The Red Mountain Tribe hangs out in my backyard. "Lipton's lovely home movie PEOPLE, in its affection for valuable inconsequential gestures, indicates in the course of its three minutes why there has to be a continuing alternative to the commercial cinema." – Roger Greenspun, The New York Times

UFC on Fuel TV 4: Munoz vs. Weidman was a mixed martial arts event held by the Ultimate Fighting Championship. The event took place on July 11, 2012 at the HP Pavilion in San Jose, California.

A documentary about the legendary and influential comedian, actor and writer, who went out from the BBC to conquer Hollywood, but sadly the system quickly withdrew its support when they couldn't contain his talents. This portrait is spiked with many comments from people who knew Feldman privately or had dealt with him professionally. His early death sadly rendered him all but forgotten by the public. The compilation consists of interviews, some film clips and photos as well as various audio clips from him.

A robot is trying to keep a sunflower alive through different attempts but always comes out unsuccessful. His attempts get more and more desperate as all he wants is to make the sunflower see the sun. It goes to the absolute extreme and flies to the sun. In the end, the robot is an imaginary representation of a kid sitting on his bed ending a one-sided friendship.

The story of Charlotte Brown,a waitress and young single mother who will do anything for her daughter Jenny, and when push comes to shove, she does. With a menacing figure on the other end of the phone and a time limit of two hours,she must raise enough money to ensure that she sees the smiling face of her child again. Charlotte's customers are her only hope. The clock is ticking as we see the desperate young mother dealing with one eccentric customer after the next, displaying her charming vulnerability and inspiring strength through all the chaos. With her feet firmly planted on the ground, Charlotte maintains her focus and attempts to beat the clock and save the day.

A spurned love bird tries to get Sylvester to put him out of his misery.

Feluda, the famous Bengali detective tackles an international buyer, a corrupt arts agent, numerous henchmen and impostors in this story that revolves around a painting of Jesus by the famous Italian painter Tintoretto.

纸盒子堆积如山的收发室内,传送带一刻不停运转。一高一矮两个小黄人担任货物分发工作。矮个的根据货物不同类型盖上黄、蓝、绿、紫不同颜色的图章,高个的则根据图章颜色将货物放入相应颜色的管道中。不同于矮个子的兢兢业业,高个子小黄人擅长偷奸耍滑,边工作边玩游戏,根本不理会同伴的抱怨。其中一个箱子堵住通道,矮个小黄人前去疏通,谁知被喷了一身紫色神秘液体。在此之后,他的身体发生异变,转眼化身为残暴凶猛的紫色怪兽,将身边所有的物件都吞下肚。这时三只可爱的小猫被传送带送来,可怕的事即将发生……   本片为动画片《卑鄙的我2》番外短片。

In Relation, the focus of the viewer’s attention is guided by pointers moving through the screen.

A short animation by Haruka Suzuki based on the poem "Asa" by Ikuko Shirakuma

When a shipwreck is found on the shores of Dinotopia, Karl uses his newly discovered radio to make contact with the drifting survivors. But what will happen if that bridge between two worlds is crossed?

Trnka’s sci-fi vision of the future in which machines and robots try to substitute themselves into the most beautiful human relationships. A cybernetic robot is supposed to substitute for the loving grandmother of a little girl. The wise grandmother, however, comes back and the girl finds the warmth of her grandmother’s loving arms again. Trnka’s artistic ideas in this film can be described as both poetically fragile and dramatically cautionary.

Pride The Best Vol. 1 was a mixed martial arts event held by the Pride Fighting Championships. It took place at the Korakuen Hall in Tokyo, Japan on February 22, 2002.

By mutual agreement, a man and a woman are separated to allow the wife to join her lover.

Hillary and Bonnie meet one morning by the side of the road. They become fast friends, share their secrets, and, on a rising wave of frenzy, later that afternoon, murder an old woman. They did it, they say later, for fun.

外出就餐 5 剧情紧承上一部“戏剧营”,讲述了扎克和和新男友本奇前往同志度假村享受二人世界。饱览各色男体的本奇食指大动,向扎克提出各有各玩的开放性周末提议……

A photographer has his camera all set up to take a gentleman's picture. The subject checks his face in a hand mirror, and the photographer poses him. Just as the photographer is about to take the picture, the subject gets up to look at the camera more closely. The frustrated photographer soon becomes quite impatient.

Using excerpts from films made by students of the Berlin film academy within the last 50 years, this movie creates a fusion of intense cinematic expressions and gestures. It shows the spirit of past times, aesthetics and attitude, making film history palpable.

Anolan is a soloist in a string orchestra, lives with her mother and dedicates every minute to his profession; Enmanuel is a peasant resident in the Sierra Maestra who devotes his time to working the land, accompanied by his young son.