Imagine a place that is vast, wild and untouched, where some of the world's greatest wildlife spectacles unfold. The Arctic National Wildlife refuge, situated in the northeastern corner of Alaska, is the wildest place left in North America. A symbol of wilderness for the world. No one has truly ever seen it. "The Arctic: Our Last Great Wilderness" will feature the first-ever cinematic account of this little known land where people can experience a world untouched by time.

Mariel is a veteran elite diver who has one last chance at the Olympic Games. However, when a terrible truth comes to light, Mariel faces her biggest personal question: Is winning her true dream?

Valentin, a 9-year-old boy living with his grandmother in late-1960s Buenos Aires, believes his family has problems that only he can solve. The youngster dreams of being reunited with his mother, who's separated from Valentin's abusive father.

Engineer Jake Holman arrives aboard the gunboat USS San Pablo, assigned to patrol a tributary of the Yangtze in the middle of exploited and revolution-torn 1926 China. His iconoclasm and cynical nature soon clash with the 'rice-bowl' system which runs the ship and the uneasy symbiosis between Chinese and foreigner on the river. Hostility towards the gunboat's presence reaches a climax when the boat must crash through a river-boom and rescue missionaries upriver at China Light Mission.

16-vuotias aasialaisamerikkalainen Chang lyö lukion koripallotähden kanssa vetoa, että oppii donkkaamaan Homecoming-juhlaan mennessä. 173-senttinen Chang lähtee vedon myötä opettelemaan donkkaamisen saloja - ei vain tehdäkseen vaikutuksen ihastukseensa Kristyyn vaan myös saadakseen lukiokavereidensa kunnioituksen. Mutta ennen kuin hän pystyy nousemaan korirenkaalle, hänen täytyy tarkastella kaikkea mitä hän tietää itsestään, kaverisuhteistaan ja perheestään.

Kenraali George Armstrong Custerin (1839-1876) ristiriitainen hahmo on lännentarinoiden perusaineistoaVillin lännen legendoja useaan otteeseen kuvittanut John Ford teki aiheesta oman tulkintansa. Kyseessä ei perifordilaiseen tapaan ollut suora historiikki, vaan pikemminkin Custerin hahmoon ja hänen tekemisiinsä viittaava teos. Vuonna 1948 valmistunut Apassilinnake (a.k.a Apashilinnake) oli paitsi avausosa Fordin menestyksekkäälle ratsuväkitrilogialle, myös ainoa elokuva, johon hän sai mukaan molemmat suosikkinäyttelijänsä, Henry Fondan ja John Waynen.Sisällissodan jälkeisiin vuosiin sijoittuva Apassilinnake kertoo seitsemännen ratsuväkirykmentin samannimisestä tukikohdasta, jonka komentajaksi saapuu jäykkä ja byrokraattinen Owen Thursday (Fonda). Uuden komentajan neuvotteluhaluttomuus ja uppiniskaisuus intiaanien asioiden hoidon suhteen asettaa ratsuväen pahoihin kahnauksiin sotajalalla olevin apassien kanssa.

Grégoire Lecomte, the unlucky actor anxious to find a "real job", goes to take a screen test for a role of a killer, but gets to mafiosi by mistake. He takes their don for a producer, and they mistake him for a hitman with whom they had an appointment. Deluded Lecomte signs contract with them. He is supposed to kill gun dealer Otto Krampe at his birthday party in Saint-Tropez by piercing him with a cap of the umbrella with a built-in syringe with potassium cyanide. Lecomte is not aware that it has to be a real murder.

C.S. Lewis, a world-renowned writer and professor, leads a passionless life until he meets spirited poet Joy Gresham.

A young girl lives in the Outer Hebrides in a small village in the years just before WWI. Isolated and hard by the shore, her life takes a dramatic change when a terrible tragedy befalls her.

In this office satire, Orson, a straight-laced employee, retreats to a blissfully empty corner office to get away from his lackluster colleagues. But why does this seem to upset them so much?

After the indomitable and beloved founder of a scrappy theater camp in upstate New York falls into a coma, the eccentric staff must band together with her clueless "crypto-bro" son to keep the thespian paradise afloat.

Donya, a lonely Afghan refugee and former translator, spends her twenties drifting through a meager existence in Fremont, California. Shuttling between her job writing fortunes for a fortune cookie factory and sessions with her eccentric therapist, Donya suffers from insomnia and survivor's guilt over those still left behind in Kabul as she desperately searches for love.

Tati and Renet were already trading pics, videos and music by their cellphones and on the last school trip they started making eye contact. However, what could be the beginning of a love story becomes the end.

Janie, a rising marketing executive living in The Big Apple, returns to her hometown of Woodland Falls when her Great-Uncle Randall passes away. Randall has even arranged for his farmhand, Dylan to help at the event, which is being held in the farm’s sprawling barn. Aware that her Manhattan boyfriend is anxious for her to return to the city so the pair can jet off to a previously planned holiday on the beach, Janie begins to feel an unexpected emotional tug about living life in a more authentic, meaningful way.

In the middle of La Habana, three friends meet on the rooftop day after day to discuss their dreams and aspirations. Though they lack the proper resources, they decide to start their own business, a decision that pushes them towards maturity, although at an unforeseen cost.

Proteesisuunnittelija Abi ja hänen miesystävänsä Paul muuttavat uuteen kotiin, jotta Abi voi testata uusinta projektiaan, humanoidirobotti T.I.M:iä. Tim auttaa heitä kaikenlaisissa kotitöissä, mutta Paul suhtautuu tilanteeseen skeptisesti. Ehkä Paulin epäilykset johtuvat siitä, että Tim on liian inhimillinen. Kun Timin ja Paulin välille kehittyy mustasukkaisuutta, elämä synkkenee huomattavasti.

Ming Dynasty secret agent Ling Ling Ling (000) is assigned to investigate a drug poisoning involving a performance enhancing drug in the brothel, Ying Chun Kwok. Ling thought hard and finally came up a disguise as the author of Yuk Po Tuen (Sex and Zen) to sneak into the brothel. The prostitutes in order to get their names into the book all tempted Ling, who in order to appaise the ladies, turned the book into a book of dirty stories. One day, a blind servant Yuk Chu Nui (Jade Virgin) is auditioned, Ling learned that the buyer would receive the drug, so he bidded up the prices hoping to receive the evidence. Who would expect that someone else is bidding with a higher price?

In 1935, Hungarian-American para-psychologist Nandor Fodor began his investigation of a strange occurrence on the Isle of Man. An average British family, the Irvings, claimed to have been contacted by a mysterious entity at their farm. A talking mongoose. Named Gef (Pronounced "Jeff".)

Luke and Roger are just another couple of college guys trying to lose their virginity. But when Luke sees something unusual, he begins to suspect that the girls on campus aren't exactly...human.

A legendary she-demon, in the updated guise of a beautiful model, infiltrates the offices of a successful fashion magazine with the aim of corrupting the world via mass media.