10 years ago. Suddenly, his fiancé Yayoi Sakamoto disappears.

Comedian and actor Chris D’Elia, known for his dynamic physical comedy, explains why the NFL would be way more entertaining if it were real lions, bears and Vikings battling each other, that babies are the worst prize ever, and that you should never ask a Cuban directions unless you’re ready for the best time of your life.

At the spooky western styled mansion turned restaurant "Thriller Restaurant," Kuroka and Ryu disappear. After their disappearance others start to disappear at the restaurant. Rumors soon start that the devil himself is responsible for the missing persons.

Jimmy Carr refutes the idea that one can't joke about anything these days with his edgy takes on gun control, religion, cancel culture, and consent.

Good-natured teen surfer Mitchell Goosen finds himself staying with his aunt and uncle in Cincinnati, Ohio when his parents head to Australia for work. There he meets his cousin, Wiley, and together they try to navigate the perils of high school—avoid the bullies, get the girl, and win a little respect.

На бивш агент от специалните части поставят експериментален супер чип в главата с цел да го направят супершпионин. Но той разбира, че освен че го използват могат да го убият по всяко време, като изключат чипът в главата му. Затова се обръща срещу създателите на програмата.

В центъра на сюжета е мъж, който сам възпитава дъщеря си. Той работи като тираджия и често я взема със себе си. В камионът даже е оборудвана детска стаичка за дъщеря му. Но на последния му курс, дъщеря му е отвлечена от един паркинг. Той тръгва да я търси и разбира, че дъщеря му е отвлечена от трафиканти на хора. Уменията му като бивш военен от специалните части му помагат да я открие и да накаже виновните.

Fed up of his business partner, Ernest Trend hires the services of two exterminators. When things go drastically wrong and they murder the wrong man, the race is on to frame an innocent video surveillance man.

The economic gap widens between the affluent, technologically advanced, hybrid Coordinators and the simple Earth Alliance known as the Naturals; the rift, unsurprisingly, has driven them apart in the 70th year of the Cosmic times. In an effort to bridge the chasm between them and the Coordinators, the Naturals have built five Gundam warriors that they hope will serve as their potent weapons. But will their plan work?

Six complete strangers with widely varying personalities are involuntarily placed in an endless maze of interlocking cube-shaped rooms containing deadly traps.

When an abused wife grows to giant size because of an alien encounter and an aborted murder attempt, she goes after her cheating husband with revenge on her mind.

Three cat burgling sisters have to go up against the police and a Chinese crime syndicate in order to rescue their kidnapped father.