The Roma, commonly referred to as Gypsies, have been both romanticized and vilified in popular culture. Dozens of Roma from 11 countries—including Holocaust survivors, historians, activists, and musicians--bring Romani history to life through poetry, music, and compelling first-hand accounts.

An Albanian pilgrim, infected with an unknown disease, is on his way back to Belgrade from the Middle East. When doctors realize that it is a disease that has been considered eradicated, it is already too late - variola vera begins to languish and the hospital is quarantined.

A newly wed couple, Tacy and Nicky, travel in a trailer for their honeymoon. The journey is a humorous one that could end up destroying their marriage.

  艾利克斯(兰斯·盖斯特 Lance Guest 饰)生活在一个特殊的家庭之中,头脑十分灵活的他是一名电子游戏高手,可是虽然在游戏世界里艾利克斯能够叱咤风云,但在现实中,他申请奖学金却遭到了学校的拒绝。   一天,艾利克斯遇见了一位自称为游戏公司制作人的神秘男子,就此接触到了名为“斗士”的游戏,在稀里糊涂之中,艾利克斯成为了一名斗士,并且学习了一系列的战斗技能。当艾利克斯回到家中后,震惊的发现自己的家园遭到了外星人的入侵,与此同时,在斗士的游戏世界中,他的同僚们也惨遭杀害。现在,艾利克斯是唯一一个能够抵挡外星人入侵的人了。


  医学院学生米娅(米歇尔·洪 Michelle Ang 饰)正筹划针对阿兹海默综合症写一篇博士论文,她辗转找到名叫莎拉·洛根(安妮·拉姆塞 Anne Ramsay 饰)的女性,希望能以莎拉的母亲狄波拉(吉尔·拉森 Jill Larson 饰) 为对象拍摄一部纪录片。狄波拉为人保守刻板,此时正处于阿兹海默的前期,虽然她对拍摄颇为抵触,但是家中糟糕的经济状况不得不使她接受女儿的请求。在此之后,米娅和盖文(Brett Gentile 饰)、路易斯(Jeremy DeCarlos 饰)组成的摄影团队驱车来到洛根一家位于丛林中央的房子里。他们对狄波拉周围的人进行采访,贴身记录这家人的一切言行举止。   而在这一过程中,病情不断恶化的狄波拉变得越来越古怪,甚至到了反常恐怖的地步……

Set in Dublin in 1967, the story of feisty woman, who along with her seven children, learns to cope with adversity after the unexpected death of her husband.


合法与非法犯罪行为。用船的美国游客被小将男孩的团伙,通过领导者的姐姐协助抢劫。但不久之后,她跳到受害者的小船逃离哥哥的乱伦嫉妒。夫妻俩比翼双飞,由整个帮派追杀。无论发生在进入高机密军事领地。有可能是第三和原子世界大战,在这之后没有普通的人能够生存。但现在再有孩子出生谁是“自然”无线电积极主动,有冷血。他们可能在战后的世界中生存和发扬人类。它们被取出并带到地下建筑,他们是由电视教育。他们被告知,他们是在飞船向地球,这是他们应该最终殖民运动。这一军事项目似乎是因为儿童的高死亡率的失败。 - 军方很快就发现该团伙......

It's Christmas Eve and Judy Emerson is told there's no such thing as Santa. Determined to prove her family wrong, she sets an elaborate trap and successfully captures Santa Claus himself. But her parents think the jolly old elf is a burglar and have Santa arrested.

故事发生在1660年的法国,国王路易(理查德·查伯兰 Richard Chamberlain 饰)整日沉湎于酒色之中,无心朝政,使臣民们生活在水深火热之中。路易有一个孪生弟弟名为菲利普(理查德·查伯兰 Richard Chamberlain 饰),史书中记载的菲利普刚刚出生便已夭折,可实际上,他被偷偷送往阿尔卑斯山的一个庄园中,隐姓埋名,生长在此。 国王的昏庸让内务大臣科贝尔(拉尔夫·理查德森 Ralph Richardson 饰)和火枪手队长达达尼昂(路易斯·乔丹 Louis Jourdan 饰)感到大为不满,他们决定找到菲利普,扶持他推翻哥哥的统治,登上王位。贪婪的财政大臣富凯(帕特里克·麦高汉 Patrick McGoohan 饰)早先一步找到了菲利普,他和国王一起设计,给菲利普带上铁面,投入了深牢之中。

A fledgling actress is lured to a remote mansion for a screen-test, soon discovering she is actually a prisoner in the middle of a blackmail plot.

A girl gets in a car accident and wanders through the woods, encountering all kinds of nightmarish things.



A film depicting the revenge of a couple who are fooled by the physical pleasures of a couple at work.

A first-person account of growing up in an evangelical Christian cult.

A crook decides to bump off members of his inept crew and blame their deaths on a legendary sea creature. What he doesn't know is that the creature is real.

How a culture and community that believe in Shaman is being destroyed by mainstream religions. By using the panda allegory it is told with a magical realistic narrative.