An up-and-coming chef and a recent divorcée find their lives forever changed when a chance encounter brings them together, in a decade-spanning, deeply moving romance.

A former child star torments her paraplegic sister in their decaying Hollywood mansion.

With the intention to break free from the strict familial restrictions, a suicidal young woman sets up a marriage of convenience with a forty-year-old addict, an act that will lead to an outburst of envious love.

Ko ob jezeru Caddo izgine osemletna deklica, se začne povezovati vrsta preteklih smrti in izginotij, kar spremeni zgodovino razbite družine.

Leta 1906 se kmet iz Oklahome zaplete v spletko, ki razkrije njegovo presenetljivo resnično identiteto. Akcijski vestern o kmetu, ki sprejme ranjenega človeka s torbo, polno denarja. Ko pridejo po denar, se mora odločiti, komu bo verjel. Odkrije svoj talent z orožjem in se začne spraševati o svoji pravi identiteti.

After the unexpected death of the Pope, Cardinal Lawrence is tasked with managing the covert and ancient ritual of electing a new one. Sequestered in the Vatican with the Catholic Church’s most powerful leaders until the process is complete, Lawrence finds himself at the center of a conspiracy that could lead to its downfall.

Seven years after the death of his wife, widower Shigeharu seeks advice on how to find a new wife from a colleague. Taking advantage of their position as a film company, they stage an audition. Interviewing a series of women, Shigeharu is enchanted by the quiet Asami. But soon things take a twisted turn as Asami isn’t what she seems to be.

Dvanajstega ponoči je svojevrsten detektivski triler, v katerem se zrcalijo razklana sodobna družba ter skrhani odnosi med moškimi in ženskami. Vsak policijski preiskovalec prej ali slej naleti na primer, ki ga ne neha preganjati. Za Yohana je to Clarin umor … Film je slavil na podelitvi cezarjev, na kateri je osvojil kar šest nagrad, tudi za najboljši celovečerec.

While serving as a juror in a high profile murder trial, family man Justin Kemp finds himself struggling with a serious moral dilemma…one he could use to sway the jury verdict and potentially convict—or free—the accused killer.

Ko svobodomiselna Elliott na zabavi za svoj 18. rojstni dan zaužije skrivnostno substanco, jo ta popelje v noro pustolovščino, kjer sreča svojo prihodnjo različico – žensko, ki jo čaka čez dobrih 20 let. Kaj se zgodi, ko mladoletna upornica naleti na utrujeno, zrelejšo verzijo sebe? Poplava nepredvidljivih situacij, nešteto smešnih trenutkov in priložnost za samorefleksijo.

The story is set at the beginning of the 20th century in Sicily. Salvatore, a very poor farmer, and a widower, decides to emigrate to the US with all his family, including his old mother. Before they embark, they meet Lucy. She is supposed to be a British lady and wants to come back to the States. Lucy, or Luce as Salvatore calls her, for unknown reasons wants to marry someone before to arrive to Ellis Island in New York. Salvatore accepts the proposal. Once they arrive in Ellis Island they spend the quarantine period trying to pass the examinations to be admitted to the States. Tests are not so simple for poor farmers coming from Sicily. Their destiny is in the hands of the custom officers.

Mistična ljubezenska romanca. Undine je zgodovinarka, zaposlena kot vodnica v muzeju, ki predstavlja zgodovino mesta Berlin. Pozna vse o Berlinskem mestnem dvorcu in zna se obleči tako, da naredi vtis. Tudi ko obiskovalcem pojasnjuje svoje vedenje o mestu, ki je zraslo na močvirju, je profesionalna, a obenem graciozna. Kljub temu pa jo zapusti njen moški Johannes in svet se ji za trenutek podre, magičnost ljubezni pa izgine. A ne za dolgo. Misticizem zgodbe o vodnem duhu poskrbi, da se Undine ponovno zaljubi. Tokrat je njen izbranec Christoph, industrijski potapljač, ki se mu Undine povsem preda …

To bo najboljše poletje doslej!!! Tara, Skye in Em prispejo v grško žurersko letovišče Malia na počitnice svojega življenja – popivanje, druženje v klubih in flirtanje – obredno potovanje, ki ga mora pred vstopom v odraslost odkljukati vsako dekle. Tara je še zadnja devica, ki bi to rada na vsak način spremenila, njeni prijateljici pa z veseljem sodelujeta v kaosu...

In a sleepy provincial town, a Jehovah’s Witness community is under attack from an extremist group. In the midst of this conflict is Yana, the wife of the community leader, whose familiar world is slowly crumbling around her. Meanwhile, a detective intrudes on her home with devastating consequences.

After being discharged from the Army, Brian Flanagan moves back to Queens and takes a job in a bar run by Doug Coughlin, who teaches Brian the fine art of bar-tending. Brian quickly becomes a patron favorite with his flashy drink-mixing style, and Brian adopts his mentor's cynical philosophy on life and goes for the money.

A grief-stricken cantor in a crisis of faith finds his world turned upside down when his grade school music teacher re-enters his life as his new adult Bat Mitzvah student. The two forlorn souls develop a special connection.

A modern day adaptation of the ancient Greek play Lysistrata by Aristophanes, set against the backdrop of gang violence in Chicago.

V mestu Novi Rim, ki mu grozi propad, se razvname spor med vizionarskim umetnikom Cezarjem Katilino in konservativnim županom Franklynom Cicerom. Prvi sanja o utopični prihodnosti, drugi pa vztraja pri nazadnjaškem statusu quo, ki vzdržuje pohlep, osebne interese in strankarsko vojno. Med njiju je razpeta Julia Cicero, županova hči, katere ljubezen do Cezarja je zamajala njeno lojalnost do očeta.

A people-pleasing young woman is involuntarily estranged from her narcissistic father and unexpectedly befriends a childless man with the same name as her father on the internet.

Once upon a time, a poor woodcutter and his wife lived in a great forest. Cold, hunger, poverty and a war raging all around them meant their lives were very hard. One day, the woodcutter's wife rescues a baby. A baby girl thrown from one of the many trains that constantly pass through the forest. This baby, this "most precious of cargoes", will transform the lives of the poor woodcutter's wife and her husband, as well as those whose paths the child will cross - including the man who threw her from the train. And some will try to protect her, whatever the cost. Their story will reveal the worst and the best in the hearts of men.