Pragmatični američki marinac prati dehumanizirajuće učinke američko-vijetnamskog rata na njegove kolege regrute, od brutalne obuke u kampu do krvavih uličnih borbi u Hueu.

A tomato is planted, harvested and sold at a supermarket, but it rots and ends up in the trash. But it doesn’t end there: Isle of Flowers follows it up until its real end, among animals, trash, women and children. And then the difference between tomatoes, pigs and human beings becomes clear.

Dva agenta FBI-a koji istražuju ubojstvo aktivista za građanska prava tijekom 60-ih nastoje prekršiti zavjeru šutnje u malom južnjačkom gradu gdje segregacija dijeli crne i bijele. Mlađi agent obučen u FBI-evoj školi nailazi na običaje malog grada svog partnera, bivšeg šerifa.

A group of old friends have a tradition of going to a public bathing house on New Year's Eve. Occasionally too much vodka and beer makes two of them unconscious. The problem is that one of them (Sasha) has to go to Leningrad but another one (Zhenya) goes. Zhenya wakes up at Leningrad airport. Believing that he is still in Moscow he takes a taxi and goes home. The street name, building and even apartment number, the way an apartment complex looks the same and the key coincide completely - just typical Soviet-type 'economy' architecture. Imagine the surprise of Nadya when she enters her apartment and finds a man without trousers in her bed. What's more - Nadya's fiancé also finds him there...

A man who lost his family in the September 11 attack on New York City runs into his old college roommate. Rekindling the friendship is the one thing that appears able to help the man recover from his grief.

Henry, morski zoolog na Havajima, sve svoje slobodno vrijeme posvećuje zavoljenju žena koje dolaze na Havaje na odmor. No, jednoga dana djevojke upoznaju ljupku i simpatičnu Lucy u koju se zaljubljuju na prvi pogled. Međutim, Lucy pati od kratkotrajnog gubitka memorije nakon auto nesreće. Sjeća se samo događaja jednog dana. Za nju je svako jutro jutro nakon nesreće. Tako Lucy uvijek prvi put upozna Henryja. I Henry se može samo nadati da će ga Lucy ponovo i ponovo zanimati.

Disgraced pro football quarterback Paul Crewe lands in a Texas federal penitentiary, where manipulative Warden Hazen recruits him to advise the institution's football team of prison guards. Crewe suggests a tune-up game which lands him quarterbacking a crew of inmates in a game against the guards. Aided by incarcerated ex-NFL coach and player Nate Scarborough, Crewe and his team must overcome not only the bloodthirstiness of the opposition, but also the corrupt warden trying to fix the game against them.

U filmu "Luda braća", Ferrell glumi Brennana Huffa, povremeno zaposlenog 39-godišnjaka koji živi s majkom Nancy (Mary Steenburgern). Reilly glumi Dalea Dobacka, kronično nezaposlenog 40-godišnjaka koji živi s ocem Robertom (Richard Jenkins). Kad se Robert i Nancy vjenčaju te počnu živjeti zajedno, Brennan i Dale prisiljeni su živjeti jedan s drugim kao polubraća. Dok njihova narcisoidnost i puka agresivna lijenost prijete da će razoriti obitelj, ova dvojica sredovječnih, nezrelih dečki smislit će ludi, razrađeni plan da ponovno spoje svoje roditelje. Da bi im to uspjelo, moraju stvoriti malo vjerojatnu vezu koja će ih možda, ali samo možda, napokon izvući iz kuće.

A lazy law school grad adopts a kid to impress his girlfriend, but everything doesn't go as planned and he becomes the unlikely foster father.

Starci su komedija o petorici prijatelja i bivših suigrača (Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Chris Rock, David Spade i Rob Schneider) koji se nakon godina razdvojenosti ponovno sastaju povodom smrti njihovog srednjoškolskog trenera košarke. Skupa sa ženama (Salma Hayek, Maria Bello, Maya Rudolph) i djecom, unajme veliku kuću na jezeru kako bi zajedno proslavili Dan nezavisnosti. Nastavljajući svoje druženje nakon toliko godina, počinju shvaćati da starenje nužno ne znači i odrastanje...

