Osuđen zbog silovanja, McMurphy (J. Nicholson) je prebačen u psihijatrijsku bolnicu, gdje grupna terapija bolničarke Ratched (L. Fletcher) i velike doze lijekova, prvenstveno umirujućih sredstava, oduzimaju pacijentima individualnost i svaku želju da išta promijene. McMurphy se s time ne miri i pokušava povesti pobunu protiv strogih često i besmislenih normi, no time dolazi u sukob s Ratched i sustavom koji ona predstavlja...

When a Spanish Jesuit goes into the South American wilderness to build a mission in the hope of converting the Indians of the region, a slave hunter is converted and joins his mission. When Spain sells the colony to Portugal, they are forced to defend all they have built against the Portuguese aggressors.

After returning home from the Vietnam War, veteran Jacob Singer struggles to maintain his sanity. Plagued by hallucinations and flashbacks, Singer rapidly falls apart as the world and people around him morph and twist into disturbing images. His girlfriend, Jezzie, and ex-wife, Sarah, try to help, but to little avail. Even Singer's chiropractor friend, Louis, fails to reach him as he descends into madness.

One of the key factors in Italian unification was the overthrow in 1860 of Francesco, the King of Naples and the two Sicilies, who went into elegant but impoverished exile in Rome with his Queen, Maria Sofia. This seriocomic drama follows the deposed royals as they adapt to their new lives. The former king has recognized the political finality of his deposition, but his queen has taken to traveling in men's clothing all over Italy trying to foment an uprising to restore them to the throne. She is also frantic to have a baby, an heir, but the king has become celibate as a kind of homage to his beloved mother; he spends all his time lobbying the Vatican to get her declared a saint.

This "Inception" prequel unfolds courtesy of a beautiful Motion Comic, and explains how Cobb, Arthur and Nash were enlisted by Cobol Engineering.

U uspavanome gradiću Millowbrook u Indiani, mirni čovjek Tom Stall , vlasnik popularne mjesne zalogajnice, uživa u obiteljskom životu sa svojom suprugom Edie i njihovo dvoje djece. No, život mu se preokreće naglavce kada nevjerojatnom vještinom i hladnokrvnošću ubije dvojicu nasilnika koji su u pokušaju pljačke životom zaprijetili Tomovoj zaposlenici.

When a friendless old widow dies in the seaside town of Crythin, a young solicitor is sent by his firm to settle the estate. The lawyer finds the townspeople reluctant to talk about or go near the woman's dreary home and no one will explain or even acknowledge the menacing woman in black he keeps seeing.

Newly-paroled former US Army ranger Cameron Poe is headed back to his wife, but must fly home aboard a prison transport flight dubbed "Jailbird" taking the “worst of the worst” prisoners, a group described as “pure predators”, to a new super-prison. Poe faces impossible odds when the transport plane is skyjacked mid-flight by the most vicious criminals in the country led by the mastermind — genius serial killer Cyrus "The Virus" Grissom, and backed by black militant Diamond Dog and psychopath Billy Bedlam.

Unaprjeđenje im je donijelo više posla u uredu, sada nisu toliko na ulici i čini se da više neće imati priliku upadati u nevolje i dizati u zrak sve na što naiđu. Martin Riggs i Roger Murtaugh pokušavaju se u svojim ozbiljnim godinama smiriti, no problemi kao da ih traže. Trijadi su se zamjerili jer pokušavaju u Ameriku spriječiti krijumčarenje Kineza koji bi se trebali baviti falsificiranjem novca potrebnog za kupnju čelnika kriminalne organizacije iz ruku kineske vojske. I ovoga puta Martinu i Rogeru pomaže Lorna Cole, Leo Getz, koji je u međuvremenu postao privatni detektiv, ali i novak u ekipi, Lee Butters.

An 11-year-old aspiring wrestler enters a competition to become the next WWE superstar by using special powers from a magical mask.

This time the "amici" (friends) are just four: Necchi, Meandri, Mascetti and Sassaroli. Nevertheless they are older they still love to spend their time mainly organizing irresistible jokes to everyone in every kind of situation. Mascetti is hospitalized in a geriatric clinic. Of course the place become immediately the main stage for all their jokes. After some jokes they decided to place an ultimate incredible and farcical joke to the clinic guests.

