Hirayama is content with his life as a toilet cleaner in Tokyo. Outside of his structured routine, he cherishes music on cassette tapes, books, and taking photos of trees. Through unexpected encounters, he reflects on finding beauty in the world.
Signe a Thomas sú mladý pár so vzájomne nezdravou súťaživosťou, ktorá naberie nebezpečný smer, keď sa Thomas náhle presadí ako súčasný umelec. Signe v reakcii na to, urobí zúfalý až sebazničujúci pokus o znovuzískanie svojho postavenia tým, že sa úmyselne stane chorou, aby prilákala na svoju stranu pozornosť a súcit.
The commandant of Auschwitz, Rudolf Höss, and his wife Hedwig, strive to build a dream life for their family in a house and garden next to the camp.
In 1970s Rome, a casual encounter between Enea and Pietro at a movie theater turns into an unforgettable romance — until destiny pulls them apart.
Pamela Anderson rozpráva o svojej ceste ku sláve, nestálych vzťahoch a známom škandále s erotickou nahrávkou. Riešiť sa budú aj jej súkromné videá a denníky.
Struggling to find his place at Oxford University, student Oliver Quick finds himself drawn into the world of the charming and aristocratic Felix Catton, who invites him to Saltburn, his eccentric family's sprawling estate, for a summer never to be forgotten.
Podľa správ z Vatikánu sa v posledných rokoch výrazne zvýšil výskyt posadnutí démonom. Katolícka cirkev preto opäť začala vybraných kňazov zaúčať do tajov posvätného obradu exorcizmu. Vo filme Diablova korisť dostanú diváci možnosť nahliadnuť do jednej z týchto škôl, ktoré tvoria obrannú líniu ľudstva proti silám večného zla. Hoci vyháňanie diabla bolo vždy výsadou mužov – kňazov, sestra Ann je hlboko presvedčená, že exorcizmus je jej poslaním. Keď jej starší profesor potvrdí, že má naozaj zvláštny dar spoznať zlo, stane sa prvou mníškou, ktorá dostane šancu absolvovať tajomný rituál. Jej vlastná duša sa však ocitne v nebezpečenstve, pretože vyjde najavo, že s temnými silami už mala do činenia aj v minulosti.
With his wife out sick, a struggling father brings home a lifelike AI, only to have his self-aware new help want everything her new family has to offer... Like the affection of her owner and she'll kill to get it.
Desperate to keep custody of his daughter, a mixed martial arts fighter abandons a big match and races across Berlin to attend her birthday party.
The teenage son of two fathers makes a documentary film about his parents but is surprised when a real-life plot twist occurs in his family.
Claude a Marie Verneuilovci v prvom filme vydali svoju štvrtú dcéru a v druhom úspešne udržali všetky svoje dcéry a ich rodiny vo Francúzsku. A práve keď sa im podarilo presvedčiť ich, aby neodchádzali, nečakali, že všetci skončia v ich malebnom Chinone, viac-menej vždy na krku. Dcéry a ich rodiny sa im chcú odvďačiť za ich starostlivosť a starostlivosť a využívajú skutočnosť, že Claude a Marie oslavujú štyridsať rokov spoločného života. Začnú pre nich pripravovať veľkú oslavu v ich rodinnom dome, a pretože to musí byť veľká oslava, pozvú do Francúzska aj ich rodičov. Claude a Marie budú musieť pod svojou strechou privítať rodičov svojich zaťov Rachida, Davida, Chao a Charlesa. Toto “rodinné” stretnutie sľubuje, že bude veľmi bohaté na udalosti. Stačí, že tieto rodiny pochádzajú z celého sveta a rozhodne ich nespája rovnaká viera. Nechajte sa prekvapiť a predovšetkým pobaviť.
Gilles, who operates a money losing garage, teams up with his friends Max, who operates a scrap yard, and lawyer Xavier to open a brothel catering to women. They get the idea from Gilles' secretary Irma, a former prostitute. They are assisted in the implementation by Max's wife Juliette and Sabine who is mad for Gilles. Unfortunately Gilles has fallen for Florence the daughter of the conservative Prime Minister and his wife. When the Prime Minister tries to shut down the brothel Gilles decides to stand against him in the election.
Oklahomské prašné búrky v 30. rokoch zastihnú ženu, ktorá je presvedčená, že na jej rodinu číha čosi desivé.
Diabolik narrowly escapes Inspector Ginko's latest trap, leaving his partner in crime Eva Kant behind. Furious, Eva offers Ginko her help in capturing him, but the former has to face first the return of an old flame of his, noblewoman Altea.
Marc, a bipolar and paranoid filmmaker, cannot tolerate seeing his current project picked apart by his producers. The clips he’s been able to sneak a look at lead him to fear the worst. With his editor as an accomplice, he manages to spirit away the rushes to his aunt’s place in the Cévennes, to finish the film as he envisions it. Instead, its completion is constantly postponed, as he creates endless diversions and impasses, which alternate between the comic and the downright disturbing.
Nina, a former NATO special operations agent living in hiding, has to use all her deadly skills to rescue her son who has been kidnapped by ruthless gangsters. Finding Max is a double opportunity for her. A chance to feel the adrenaline rush again, and an opportunity to get back into the life of the son she had to abandon years ago.
Ian is a teenager who lives with his father on the outskirts by running small scams using Ian's ability to generate visual illusions upon unsuspecting victims. When one of his cons goes awry, his abilities publicly spiral out of control and Ian becomes the target of two rival organizations, each seeking to exploit his powers.
Gérard Lanvin has an important role in a new blockbuster! Filming is about to begin in the South of France. On site, he meets Momo Zapareto, the pool boy at the house he is renting for the duration or the shoot. But Momo is a fan, a big fan… an uberfan! He has seen all his films and is soon doing all he can to make himself indispensable to his idol and the technical crew. For Gérard, the nightmare has just begun…
After Antoine was fired from his job, he became a stay-at-home dad taking care of his four children, while his wife Isabelle restarts her career as a lawyer. For Antoine, the family's upcoming ski vacation is a godsend: he can finally take a break from parenthood and enjoy a luxury ski resort! But just as they are about to step on the train, Isabelle is called back to work for an emergency and Antoine has to deal, on his own, with his four mischievous kids going wild on the slopes and in the fancy hotel, as the trip turns into total chaos…
Sneaking out. Hooking up. Melting down. The cast and crew of a blockbuster action franchise attempt to shoot a sequel while quarantining at a posh hotel.