A mother and daughter were brutally murdered in their apartment on Saturday morning. The killer treated the latter cruelly — her face was disfigured beyond recognition. The missing item — an ancient cross with black pearls — was found at one of the acquaintances of the murdered woman. He was hastily tried and sentenced to capital punishment...

Šiame pasakiškame filme Haris Poteris jau bus visiems pažįstamas Hogvartso antrametis ir susidurs su dar keistesniais padarais bei patirs dar nuostabesnių nuotykių… Sužinosite, kokios liūdnos buvo Hario atostogos pas nedorėlius Durslius, kaip jo neleido grįžti į mokyklą, kaip senutėliu skraidančiu automobiliu jį stebuklingai į Hogvartsą nuskraidino draugai. Na, o ten, žinoma, naujos mįslės. Kažkas atidarė Paslapčių kambarį, apipintą šiurpiomis legendomis, ir iš ten ištrūkęs monstras keletą mokinių sustingdė į akmenis. Mokyklai gresia uždarymas, iš jos pašalinamas Dumbldoras, suimamas Hagridas… Tačiau Hariui su Roniu pavyksta atrasti Paslapčių kambarį ir atskleisti jo paslaptis bei nugalėti baisių įvykių kaltininką ir laimėti Grifų Gūžtai net 400 taškų!

Haris atostogauja pas Durslius. Ramybės neduoda sunkios mintys: mylimo krikštatėvio Sirijaus mirtis, žiaurus mūšis su Valdovu Voldemortu. Ir štai, sėdėdamas savo kambaryje, Haris nekantriai laukia apsilankant Hogvartso direktoriaus. Kodėl profesorius Dumbldoras kaip tik dabar nutarė jį aplankyti? Kokie neatidėliotini reikalai jį veja iki mokslo metų pradžios likus keletui savaičių?

The best women's wrestling competition of all time...and if you think it's fake you're in for a big surprise See LEGENDARY Mixed Martial Arts fighters coach their teams to victory in the cage! aka Chuck Lidell's Girl's Fight Club

In the slums of the future, VR junkies satisfy their violent impulses in online entertainment. An expert player discovers that the line between games and reality is starting to fade away. A glimpse into a future where First Person Shooters have become a new drug for those disillusioned with society. The films examines the consequences of this on the global society.

You are thousands of years old. You have amazing powers. You have watched civilizations rise and fall. So why does no one remember any of this? Best-selling author, Neil Gaiman (Marvel: 1602) is joined by superstar artist, John Romita. Jr. (Amazing Spider-Man), to bring you the extraordinary tale of The Eternals. Medical student Mark Curry's world is turned upside-down when he meets Ike Harris, a man who believes that he is part of a centuries-old race of super-powered beings put here on Earth by aliens to preserve and safeguard the planet — and even crazier, tried to convince Mark that he is one too.

Raju, Shyam and Baburao are living happily after having risen from rags to riches. However, they lose it all after falling victim to a chit fund scam due to their greed for more money. Soon, they find themselves in new mess and encounter eccentric and dangerous characters in their quest for a shortcut to riches again.

Romeu, a corrupt cop, hires the services of Cid and Alex, to catch a notorious criminal, who left Mexico and is on his way to Galicia, Spain to find the killer of his brother, also trying to catch the same criminal is an FBI agent.

Pirmosios dalies pabaigoje išsiskyrę, Ana ir Kristijanas netrukus supranta, kad negali vienas be kito. Siekdamas susigrąžinti mylimąją, Kristijanas sutinka su Anos sąlygomis ir apriboja savo seksualinius poreikius vardan normalių, labiau tradicinių santykių. Tačiau naujajame santykių etape netrukus atsiranda ir naujų problemų. Anos dėmesio ima siekti naujas jos viršininkas Džekas, taip sukeldamas Kristijano pavydą. Anos problemos įsikūnija dviejose moteryse iš mylimojo praeities. Dabartinė Kristijano verslo partnerė Elena (akt. Kim Basinger) kažkada buvo toji moteris, kuri supažindino naivų vaikiną su rafinuotais sekso žaidimais. Negana to, į Kristijano gyvenimą sugrįžta ir ankstesnė jo simpatija. Ar sugebės mylimieji nugalėti iškilusias problemas ir surasti juos abu tenkinantį santykių receptą?

Klaus lives with his two brothers Kunz and Franz in a little village. Together, they ply their trade as cobblers in a small workshop. But the workload rests mainly on the shoulders of ill-treated Klaus. When Kunz and Franz go off into the forest to chop wood for fuel they run into an old woman who asks them for some wine and bread. Rudely and gruffly, they refuse her request and return home without any wood. Klaus then has to set out and he meets the old woman as well. He gladly offers her his frugal meal which is suddenly turned into pancakes and good wine. In addition, he receives a golden goose for his kindness. The bird possesses a an unusual characteristic: all those who are prying, nosy, envious and rapacious get stuck to it and become glued to one another.

Prieš pat Heloviną du smalsūs miestelio vaikai – Sonis ir Semas – išdrįsta užsukti į apgriuvusį namą. Žinoma, tikėtis šventinių saldainių būtų sunkoka, bet suraskite vaikus, kurių netrauktų paslaptingi namai, kuriuose galimai vaidenasi. Jų smalsumas patenkinamas su kaupu. Nors visi daiktai (taip pat ir pirmojo filmo nelaimių priežastis – stebuklingos rašytojo knygos) iš namo išvežti, tačiau užmirštoje slaptavietėje bičiulių laukia didžiausia (ir baisiausia) jų gyvenimo staigmena. Netikėtai atidarę slaptas duris, berniukai suranda apdulkėjusią dėžę, o joje – vienišą knygą. Nežinodami trejų metų senumo įvykių detalių, draugai ją atverčia...

Two journalists search for a rock band that was popular 20 years ago but just seemed to have vanished and was never heard from again. Their investigation leads them to discover more about the band than they bargained for.

The journey of a struggling singer 'Fanney Khan' who aspires to make his daughter a big name in the music world.

The story of Jesse and Celeste who meets at an unexpected time in their lives. They then realize their names are the same as the characters in the popular break-up romantic comedy, Celeste and Jesse Forever.

When Sam is murdered in a remote lake, his consciousness begins to travel through the bodies of his friends in an effort to protect them from his killer. This dark passage leads him on a greater journey - discovering his own true identity.

When a young woman takes a trip down Rogue River, her car mysteriously disappears. Lost without transport or communication, she accepts the hospitality of a stranger who offers her shelter for the night at his cabin. With no other options available, she reluctantly accepts only to forever regret it. The ensuing hours yield nothing but torture, indescribable pain, and horrific agony. If you've seen Misery, you've seen nothing. This movie starts where horror films end and leaves viewers paralysed by fear and disgust.

Felix is trying to get some sleep in a graveyard, but keeps getting bothered by a ghost. He follows the ghost to the house of an old farmer, and the ghost proceeds to terrorize the old man, and when the farmer calls for help from the police, the ghost terrorizes them, too. Felix, however, suspects something fishy is going on, and with the help of the farmer's donkey, gets to the bottom of things.