Two employees at a gift shop can barely stand one another, without realising that they are falling in love through the post as each other's anonymous pen pal.
Vypočítavá Phyllis Dietrichsonová (Barbara Stanwyck) a jej milenec – poisťovací agent (Fred McMurray) donútia pána Dietrichsona uzavrieť životnú poistku na dvojnásobné odškodnenie. Phyllisin manžel netuší, že podpisom poistnej zmluvy na svoj život spečatil svoj ďalší osud. Obaja sprisahanci naplánujú dokonalý zločin a po Dietrichsonovej smrti sa chystajú zinkasovať poistku. Vražda je takmer perfektná, lenže nekompromisný vyšetrovateľ poisťovne (Edward G. Robinson) vo vzduchu cíti zradu. Napätá atmosféra ešte viac hustne, keď doterajší milenci a komplici zisťujú, že si navzájom už nemôžu dôverovať.
Newspaper magnate Charles Foster Kane is taken from his mother as a boy and made the ward of a rich industrialist. As a result, every well-meaning, tyrannical or self-destructive move he makes for the rest of his life appears in some way to be a reaction to that deeply wounding event.
A captured French Resistance fighter during World War II engineers a daunting escape from prison.
Terry Malloy is a kindhearted dockworker, and former boxer, who is tricked by his corrupt bosses into leading his friend to death. After falling in love, he tries to leave the waterfront and expose his employers.
Mabel Longhetti, desperate and lonely, is married to a Los Angeles municipal construction worker, Nick. Increasingly unstable, especially in the company of others, she craves happiness, but her extremely volatile behavior convinces Nick that she poses a danger to their family and decides to commit her to an institution for six months. Alone with a trio of kids to raise on his own, he awaits her return, which holds more than a few surprises.
In a rural French village, an old man and his only remaining relative cast their covetous eyes on an adjoining vacant property. They need its spring water for growing their flowers, and are dismayed to hear that the man who has inherited it is moving in. They block up the spring and watch as their new neighbour tries to keep his crops watered from wells far afield through the hot summer. Though they see his desperate efforts are breaking his health and his wife and daughter's hearts, they think only of getting the water.
After the suspicious suicide of a fellow cop, tough homicide detective Dave Bannion takes the law into his own hands when he sets out to smash a vicious crime syndicate.
A fading southern belle moves in with her sister in New Orleans where her ferocious brother-in-law takes stabs at her sanity.
Keď mladej černoške Hortense zomrie adoptívna matka, rozhodne sa nájsť tú pravú. V adopčnej agentúre ju čaká prekvapenie - v kolónke farby pleti je jasne napísané, že je biela. Zmätené dievča sa rozhodne nájsť svoju matku. Cynthia Purleyová žije v radovom dome v robotníckej štvrti so svojou druhou nemanželskou dcérou Roxanne. Je šokovaná, keď sa stretne so svojím prvým dieťaťom, ktoré od pôrodu nikdy nevidela. Medzi matkou, ktorá trávi dni osamote, a jej novou dcérou sa však rozvinie krásny, dôverný vzťah. Cynthia nakoniec predstaví Hortensiu svojej rodine. Toto stretnutie prináša očistu od všetkých tajomstiev a lží, ktorými takmer každá postava prehlušila svoju bolesť alebo psychickú traumu. Film hovorí o nedostatkoch v medziľudskej komunikácii, o nedorozumeniach, ktoré často zbytočne spôsobujú problémy vo vzťahoch, dokonca aj medzi našimi najbližšími. Mike Leigh pomaly odhaľuje charakter jednotlivých postáv a naznačuje dôvody ich správania.
Mladá Paula Alquist sa vydá za pianistu Gregory Antona a odsťahuje sa za ním do domu, kde za záhadných okolností prišla o svoj život jej teta. Pohodu mladomanželov však začne čoskoro opadať. Každú noc Paula počuje čudesné zvuky na povale. Miznú rôzne predmety a Gregory upodozrieva svoju ženu, že ich kradne a schováva. Paula sa začína postupne psychicky rúcať...
Good hearted but not very wordly-wise, Dante is happy driving the school bus for a group of mentally handicapped children, while feeling he is somehow missing out on life and love. So he is very excited when after nearly being knocked down by her car he meets Maria, who seems immediately enamoured of him. He is soon invited to her sumptuous Palermo villa, little suspecting that this is part of a plot. He bears an amazing likeness to Maria's stool-pigeon gangster husband and it would be convenient for them if the mobster, in the shape of Dante, was seen to be dead and buried.
A hapless talent manager named Danny Rose, by helping a client, gets dragged into a love triangle involving the mob. His story is told in flashback, an anecdote shared amongst a group of comedians over lunch at New York's Carnegie Deli. Rose's one-man talent agency represents countless incompetent entertainers, including a one-legged tap dancer, and one slightly talented one: washed-up lounge singer Lou Canova, whose career is on the rebound.
