She watches him through the window as he loads the final pieces of furniture into the truck. They are counting down the last hours in their home. Their seven-month-old baby is asleep, unaware of the trouble brewing. They will either vacate the apartment peacefully, or they will be forcefully evicted. Their home, her father's legacy, used to be their safe haven, their family nest. Now, corrupt courts, greedy bankers, and unscrupulous real estate investors have turned it into a site of their worst nightmares. As tension rise, they struggle to preserve their relationship. In the morning, as police knocks on their door, their future seems uncertain, but their options are very clear: either accept injustice or show resistance.

电影史上制作精致,构思严谨的宏篇巨制。外景地多达一百六十多处!场面壮阔,气势磅礴,继承了苏联在拍摄历史题材与军事题材影片方面的传统,完美的融托尔斯泰原着精神于其中,再现了俄法战争时期俄罗斯大地广阔的历史画卷。 影片以1812年俄国卫国战争为中心,反映了1805年至1820年的重大事件,包括奥斯特利茨大战、波罗底诺会战、莫斯科大火、拿破仑溃退等。通过对四大家庭以及安德烈、彼埃尔,娜塔莎在战争与和平环境中的思想和行动的描写,展示了当时俄国社会的风貌。 影片共分四部。

历经惨烈的元泱界大战,成功突破魁拔十二妖第一道防线的蛮吉(刘婧荦 配音)、镜心(刘校姝 配音)一行,为追赶曲境一号再踏征途,却意外闯入萨库人大仓(王宇腾 配音)与粼妖姑娘海问香(姚姝 配音)所设下的诡异防线。面对大仓与海问香的步步紧逼,蛮吉等人无奈应战。激战中,神秘少年敖江(刘校姝 配音)凭空出现、曲境一号舰长远浪(杨晨 配音)更做出种种令人匪夷所思的决定,让本已复杂的局面,越发显得扑朔迷离;而机缘巧合下,脉门封闭已久的蛮吉竟意外开启六大脉门,化身无敌战神,携魁拔脉兽驰骋于漫天烽火中,上演了一场气势磅礴的惊世之战!

The Six Wives of Henry VIII: Live at Hampton Court Palace is a live album from the English keyboardist and composer Rick Wakeman, released through Eagle Records on 5 October 2009. The album is a live recording of the second of two sold-out concerts on 2 May 2009 at Hampton Court Palace in London. It documents the first live performances of Wakeman's 1973 instrumental concept album The Six Wives of Henry VIII in its entirety, in celebration of the 500th anniversary of Henry VIII's accession to the throne. Wakeman performs with his band, The English Rock Ensemble, the Orchestra Europa and the English Chamber Choir.


经过一波三折,邪恶的格鲁终于弃邪归正,收养了三个可爱的小女孩玛戈(米兰达·卡斯格拉夫 Miranda Cosgrove 配音)、伊迪丝(达娜·盖伊 Dana Gaier 配音)和阿格蕾丝(埃尔希·费舍 Elsie Fisher 配音)。不过,他那阴森怪异、杀气四伏的大房子是否适合孩子们的居住和成长呢?相关社会保障部门为此决定派调查员登门检查。适逢格鲁不在家,这可急坏了三个女孩子和小豆们,因为一旦检查不合格,她们将再次面临和格鲁分离的命运。小家伙们灵机一动,决定在短暂的时间内迅速装潢这所房子,令它看起来像一座适合孩子们居住的快乐大家园……   本片为动画片《卑鄙的我》附赠短片。

Set in the year 2065 and tells the story of a man who enters an old holographic booth, intending to take a nap, but accidentally activating the resident sexual hologram.

Russia has a surfeit of overqualified graduates. Nastya Sokolova is one of them. Her career, if you can call it that, gave her a plethora of unexpected work experiences: from desk slave in banking to head bookkeeper of an illegal brothel. The film’s eight tableaus detail the various workplaces, colleagues and situations. To finish it off: deadpan commentary.


Set in the beginning of Wold War II, when the Polish cavalry still fought with lances against German troops. LOTNA is about a white thoroughbred horse that passed through various hands in a military outfit.

Alcoholic hobo drifts across the border and has a series of random adventures.

The crazy fisher man Kurt Josef, an early pensioner, and his odd musical friend Rock Fjellstad has landed a job at Hurtigruta, only to discover that someone has killed off a famous artist, the former M2M-member Marion Ravn.
