Seoul, South Korea, 1997. When the young but extremely anxious student Jin-seok, his parents and his successful older brother Yoo-seok move to a new home, mysterious and frightening events begin to happen around them, unexplained events that threaten to ruin their seemingly happy lives. Unable to understand what is happening, Jin-seok wonders if he is losing his mind.

Harry Potter prežíva ako sirota neradostné detstvo. Blížia sa však jeho jedenáste narodeniny a vtedy mu obor Hagrid vyjaví tajomstvo jeho života: Harry je totiž čarodejník! Vzápätí v čarodejnom svete nastáva veľký rozruch - chlapec, ktorý už ako batoľa porazil mocného pána zla, ktorého meno sa každý bojí vysloviť, sa totiž konečne vydáva na cestu, ktorá mu bola predurčená.

Keď svet upadol, mladá Furiosa bola vytrhnutá z Green place mnohých matiek a padla do rúk veľkej motorkárskej skupiny vedenej Warlordom Dementom. Prechádzajúc cez Pustinu narazia na Citadelu, ktorej predsedá Immortan Joe. Kým dvaja Tyrani bojujú o nadvládu, Furiosa musí prežiť mnohé skúšky, aby našla cestu domov.

Naruto x UT is the eighth Naruto OVA. Approximately 200,000 copies of this OVA were distributed by Uniqlo to promote a line of Naruto-themed shirts designed by Masashi Kishimoto in conjunction with Studio Pierrot. It shows the aftermath between a fight between Naruto and Sasuke and shows clips of their times together and the story so far.

Keď je americká rodina pozvaná stráviť víkend na idylickom vidieckom sídle očarujúcej britskej rodiny, s ktorou sa spriatelili na dovolenke, to, čo sa začína ako vysnívaná dovolenka, sa čoskoro zmení na nočnú moru.

Mr. Money is holding another World Martial Arts Tournament and Mr. Satan invites everyone in the world to join in. Little does he know that Bojack, an ancient villain who has escaped his prison, is competing. Since Goku is currently dead, it is up to Gohan, Vegeta, and Trunks to defeat Bojack and his henchman.

11. september roku 2001 zmenil moderné dejiny našej planéty. Let číslo 93 anglického režiséra a scenáristu Paula Greengrassa je nielen prvý film o tejto udalosti, ale aj jedinečný. Nesnaží sa vodiť divákov za ručičku a dávať na zložité otázky jednoduché odpovede. Skôr sa pokúša byť nestranným svedkom dňa, počas ktor.ého sa za pár hodín zmenili milióny osudov a niekoľko tisíc sa ich navždy uzavrelo...

Dvaja astronauti vyrážajú na mediálne turné, aby varovali ľudstvo pred smrtiacou kométou, ktorá sa rúti priamo na planétu Zem. Zdá sa však, že to nikoho nezaujíma.

A young couple, a king and queen termite, settle down and build a grand empire within a massive mound. When the mound suffers damage from rain, fire, and a falling branch, the scent from the termite colony is carried off by wind and catches the attention of a swarming driver ant colony led by their "black queen." Now a war is waged as ant and termite fight a battle of minuscule proportions for the survival of their very colonies.

Ordered to teach a martial arts class of rambunctious bunny kittens, Po tells stories of each of the Furious Five's pasts.

Do nevábnej miestnosti umiestnili tvorcovia hneď osem ľudí... Keď sa prebudia, je im opäť prednesená premisa ten, kto zabije ostatných, zaslúži si žiť. Súbežne sa rozbieha pátranie po nedolapenom vrahovi Jigsaw, ktorého artisticky dopilované scény ľudského utrpenia opäť začínajú plniť stránky novín. Pozor, Jigsaw ťa sleduje...

The evil Dr. Kochin uses the dragon balls to resurrect his mentor, Dr. Wheelo, in an effort to take over the world. Dr. Wheelo, his body having been destroyed by the avalanche that killed him fifty years before, desires the body of the strongest fighter in the world as his new vessel. Believing Roshi to be the world's strongest warrior, Dr. Kochin abducts Bulma and forces Roshi to surrender himself to save her. When Goku hears of their abduction, he goes to their rescue.

Cooler has resurrected himself as a robot and is enslaving the people of New Namek. Goku and the gang must help.

V Saw 4 sú Jigsaw aj jeho pomocníčka Amanda mŕtvi. Po vražde detektíva Kerryho pomáhajú agenti FBI vo výslužbe detektívovi Hoffmanovi rozlúštiť hádanku poslednej Jigsawovej hry. Veliteľ zásahovej jednotky Rigg sa sám ocitne vo vnútri smrteľnej hry a má len hodinu a pol, aby sa dostal cez vražedné pasce a zachránil svojho priateľa aj seba samého pred desivým koncom...

A struggling young dancer finds herself drawn in by dark forces when a peculiar, well-connected older couple promise her a shot at fame.

After reading an article about hypnotic regression, a woman whose maternal grandfather died when she was only three years old contacts the hypnotic subject named in the article believing that he is the reincarnation of her grandfather, and hoping that she can learn the truth about how he died.

Six estranged sisters decide to take part in a Mangalgauri competition, and reunite at their childhood home to practice. They must overcome their past and face their struggles head-on.

Kristen, Kincaid a Joey sa stretli s Freddym Kruegerom už v 3. časti. Tentoraz sú späť v normálnom živote, ale Kristen znova začína mať nočné mory. V jednej z nich sa prechádza vo Freddyho dome, dôjde až do kotolne a tam vtiahne do svojho sna Kincaida aj Joeyho. Po útoku psa sa Kristen prebúdza so škaredou ranou na ruke. To je však len začiatok a Freddy sa už teší na ďalšie mladé mäsko, samozrejme s Kristen na čele.

A group of friends think they found the perfect easy score - an empty house with a safe full of cash. But when the elderly couple that lives there comes home early, the tables are suddenly turned. As a deadly game of cat and mouse ensues, the would-be thieves must fight to save themselves from a nightmare they could never have imagined.

Ten-year-old Ashish falls head-over-heels in love with his classmate, Srushti. While he grows up, the country goes through several socio-economic changes.