A married workaholic, Michael Newman doesn't have time for his wife and children, not if he's to impress his ungrateful boss and earn a well-deserved promotion. So when he meets Morty, a loopy sales clerk, he gets the answer to his prayers: a magical remote that allows him to bypass life's little distractions with increasingly hysterical results.

Derek Zoolander trostruki je muški model godine VH1, ali kada Hansel osvoji nagradu umjesto njega, Zoolanderov svijet okrene se naglavačke. Zli modni guru Mugatu iskorištava priliku da zbunjenog modela pretvori u ubojicu.

Skeeter Bronson is a down-on-his-luck guy who's always telling bedtime stories to his niece and nephew. But his life is turned upside down when the fantastical stories he makes up for entertainment inexplicably turn into reality. Can a bewildered Skeeter manage his own unruly fantasies now that the outrageous characters and situations from his mind have morphed into actual people and events?

After a small misunderstanding aboard an airplane escalates out of control, timid businessman Dave Buznik is ordered by the court to undergo anger management therapy at the hands of specialist Dr. Buddy Rydell. But when Buddy steps up his aggressive treatment by moving in, Dave goes from mild to wild as the unorthodox treatment wreaks havoc with his life.

Claire i Phil Foster (Tina Fey i Steve Carell) bračni su par iz predgrađa koji je upao u rutinu života i braka. Čak i njihovi izlasci na večeru i u kino postali su predvidivi. Da bi opet raspirili iskru, posjete popularan bistro na Manhattanu gdje ih slučaj zamjene identiteta odvede u vratolomnu jurnjavu gradom i pustolovinu bez predaha. Prisjetivši se svega što ih veže, Phil i Claire suočavaju se s dvojicom korumpiranih policajaca, mafijašem i pomahnitalim vozačem taksija – a njihov se spoj pretvara u noć koju nikad neće zaboraviti.

Bobby Boucher is a water boy for a struggling college football team. The coach discovers Boucher's hidden rage makes him a tackling machine whose bone-crushing power might vault his team into the playoffs.

Chuck Levine (Adam Sandler) i Larry Valentine (Kevin James) dugogodišnji su prijatelji i kolege vatrogasci. Larry, udovac koji još uvijek nije prebolio smrt supruge Paule, ima problema u prebacivanju police osiguranja sa ženinog imena na njihovu djecu. Brine se za budućnost svojih klinaca ukoliko se njemu nešto dogodi na poslu, ali ne želi napustiti svoj posao jer penziju također vidi kao ulaganje u budućnost. Kada Larry spasi Chucku život na jednom zadatku, Chuck mu duguje veliki uslugu, na koju je Larry sada spreman pozvati se. Naime, ako njih dvojica postanu homoseksualni partneri pred zakonom, Larryjevi klinici će dobiti toliko željeno osiguranje.

Mild-mannered Paul Blart has always had huge dreams of becoming a State Trooper. Until then, he patrols the local mall as a security guard. With his closely cropped moustache, personal transporter and gung-ho attitude, only Blart seems to take his job seriously. All that changes when a team of thugs raids the mall and takes hostages. Untrained, unarmed and a super-size target, Blart has to become a real cop to save the day.

After a mysterious woman saves her daughter from a deadly snakebite, a single mother must repay the debt by killing a stranger before sundown.

Kako bi spriječio da mu TV emisija o divljini bude ugašena, tupavi voditelj Peter Gaulke će se sa svojom suludom ekipom otpadnika baciti na posljednji pokušaj da preokrene pad gledanosti. Očajan da ostane u eteru, Peter kuje plan da pronađe najneuhvatljiviju od svih zvijeri na zemlji - Bigfoota. Međutim, kad ih susreti s razigranim graničarima, zaljubljenim puranima i druge nezgode umalo zaustave u ekspediciji, ekipa "Neobične divljine" će otkriti kako priroda može biti maćeha.