In post-war Italy, the family of typical housewife Delia is in turmoil over the impending engagement of beloved firstborn Marcella. The arrival of a mysterious letter, however, will ignite Delia's courage to face her abusive husband and imagine a better future.

تابع الرحلة الأسطورية لبول أتريدس وهو يتحد مع تشاني وفريمن أثناء وجوده في طريق حربي للانتقام من المتآمرين الذين دمروا عائلته. في مواجهة الاختيار بين حب حياته ومصير الكون المعروف ، يسعى بولس إلى منع مستقبل رهيب لا يستطيع التنبؤ به سواه.

يتناول العمل السيرة الذاتية لناشط حقوق الإنسان نيكولاس وينتون، ودوره البارز في حماية وإنقاذ المئات من الأطفال في أوروبا الوسطى من الحكم النازي خلال الحرب العالمية الثانية.

في "اليابان" بعد الحرب، ينضم طيار حربي سابق يعاني من الصدمة إلى جهود المدنيين في مواجهة وحش عملاق مطور نوويًّا يهاجم شواطئهم.

Two young brothers are abandoned by their mother during summer of 1948, they run into the forest and survive there for seven years.

To escape the police, a father and his son are forced to find refuge in a summer camp for young adults with mental disabilities, taking on the role of an educator and a boarder. The beginning of troubles and a wonderful human experience that will change them forever.

Paloma is a serious and highly articulate but deeply bored 11-year-old who has decided to kill herself on her 12th birthday. Fascinated by art and philosophy, she questions and documents her life and immediate circle, drawing trenchant and often hilarious observations on the world around her. But as her appointment with death approaches, Paloma finally meets some kindred spirits in her building's grumpy janitor and an enigmatic, elegant neighbor, both of whom inspire Paloma to question her rather pessimistic outlook on life.

2123. Faced with diminishing resources, the human race can only survive through a trade-off: at the age of 50, every citizen is gradually turned into a tree. When Stefan discovers that his beloved wife Nora has voluntarily signed up for donating her own body before her time, he sets out on an adventurous journey to save her at all costs.

A wanna-be director is given 48 hours by a producer to find the best groan of pain, worthy of an Oscar, as the only condition to back his film.

يدور العمل حول علاقة تجمع بين الطباخة الماهرة يوجين وبين الذواق المخضرم دودين، وكيف يُصبح عالم الطهي والطعام منفذًا لعلاقة حب غير عادية.

تعيش دمية في مدينة باربيلاند تُدعى باربي، وحينما تُطرد من المدينة بسبب عدم كونها مثالية، تنطلق باربي في مغامرة بالعالم الحقيقي على أمل إثبات جدارتها والعودة إلى وطنها.

When the denizens of Littlehampton – including conservative Edith – begin receiving letters full of hilarious profanities, rowdy Irish migrant Rose is charged with the crime. Suspecting something amiss, the town's women band together to investigate.

يستكشف العمل بدايات نهاية العالم، بظهور مخلوقات مفترسة، وكيف أصبح على البشر العيش في هدوء تام ليتمكنوا من تفادي تلك المخلوقات المميتة، وتتوالى الأحداث.

يحاول زوج من الفئران الصعود إلى سفينة نوح: فيني، الشاعر ذو الشخصية الجذابة الذي يعاني من رهبة المسرح الرهيبة، وتيتو، عازف الجيتار الموهوب والساحر. عندما يهطل المطر، يُسمح لذكر وأنثى واحدة فقط من كل نوع بالصعود إلى سفينة نوح. وبمساعدة صرصور بارع وحظ سعيد، يتسلل فيني وتيتو إلى السفينة ويتجنبان معًا مواجهة بين الحيوانات آكلة اللحوم على متن السفينة. وأكلة النبات . طوال الوقت، تؤدي الحيوانات سلسلة من الأغاني الكلاسيكية المستوحاة من الشاعر العالمي الشهير فينيسيوس دي مورايس. هل يستطيع هؤلاء المسافرون الموهوبون استخدام الموسيقى لكسر التوتر ومساعدة هذه المخلوقات المحاصرة على البقاء على قيد الحياة لمدة 40 يومًا و40 ليلة معًا؟

The extraordinary story of Amy Winehouse’s early rise to fame from her early days in Camden through the making of her groundbreaking album, Back to Black that catapulted Winehouse to global fame. Told through Amy’s eyes and inspired by her deeply personal lyrics, the film explores and embraces the many layers of the iconic artist and the tumultuous love story at the center of one of the most legendary albums of all time.

Julien, a young teacher, is wrongfully accused of sexual misconduct by a teenage girl from his class. As he faces mounting pressures from the girl’s older brother and her classmates, the situation spirals out of control. Allegations spread, the entire school is thrown into turmoil, and the teacher has to fight to clear his name.

Katherine Parr, the sixth wife of King Henry VIII, is named regent while the tyrant battles abroad. When the king returns, increasingly ill and paranoid, Katherine finds herself fighting for her own survival.

After 25 years together, married life has taken its toll on Xavier and Sophie, so when Sophie decides to invite their neighbours over for dinner, Xavier is less than enthusiastic to say the least! He can’t stand how obviously still in love they are and their lack of discretion… especially at night! On coming face-to-face with the uninhibited couple, Xavier and Sophie will be forced to confront their own, sad reality, before finding themselves pushed into a corner by a somewhat… indecent proposal.

During a heat wave, strange clouds start pouring down acid rain, wreaking devastation and panic throughout France. In a world teetering on the edge, a girl and her divorced parents must join forces to confront and try to escape this climate catastrophe.

When a deadly airborne virus threatens to wipe out the northeastern United States, teacher Elliott Moore and his wife Alma flee from contaminated cities into the countryside in a fight to discover the truth. Is it terrorism, the accidental release of some toxic military bio weapon -- or something even more sinister?