Each member of a family in Taipei asks hard questions about life's meaning as they live through everyday quandaries. NJ is morose: his brother owes him money, his mother is in a coma, his wife suffers a spiritual crisis when she finds her life a blank and his business partners make bad decisions.

Documentary filmmaker Robert Kenner examines how mammoth corporations have taken over all aspects of the food chain in the United States, from the farms where our food is grown to the chain restaurants and supermarkets where it's sold. Narrated by author and activist Eric Schlosser, the film features interviews with average Americans about their dietary habits, commentary from food experts like Michael Pollan and unsettling footage shot inside large-scale animal processing plants.

A young girl overcomes her disadvantaged upbringing in the slums of Uganda to become a Chess master.

Justin Quayle is a low-level British diplomat who has always gone about his work very quietly, not causing any problems. But after his radical wife Tessa is killed he becomes determined to find out why, thrusting himself into the middle of a very dangerous conspiracy.

The Rizzos, a family who doesn't share their habits, aspirations, and careers with one another, find their delicate web of lies disturbed by the arrival of a young ex-con brought home by Vince, the patriarch of the family, who is a corrections officer in real life, and a hopeful actor in private.

Triler iz odvjetničkog svijeta New Yorka u izvršnoj produkciji Georgea Clooneya i Stevena Soderbergha. George Clooney je elitni njujorški odvjetnik koji je među kolegama poznat kao "domar" jer već petnaest godina radi u sjeni rješavajući privatne probleme bogatih klijenata. Film se odvija tijekom četiri najgora dana u njegovom životu...

Jack Manfred is an aspiring writer who to make ends meet, takes a job as a croupier. Jack remains an observer, knowing that everything in life is a gamble and that gamblers are born to lose. Inevitably, he gets sucked into the world of the casino which takes its toll on his relationships and the novel he is writing.

Benedict Cumberbatch glumi glavnu ulogu u pravodobnoj i uvjerljivoj zakulisnoj drami o referendumskoj kampanji Brexitu. Film prati kampanju iz perspektive uglavnom nepoznatih stratega iz tabora za ostanak i za odlazak dok spletkare da bi stekli prednost jedni nad drugima i istodobno se nose s političarima koji se bore za pozornost javnosti i kontroverznu financijsku potporu. U vrijeme kada su eksplozivna otkrića o iskapanju osobnih podataka, korozivni učinak lažnih vijesti i mikrociljano oglašavanje preko društvenih medija u prvom planu dnevnih vijesti, „Brexit“ istražuje kako su moderne, na podacima temeljene tehnike kampanje doprinijele jednoj od najneočekivanijih, veoma napetih i kontroverznih odluka u suvremenoj političkoj povijesti.

In 1870s America, a peaceful American settler kills his family's murderer which unleashes the fury of a notorious gang leader. His cowardly fellow townspeople then betray him, forcing him to hunt down the outlaws alone.

A Chechen Muslim illegally immigrates to Hamburg and becomes a person of interest for a covert government team tracking the movements of potential terrorists.

A young Brooklyn boy witnesses the brutal murder of his mother and grows up obsessed with finding her killer. Thus begins his life as a quiet, straight-A student by day and a self-appointed hero at night. But what is a real hero? And who decides what is right or wrong? As the boundaries blur, Sean's dual life wears on his psyche and his two worlds careen dangerously close to colliding. Like a graphic novel you can't put down, Boy Wonder challenges morality, distorting perceptions of what is right and what is justified, as it races to its shocking conclusion.

Allena Bauera kao dijete je od utapljanja spasila mlada sirena. Godinama kasnije on se vraća na istu lokaciju na Cape Cod gdje ponovno slučajno upada u more te ga ponovno spašava sirena. Allen je oba puta bio toliko u šoku da nije znao što je stvarno, a što si je zamislio. Koristeći mapu sa potonulog broda sirena odluči pronaći Allena u New Yorku. Kada joj se rep osuši pojave se noge te ona krene za njim. Nakon što ga pronađe zaljube se, no on ne zna njenu tajnu, koja će prestati biti tajna čim joj se noge smoče.

A ticking-clock thriller following Winston Churchill in the 24 hours before D-Day.

Lil and Roz are two lifelong friends, having grown up together as neighbors in an idyllic beach town. As adults, their sons have developed a friendship as strong as that which binds their mothers. One summer, all four are confronted by simmering emotions that have been mounting between them, and each find unexpected happiness in relationships that cross the bounds of convention.

When their beloved school is threatened with closure should the powers that be fail to raise the proper funds, the girls scheme to steal a priceless painting and use the profits to pull St. Trinian's out of the red.

A big time drug dealer Victor Rosa is looking to get out of the game and sees his chance with a big deal with a new friend who happens to be a Wall St. stockbroker. Thinking this will be his chance to go out on top Victor soon finds out that he has been double crossed and his last option is to get revenge.

Nakon što na poslu počini skupu pogrešku Adam Cassidy suočava se nemilosrdnom predsjednikom kompanije, Nicholasom Wyattom. On ga neće uništiti samo pod jednim uvjetom: Adam mora postati korporativni špijun. Odjednom dobiva raskošan ured, vozi skupe automobile... ali konce igre vuče Wyatt kojeg ništa ne može spriječiti u multimiljunskoj utrci u kojoj planira pobijediti!

Remake of a 1956 Fritz Lang film in which a novelist's investigation of a dirty district attorney leads to a setup within the courtroom.

In the dark heart of a sprawling, anonymous city, two assassins carry out a sinister mission, a teacher battles a fatal illness, and an enigmatic janitor and a curious waitress lead dangerous double lives. Murderous consequences unravel in the dead of night, as their lives intertwine at the hands of a mysterious criminal mastermind who is hell-bent on revenge.

While James More is held captive by terrorists in Somalia, thousands of miles away on the Greenland Sea, his lover Danny Flinders prepares to dive herself in a submersible into the deep bottom of the ocean, tormented by the memories of their brief encounter in France and her inability to know his whereabouts.