Četiri poznata holivudska redatelja donose vam različite horor/znanstveno-fantastične priče koje vas vode u neku drugu stvarnost. Pogledajte njihove verzije Serlingovih klasičnih televizijskih priča.

Edward Wilson, the only witness to his father's suicide and member of the Skull and Bones Society while a student at Yale, is a morally upright young man who values honor and discretion, qualities that help him to be recruited for a career in the newly founded OSS. His dedication to his work does not come without a price though, leading him to sacrifice his ideals and eventually his family.

Freddyju Kruegeru treba strah ljudi od povratka, pa on odluči uskrsnuti strašnog Jasona. Ali glavni junak filma "Petak 13." nije ga spreman pustiti. Ovaj format, koji postavlja dva mitska celuloidna lika jedni protiv drugih, nije ništa novo u kinematografiji: Frankenstein se već suočio s vukodlakom 1943., a 28 godina kasnije uskrsnuo je za borbu protiv Drakule. Također, kroz cijelo 20. stoljeće stigla je diva Godzilla, spremna završiti s King Kongom i nizom mutanata koji su sijeli paniku za Japan. Ovoga puta pridružila su se dva stara ubojica filmova iz 1980-ih. Rezultat, onaj koji se očekivao: smrt, rastavljanje i lagano odjevene djevojke.

Jack Coates (Nick Nolte) već četiri godine prati krijumčara droge koji sebe naziva Ice Man i konačno dolazi u posjed dokaza da je Ice Man spreman platiti za ubojstvo Reggieja Hammonda (Eddie Murphy), koji uskoro izlazi iz zatvora. Jack pokušava nagovoriti Reggieja da dokaže svoju nevinost i pomogne mu uhvatiti Ice Mana, no Reggie odbija dok mu Jack ne vrati njegovih 500.000 dolara koje je sakrio. No Jack igra svoju igru i odbija mu dati novac ako mu ne pomogne privesti zločinca. Autobus koji prevozi Reggieja iz zatvora napadnu dvojica motorista od kojih jednog Reggie prepozna kao Cherryja, brata Alberta Ganza, kojeg je ubio nekoliko godina ranije.

Angela Baker escapes from a mental hospital and surfaces at a summer camp as a counselor who lectures her teenage charges on proper moral behavior. Those teens who break her strict rules -- from the camp chatterbox or a sex-obsessed girl to the boys who are peeping Toms -- are murdered by the impostor in various gruesome ways. As more campers go missing, intrepid counselor Molly begins to piece together the truth.

Sedamnaestogodišnji Jesse Walsh (Mark Patton) i njegova obitelj upravo su se uselili u kuću u kojoj je nekoć živjela Nancy Thompson. Odmah pri dolasku Jesse počinje doživljavati noćne more u kojima glavnu ulogu igra muškarac sa noževima na prstima desne ruke. Jesseva susjeda, Lisa (Kim Myers), otkrit će mu istinu o Freddy Kruegeru, serijskom ubojici koji vreba iz snova. Freddy, naime, namjerava iskoristiti Jessevo tijelo kako bi neometano nastavio sa ubojstvima.

After the ordeal with Samara, Rachel and Aiden move to a rural town. But soon Rachel learns about the death of a girl in a similar fashion. To save Aiden, she must dig into Samara's past even further.

Ovaj nastavak prati tinejdžera koji izbjegne pogibiju na trkalištu, no dozna da smrt ne može izbjeći tako lako. Glume Shantel VanSanten, Bobby Campo i Hayley Webb. Ako nekako uspijete prevariti smrt, budite sigurni da će vas ona pratiti do kraja. Ovoga puta predosjećaj spašava Nicka O'Bannona (Bobby Campo) koji uspijeva, uz nekolicinu sretnika, izbjeći smrti na utrci. No smrt ne odustaje lako. Vizije ne prestaju, a preživjeli s trkališta, jedan po jedan pogibaju na sve gore načine. Sada Nick mora shvatiti kako izbjeći smrt jedanput za svagda prije negoli i on stigne na posljednje odredište.

In 71 BC in Rome, utter disorder reigns in the form of political corruption and bribery involving the senator Cynic (Leslie Nielsen). The situation is claimed to be similar to the “Tangentopoli” situation in Italy in the 1990s: one of the politicians involved was Bettino Craxi.