Orbiting a quiet backwater planet, the massed forces of the universe's deadliest species gather, drawn to a mysterious message that echoes out to the stars. And amongst them, the Doctor. Rescuing Clara from a family Christmas dinner, the Time Lord and his best friend must learn what this enigmatic signal means for his own fate and that of the universe.

Amy Pond and Rory Williams are trapped on a crashing space liner, and the only way the Eleventh Doctor can rescue them is to save the soul of a lonely old miser. But is Kazran Sardick, the richest man in Sardicktown, beyond redemption? And what is lurking in the fogs of Christmas Eve?

Un tanar este fortat sa semneze o declaratie prin care recunoaste a fi autorul unui atentat cu bomba in care au murit multi oameni nevinovati, si ca este membru IRA. Din acel moment familia lui este intemnitata si blamata, tatal lui devenindu-i coleg de celula. Vor lupta amandoi din rasputeri pentru a-si dovedi nevinovatia, iar tatal lui isi va pierde viata in inchisoare luptand pentru dreptate.

In a Mars base, the inhabitants are being infected by a mysterious water creature which takes over its victims. The Doctor is thrust into the middle of this catastrophe, knowing a larger one is waiting around the corner.

Executive transvestite Eddie Izzard takes her show to San Francisco to give a brief history of pagan and Christian religions, the building of Stonehenge, the birth of the Church of England and of Western empires, and the need for a European dream.

The Doctor and Clara face their Last Christmas. Trapped on an Arctic base, under attack from terrifying creatures, who are you going to call? Santa Claus!

A serial killer and the detective who tracked him down find themselves in an unexpected stalemate.

The Doctor has retired to 1892 London. Despite the protests of his allies, he is determined to keep out of mankind's affairs. However, a governess named Clara has stumbled upon a plot which only the Doctor can unravel, involving the death of her predecessor in ice and the sinister Dr. Simeon, who controls monsters made of sentient snow. And there is another mystery afoot: Clara is the spitting image of Oswin Oswald, whom the Doctor saw die in the Dalek asylum...

A meeting in a London bus with jewel thief Lady Christina takes a turn for the worse for the Doctor when the bus takes a detour to a desert-like planet, where the deadly Swarm awaits.

The Doctor arrives in Victorian London. It's Christmas, but snow isn't the only thing descending on the tranquil and jubilant civilization, as familiar silver giants from an alternate reality are amassing in numbers. The Cybermen are on the move again, and the only beings who can stop them are the Doctor and... another Doctor?

As election time nears, current Triad chairman Lok faces competition from his godsons. At the same time, Jimmy looks to increase his business relations with mainland China.

Gwen has just discovered, that she's the final member of the secret time-traveling Circle of Twelve. Now she has to juggle with constant trips to the past, her relationships with Gideon and figuring out dark secrets surrounding the Circle.

A university student moves into an apartment building and becomes involved with a waitress. The landlord then attempts to evict the tenants and sell the building through illicit means.

Azi, când gloria de odinioară a apus, Rocky își petrece serile povestind întâmplări din viața sa clienților restaurantului al cărui patron este - denumit "Adrian's", după fosta sa soție, decedată, pe care o plânge în tăcere. Fiul său, Robert nu trece nici măcar să-l vadă, fiind prea ocupat să-și trăiască propria viață. Timpul și loviturile încasate l-au slăbit pe Rocky, i-au lăsat cicatrici, i-au deformat pumnii și i-au luat totul, în afară de istorioarele cu care-și întreține clienții. Însă, în adâncul sufletului, Rocky a rămas același – un luptător. Într-o zi, o simulare pe computer îl pune față în față pe ring cu Rocky Balboa în vremurile sale de glorie. Cine ar fi câștigat, dacă cei doi s-ar fi confruntat în realitate? Loviturile ucigătoare și tehnice ale lui Dixon sau pasiunea și forța lui Rocky? Managerului lui Dixon îi vine ideea de a organiza o confruntare reală între cei doi, impulsionând astfel cariera clientului său.

Pål dreams about becoming successful with his music, but he has one major obstacle: himself. He's a diamond in the rough, and the only things greater than his musical talent are his obsessions, which constantly get him into trouble. We follow Pål on an emotional journey one summer in Gothenburg where he is thrown between passion and deceit; love, reconciliation and deliverance.

Liam Neeson revine în rolul lui Bryan Mills, fostul agent CIA care nu s-a dat în lături de la nimic pentru a-și salva fiica răpită în primul film Taken. În Taken 2: Teroare în Istanbul, Mills devine ținta unui personaj misterios, care caută răzbunarea, iar acesta trebuie să-și folosească talentele sale speciale pentru a-și proteja familia de o armată de mercenari care vrea să-i ucidă.

Au trecut cincisprezece ani de când Selena și iubitul ei Michael, pe jumătate om și pe jumătate Lycan, l-au învins pe liderul vampirilor, Marcus, în Underworld Evolution. În anii care s-au scurs de atunci, omenirea a descoperit existența clanurilor de Vampiri și Lycani și a lansat un război total împotriva lor, dorind să distrugă ambele specii. Selena, capturată în timpul genocidului, se trezește, după mai mult de un deceniu, descoperindu-se captivă într-un laborator bine păzit al Antigen, o puternică corporație biotech, care vrea să descopere un vaccin împotriva virusului care a dus la apariția Vampirilor și Lycanilor.

Captain Kirk. T.J. Hooker. Denny Crane. Big Giant Head. Alexander the Great. Henry V. Priceline’s Negotiator. These are but a handful of the innumerable masks worn by William Shatner over seven extraordinary decades onstage and in front of the camera. A peerless maverick thespian, electrifying performer, and international cultural treasure, Bill (as he prefers to be called), now 91 years young, is the living embodiment of his classic line “to boldly go where no man has gone before.” In unprecedented fashion, You Can Call Me Bill strips away all the masks he has worn to embody countless characters, revealing the man behind it all.

On Christmas Eve, three friends dressed as Santa Clauses are arrested in what seems to be a burglary and taken to the police, accused of being the infamous "Santa Claus Gang". While trying to prove their innocence, the trio explains why they found themselves in such a strange situation.

An orphaned boy is granted superpowers after praying to the god Hanuman.