An unattractive 7th grader struggles to cope with suburban life as the middle child with inattentive parents and bullies at school.

A comedy concerning a down on his luck bookshop owner with a penchant for women who decides to make some money by pretending to be a waiter and collecting cash from unsuspecting diners.

Поради огромна разлика в начина, по който възприемат живота, отношенията между учениците и техния нов преподавател по немски език стават изключително напрегнати. Емоциите стигат далеч и осъзнаването на факта, че нещата не трябва да се възприемат в черно и бяло, идва твърде късно.

In this adaptation of the satirical British novel, Flora Poste, a plucky London society girl orphaned at age 19, finds a new home with some rough relatives, the Starkadders of Cold Comfort Farm. With a take-charge attitude and some encouragement from her mischievous friend, Mary, Flora changes the Starkadders' lives forever when she settles into their rustic estate, bringing the backward clan up to date and finding inspiration for her novel in the process.

An egocentric bum transforms the lives of a shy New Jersey garbageman and his sister.

College and high school serve as the backdrop for two stories about dysfunction and personal turmoil.

Tensions between members of a film crew build while they wait for the arrival of the director and star to arrive on location.

Firaaq is an Urdu word that means both separation and quest. The film is a work of fiction, based on a thousand stories. The story is set over a 24-hour period, one month after a campaign that took place in Gujarat, India, in 2002. It traces the emotional journey of ordinary people- some who were victims, some perpetrators and some who choose to watch silently.

Жена на име Триш, таи в себе си мечта, свързана с новият й мъж. Тя се надява той да приеме като свои двамата й синове. Настоящият баща на децата - Бил е педофил и съвсем не е пример за подражание. А, когато той излиза от затвора, пред семейството стои много сложна задача - да разберат, да простят или да забравят. Призраците на миналото преследват членовете на това голямо семейство, но те всички се стремят към едно - любов и разбиране.

A former champion rodeo rider is reduced to using his saddle skills to promote a breakfast cereal in a gaudy Las Vegas show. When he's asked to perform with a $12 million horse, he discovers it is being doped to remain docile. He flees into the desert astride the beast in an act of defiance. A story-hungry female reporter gives chase.

Thane Furrows, an extremely cynical but unintentionally hilarious children's book writer, wakes up one morning, and, since pretty much everyone and everything annoys him, begins another day of complaining to himself. However, the day proves to be much different than normal when Thane begins to recieve strange phone calls, letters, and voices in his head, all indicating that something will happen at 8 o'clock. As the day goes on, Thane rants and raves about the things that annoy him, as the clock slowly ticks closer and closer to his destiny

After getting pregnant from a one-night stand, a single woman leans on her married best friend and mother of two to guide her through gestation and beyond.

Lothar Schramm is a simple man with complex problems, yet he seems like such a nice guy. He works as a taxi driver and lives by himself where he is happy to answer his door to strangers and kill them outright. As with many shy loner types he has a problem dealing with woman so he drugs them and photographs their nude bodies for sexual stimulation. He then murders his helpless victims and so goes the life of a deranged serial killer.

After Ryan breaks up Glauren for cheating on him, she is rumored to have been hooking up with heavy metal Hellboy. Ryan enlists the help of his friends Valo and Falcone to find out the truth.

По време на испанската инквизиция, Мария е една от малкото смели жени, противопоставили се срещу методите на църквата. Цената която ще плати за думите си ще е жестока. Обвинения, че е вещица последвани от унижения, мъчения и отрязване на езика. Това са само част от плановете на Торкуеда за нея, докато съпругът и се опитва да я освободи...

A French corporation goes head-to-head with an American web media company for the rights to a 3-D manga pornography studio, resulting in a power struggle that culminates in violence and espionage.

Реймънд Айбели е обещаващ млад студент по медицина, който се подготвя за предстоящия летен стаж. Плановете му обаче се променят когато майка му, Сюзън, чупи своя крак и има нужда от човек, който да й помага всекидневно. Томас, бащата на Реймънд, успява да убеди младия мъж да се откаже от стажа и да остане вкъщи за да се грижи за своята майка. Скоро се появява и първото неудобство - състоянието на Сюзън води до физически контакти, които Реймънд намира за смущаващи.

This whimsical Off-Broadway hit musical is aptly reworked and transferred to the screen. The self-descriptively titled Naked Boys Singing is a musical revue of songs that poke fun at gay life, body image, love, loss and yearning.

A lusty young woman decides to use her sexual powers to "tame" the evil and murderous Dr. Jekyll.

Imagine walking down the street and finding an unmarked VHS tape. Curiosity piqued, you take it home and pop it in. What starts off as two men screwing around with a video camera quickly transforms into an ultra-realistic torture sequence where the unidentified psychopaths tape their exploits as they torment and violate a woman tied to a chair.