Antonio, Peppino and Lucia are three brothers who live in the country near Naples. Lucia's son, Gianni, goes to Naples to study medicine, but there he knows a ballet dancer. They fall in love and, when she goes to Milan, Gianni follows her. Informed of this and afraid that their nephew will stop studying, the three Caponi brothers leave for Milan to persuade Gianni to come back and continue studying and abandon the "Malafemmina" (bad girl).

„Jim Henson: Omul cu idei” este o incursiune în mintea acestui creator vizionar, de la primii săi ani de păpușar la televiziuni locale la succesul mondial al emisiunilor precum „Sesame Street” și „The Muppet Show”. Cu acces la arhivele personale ale lui Jim, cineastul Ron Howard ne prezintă povestea fascinantă și revelatoare a unui om complex a cărui nemărginită imaginație a inspirat întreaga lume.

Witek runs after a train. Three variations follow on how such a seemingly banal incident could influence the rest of Witek's life.

Deraldo, a popular poet from Northeast Brazil, arrives in the capital of São Paulo, making a living only from his poetry and pamphlets. All is well until he is mistaken for a multinational worker who killed the boss at a party where he received the title of symbolic worker.

Paris, France, 1482. Frollo, Chief Justice of benevolent King Louis XI, gets infatuated by the beauty of Esmeralda, a young Romani girl. The hunchback Quasimodo, Frollo's protege and bell-ringer of Notre Dame, lives in peace among the bells in the heights of the immense cathedral until he is involved by the twisted magistrate in his malicious plans to free himself from Esmeralda's alleged spell, which he believes to be the devil's work.

In late 1930s Ferrara, Italy, the Finzi-Continis are a leading family: wealthy, aristocratic, and urbane; they are also Jewish. Their adult children, Micol and Alberto, gather a diverse circle of friends for tennis and parties at their villa with its lovely grounds, and try to keep the rest of the world at bay. But tensions between them all grow as anti-Semitism rises in Fascist Italy, and even the Finzi-Continis will have to confront the Holocaust.

Krzysztof Zanussi's groundbreaking film chronicles a decade in the life of a young physics student whose absolute faith in the primacy of rationality and science is shaken by tragedy and affairs of the heart.

O adaptare a nouă povestiri din „Decameronul” lui Bocaccio: un tânăr sicilian este înșelat de două ori, dar ajunge bogat; un bărbat se prezintă ca un surdo-mut într-o mănăstire de călugărițe curioase; o femeie trebuie să-și ascundă iubitul când soțul ei se întoarce acasă devreme; un ticălos păcălește un preot pe patul său de moarte; trei frați se răzbună pe iubita surorii lor; o fată tânără doarme pe acoperiș pentru a-și întâlni iubitul noaptea; un grup de pictori așteaptă inspirația; un preot viclean încearcă să seducă soția prietenului său; și doi prieteni fac un pact pentru a afla ce se întâmplă după moarte. Pasolini se bazează pe vechile sale trucuri, satirizând Biserica și aruncând doze liberale de viață și iubire.

When Eve, an interior designer, is deserted by her husband of many years, Arthur, the emotionally glacial relationships of the three grown-up daughters are laid bare. Twisted by jealousy, insecurity and resentment, Renata, a successful writer; Joey, a woman crippled by indecision; and Flyn, a budding actress; struggle to communicate for the sake of their shattered mother. But when their father unexpectedly falls for another woman, his decision to remarry sets in motion a terrible twist of fate…

Dupa 15 ani de casatorie David si Marianne se despart. David are o aventura cu o pacienta de-a lui, iar Marianne se implica intr-o relatie cu Carl-Adam, fostul sau iubit si cel mai bun prieten al lui David. Cand Marianne pleca spre Copenhaga pentru a-l intalni pe Carl-Adam, David ia acelasi tren, aparent intaplator. Petrecand timpul impreuna rememorand trecutul si vorbind despre viitor, ei observa ca se inteleg de minune…

A struggling painter begins taking inspiration from the dreams of his friend and roommate, a comic book fan who narrates an adventure story while he sleeps, but unbeknownst to the latter, the artist of his favorite comic book lives in the same building as they do with the model for her drawings.

After having narrowly escaped an attempt on his life at the hands of a psychopath, detective inspector Takakura quits active service in the police force and takes up a position as a university lecturer in criminal psychology. But his desire to get to the bottom of criminals’ motives remains, and he does not hesitate long when former colleague Nogami asks him to reopen an old case.

A slice of life story that follows a large Italian family on Christmas Eve as they prepare for the traditional Feast of the Seven Fishes, reminisce about the past and seek love in the future.

Un căpitan de navă încearcă să se mai vadă o ultimă dată cu un erou de război pe care l-a trădat cu ani în urmă. Bazat pe romanul lui Pierre Schoendoerffer din 1977.

Guillaume has made it: A machine that can clean dirty air by simply sucking all dirt into air balloons and then shipping them far far away so his explanation. Some Japanese business guys, after dinner with a lot of alcohol, order 5,000 pieces. His only problem: His production capacity is way to small so he gets to produce the machines in his private house. His wife Bernadette is far from being happy about it. Her private life goes down the line so she decides to leave Guillaume and to finally have revenge she candidates for major against her husband...

In a corporate-controlled future, an ultra-violent sport known as Rollerball represents the world, and one of its powerful athletes is out to defy those who want him out of the game.

A young Jewish man is torn between tradition and individuality when his old-fashioned family objects to his career as a jazz singer.

Two friends set out on a journey from Ostrava to Prague to claim a winning lottery ticket — but they're not the only ones looking to cash in.

After botching the capture of a notorious serial killer, idiosyncratic detective Michael Burrows loses his job with the San Francisco Police. He becomes an investigator for an insurance company and joins forces with a cynical field agent to probe suspicious and unusual deaths.

Alessandro has a thing or two to learn. Carroll Baker, in her role, is the perfect teacher.