The mother of a feudal lord's only heir is kidnapped away from her husband by the lord. The husband and his samurai father must decide whether to accept the unjust decision, or risk death to get her back.

Întrebările apar atunci când senatorul Stoddard participă la înmormântarea unui localnic pe nume Tom Doniphon într-un mic oraș din vest. În retrospectivă, aflăm că Doniphon l-a salvat pe Stoddard, pe atunci avocat, când a fost lovit de un grup de haiduci care terorizau orașul, conduși de Liberty Valance. Pe măsură ce siguranța teritoriului era în echilibru, Doniphon și Stoddard, doi dintre singurii oameni care i-au înfruntat, s-au dovedit a fi inamici foarte importanți, dar diferiți pentru Valance.

A couple's attitudes are challenged when their daughter brings home a fiancé who is black.

Prior to a city council election, the collapse of a building leaves a land developer and his political backers defending themselves against a scandal.

Bruno Stroszek is released from prison and warned to stop drinking. He has few skills and fewer expectations: with a glockenspiel and an accordion, he ekes out a living as a street musician. He befriends Eva, a prostitute down on her luck and they join his neighbor, Scheitz, an elderly eccentric, when he leaves Germany to live in Wisconsin.

Homer, un constructor șomer, ajunge întâmplător la o fermă administrată de un grup de călugărițe est-europene, aflată undeva în deșert. Capul călugărițelor, Maica Maria, începe să creadă ca Homer a fost trimis de însuși Dumnezeu, pentru a construi biserica pe care călugărițele și-o doreau atât de mult.

Johnny Case, a freethinking financier, has finally found the girl of his dreams — Julia Seton, the spoiled daughter of a socially prominent millionaire — and she's agreed to marry him. But when Johnny plans a holiday for the two to enjoy life while they are still young, his fiancée has other plans & that is for Johnny to work in her father's bank!

Miguel, a young psychiatrist working in Madrid, learns that his wife has just dumped him for no one else than his own father while he's expecting his mother-in-law's visit, who's come to the city on a medical revision, and doesn't know anything about her daughter's affair; to make things worse, one of Miguel's deranged patients has just stolen his wallet. Going to his patient's home to retrieve his wallet he'll meet instead his spontaneous and outspoken hairdresser sister Jasmina, who's bound to change Miguel's ordered, upper-middle-class world for good.

A Jewish woman named Jettel Redlich flees Nazi Germany with her daughter Regina, to join her husband, Walter, on a farm in Kenya. At first, Jettel refuses to adjust to her new circumstances, bringing with her a set of china dishes and an evening gown. While Regina adapts readily to this new world, forming a strong bond with her father's cook, an African named Owuor.

Proaspat casatoriti cei doi locuiesc la mansarda unui imobil din apropierea unui parc. Pe langa marea iubire apar si micile probleme ale vietii de zi cu zi, vecini draguti, vecini "binevoitori", mama soacra intr-o "scurta" vizita de spionaj. Pe langa comicul de situatii, inerent unei astfel de productii cinematografice, apar si momente sublime datorate celor doi actori, la vremea aceea printre cei mai iubiti ai ecranului.

After being double-crossed and left for dead, a mysterious man named Walker single-mindedly tries to retrieve the rather inconsequential sum of money that was stolen from him.

An up-and-coming poker player tries to prove himself in a high-stakes match against a long-time master of the game.

Young lovers Orfeu and Eurydice run through the favelas of Rio during Carnaval, on the lam from a hitman dressed like Death and Orfeu's vengeful fiancée Mira and passing between moments of fantasy and stark reality. This impressionistic retelling of the Greek legend of Orpheus and Eurydice introduced bossa nova to the world with its soundtrack by young Brazilian composers Luiz Bonfá and Antonio Carlos Jobim.

Nazi hunter Ezra Lieberman discovers a sinister and bizarre plot to rekindle the Third Reich.

Jackie is a boy who is so trapped by his fears and doubts that he could not communicate with anyone. Then, a magic dragon named Puff comes to help Jackie by taking his soul force on a wonderous voyage to his island of Honah Lee. Along the way, they have adventures that nurture Jackie's imagination and courage in unorthodox ways.

An enigmatic man returns to his Alabama hometown as his sister is dying of cancer and incites the suspicion of notable town officials.

Vânătorul John Moon încearcă să împuște o căprioară, dar în schimb nimerește o tânără. Moon descoperă lângă cadavrul fetei o cutie plină cu bani. Vânătorul ia banii, angajează un avocat și încearcă să ascundă crima. Atunci când descoperă că banii aparțin unui grup de criminali, Moon devine cel vânat.

A recording of Horowitz's historic 1986 recital in Moscow, the program also includes highlights of his return to his native Soviet Union--his first visit in 61 years.

In the swinging sixties three girls discover they have the same boyfriend who has been playing around with them all while vowing fidelity to each. To teach him a lesson he won't forget, the trio contrive to lock him up and continually favour him with their attentions in turn.

The Hallows Estate is on alert as strange graffiti tags with messages declaring the streets will be taken over on Halloween night begin to appear on walls around the place, along with sightings of strange figures lurking in the shadows. One of the gangs responsible for the serious anti social behavior that give the estate a bad name, decide to take these threats head on and ignore the curfew on Halloween night. But who ever, or what ever, this new threat is, they seem to have the very night on their side as they make good on their promise of claiming the streets by frightening and violent means.