Inocencio Prieto y Calvo receives a letter telling him he is the heir to his uncle's fortune of two million pesos. Not being able to read he has no idea of who sent the letter or its content. So he goes to the drugstore because the pharmacist can read the letter to him. But while waiting to be helped he sees that a young girl can read. He figures he has to be able to discover the letter's content by himself and decides he will save the letter and go to school, and wait to read the letter on his own.

Chico is a young piano player with big dreams. Rita is a beautiful singer with an extraordinary voice. Music and romantic desire unites them, but their journey - in the tradition of the Latin ballad, the bolero - brings heartache and torment.

Through interviews with both victims and instigators, Nanfu Wang, a first-time mother, breaks open decades of silence on a vast, unprecedented social experiment that shaped — and destroyed — countless lives in China.

Ikääntyvä 1970-luvun rokkari Danny Collinsi ei osaa luopua rankasta elämäntyylistään. Kun hänen managerinsa löytää John Lennonin toimittamatta jääneen kirjeen Collinsille neljänkymmenen vuoden takaa, Collins päättää muuttaa elämänsä ja lähtee riipaisevalle matkalle etsimään perhettään, rakkautta ja uutta mahdollisuutta. Elokuvan upean soundtrackin helminä kuullaan John Lennonin lauluja.

Rose Morgan, who still lives with her mother, is a professor of Romantic Literature who desperately longs for passion in her life. Gregory Larkin, a mathematics professor, has been burned by passionate relationships and longs for a sexless union based on friendship and respect.

Happy Gilmore on jääkiekkoilija, joka ei osaa luistella. On siis aika valita uusi laji, mieluiten rahakas sellainen. Hän kokeilee onneaan golfissa ja pääsee yllättäen ammattilaisturnaukseen. Pähkähullulla pelillään ja lätkäpelaajan tempauksillaan Happy kyntää viheriöt uuteen uskoon, ja yleisö villiintyy. Mutta onko sekopäästä hallitsevan mestarin haastajaksi?

Madea dispenses her unique form of holiday spirit on rural town when she's coaxed into helping a friend pay her daughter a surprise visit in the country for Christmas.

A miserly man eats the pits of some cherries he can't stand throwing out. A tree starts growing from the top of his head. He cuts it off; it grows back. After a while, he gives up and lets it grow, but the crowds that gather on top of his head to enjoy the tree (and leave huge mounds of trash) eventually drive him to uproot the tree. This leaves a crater on top of his head, which fills with water, which becomes a popular lake.

On vuosi 2018. Maailmassa ei ole enää sotia eikä rikollisuutta. On vain... "Peli". Häikäilemättömien suuryritysten hallitsemassa maailmassa tämä raju, barbaarinen "urheilulaji" on ihmisille ainoa tapa purkaa raivoaan ja turhautumiaan. Tv-ruutujensa ääreen liimautuneet katsojat seuraavat "Rollerballia", joka on rankka sekoitus amerikkalaista jalkapalloa, motocrossia ja jääkiekkoa. Jonathan E. (James Caan) on tähtipelaaja, jonka lahjakkuus on vaaraksi jopa hänelle itselleen. Suuryritys on napannut Jonathanin rakastetun (Maud Adams), mutta hänen sieluaan he eivät saa, vaikka itse pääpiru, firman johtaja (John Houseman) yrittää suostutella hänet vetäytymään pelistä... tai maksamaan kovan hinnan.

Two girls from the Valley wake up to find that a passing comet has eradicated their world and left behind a mysterious red-dust and a pack of cannibal mutants. With the help of a friendly truck driver, the girls save the earth from a villainous "think tank," karate chop their way through flesh-eating zombies, and, of course, find time to go to the mall.

Lääketieteellinen koe antaa Darrylille superaistit, joiden ansiosta hänen elämänsä alkaa luistaa todella hyvin. Mutta sitten iskevät sivuvaikutukset, jotka voivat tuhota kaiken! Hän voi menettää hyvin alkaneen uransa, kauniin tyttöystävänsä ja ennen kaikkea kasvonsa, puhumattakaan muista ruumiintoiminnoista!

Billy Madison odottaa perivänsä omaisuuden isänsä eläköityessä. Perinnön saadakseen Billyn on kuitenkin palattava koulun penkille - aina ensimäisestä luokasta alkaen.

Prince Paris of Troy, shipwrecked on a mission to the king of Sparta, meets and falls for Queen Helen before he knows who she is. Rudely received by the royal Greeks, he must flee...but fate and their mutual passions lead him to take Helen along. This gives the Greeks just the excuse they need for much-desired war.

Beautiful, funny, passionate, and calculating, Becky is the orphaned daughter of a starving English artist and a French chorus girl. She yearns for a more glamorous life than her birthright promises and resolves to conquer English society by any means possible. A mere ascension into the heights of society is simply not enough. So Becky finds a patron in the powerful Marquess of Steyne whose whims enable Becky to realise her dreams. But is the ultimate cost too high for her?

A mysterious and immortal Tibetan kung fu master, who has spent the last 60 years traveling around the world protecting the ancient Scroll of the Ultimate, mentors a selfish street kid in the ancient intricacies of kung fu.

Two oafs must rescue their stranded pal in Mexico.

A young woman goes in search of her father, a professional gambler who abandoned her years before. Along the way, she finds herself at odds with her boyfriend who wants nothing but a carefree lifestyle.

The Snake Eaters are an elite division of the Marines especially trained for search and destroy missions. This actioner chronicles the exploits of one of them who has become a cop. Known as a tough loner, he returns to find the band of backwoods bad-guys who killed his parents and abducted his sister.

Dolph Lundgren ja Bill Bellamy ovat Arnold Schwarzeneggerin klassikon, Lastentarhan kyttä, jatko-osan tähtinä. Yrittäessään löytää varastettuja tietoja FBI:n kovin agentti (Lundgren) joutuu uransa vaikeimpaan tehtävään: hän joutuu opettamaan edistysmielisen koulun lastentarhaluokkaa.

This time, Gorda Fabiola and Polilla's witty banter moves to the city of sin, Las Vegas. Juancho decides to avenge the death of his policeman father and learns that the murderer is in town. To do so, he will have the help of Polilla and his adopted son Pachuco, who at all times will try to hide the truth of his trip from Fabiola.