A philistine in the art film business, Jeremy Prokosch is a producer unhappy with the work of his director. Prokosch has hired Fritz Lang to direct an adaptation of "The Odyssey," but when it seems that the legendary filmmaker is making a picture destined to bomb at the box office, he brings in a screenwriter to energize the script. The professional intersects with the personal when a rift develops between the writer and his wife.
A wealthy Italian household is turned upside down when a handsome stranger arrives, seduces every family member and then disappears. Each has an epiphany of sorts, but none can figure out who the seductive visitor was or why he came.
V štáte Georgia vládne prohibícia, čo využijú dvaja zazobaní chlapíci, Veľký a Malý Enos, najmú si šoféra prezývaného Bandita, aby previezol z Texasu do Georgie náklad 400 kartónov piva, a to do 28 hodín. Na túto prácu však musia byť dvaja, a tak si Bandita vezme na pomoc svojho kamaráta Cledusa a jeho nákladné auto. Cledus riadi kamión a Bandita mu „čistí“ cestu od policajtov v čiernom kabriolete Pontiac Trans-Am. Spiatočnú cestu im však skomplikuje Carrie, mladá žena v svadobných šatách, ktorá ušla priamo zo svadobného obradu, pretože si odmietla vziať syna Juniora miestneho nafučaného šerifa Buforda T. Justicea. A presne v tomto okamihu sa začína neuveriteľná naháňačka...
Keď sa Riggs a Murtaugh dostanú k náloži v podzemí jednej z mnohých luxusných kancelárskych budov, výsledkom Riggsovej horkokrvnosti je kopa trosiek a vzápätí degradácii na obyčajných pochôdzkárov. Tak si Murtaugh určite posledný týždeň pred dôchodkom nepredstavoval. S Riggsom sa však ani na ulici nenudí. Hneď v prvý deň sú svedkami prepadnutia banky. Obaja detektívi dostanú šancu prípad vyšetriť a okamžite sa dostanú do konfliktu s temperamentnou agentkou Lornou Coleovou, ktorá má s nimi spolupracovať. Kým sa hádajú, je ich jediný zdroj informácií zavraždený bývalým policajtom Travisom. Do prípadu sa samozrejme zapletie aj starý známy Leo Getz, živiaci sa teraz ako realitný agent. Dvojici detektívov prezradí, že Travisovi zaobstaral permanentku na hokej a vydá sa spoločne s nimi na štadión. Tu Travisa skutočne objavia, ale ten im utečie. Vzťahy medzi sebavedomou Lornou a oboma kolegami sa pomaly otepľujú, a to nielen pri vyšetrovaní, ale pokiaľ ide o Riggsa i v súkromí.
To ensure a full profitable season, circus manager Brad Braden engages The Great Sebastian, though this moves his girlfriend Holly from her hard-won center trapeze spot. Holly and Sebastian begin a dangerous one-upmanship duel in the ring, while he pursues her on the ground.
The famous Italian football coach Oronzo Canà has retired to a villa in Apulia. Now, old and tired, he is enjoying a quiet life there, cultivating his vineyard, when suddenly he is summoned to Milan, in northern Italy. There the elderly chairman of a great Lombard ("Longobarda") club is suffering from dementia and has lost his powers of judgement, and the club's manager has been fired. He has decided to bring back Oronzo Canà as trainer, remembering him from his great football team of thirty years before, tasking him with bringing the club back to its old winning ways. Oronzo puts his trust in the intervention of a Russian billionaire who has bought the club for promotion. But it is a deception.
Šerif Edward Malus pred niekoľkými rokmi prežil šok, keď sa mu po tragickej autonehode nepodarilo zachrániť matku s dieťaťom. Muž trpí výčitkami svedomia až do chvíle, kým sa mu nenaskytne možnosť svoje zlyhanie napraviť. Edwarda osloví jeho bývalá snúbenica Willow Woodwardová a požiada ho, aby jej pomohol nájsť stratenú dcéru Rowan. Policajt prijme výzvu ako svoju druhú životnú šancu a vydáva sa pátrať po nezvestnom dievčatku na malý ostrov v Pacifiku, kde Willow s Rowan žili v malej komunite. Členovia tunajšieho spoločenstva, ktoré sa riadi starými pohanskými zvykmi, popierajú, že tu Rowan niekedy žila, a ak áno, potom už určite zomrela. Edward sa na ostrove zaplieta do siete starodávnych tradícií a tajomstiev. Čím viac sa pokúša dievčatko nájsť, tým väčšmi sa zároveň približuje aj k niečomu, o čom sa na ostrove nesmie hovoriť...