Six million Jews died during World War II, both in the extermination camps and murdered by the mobile commandos of the Einsatzgruppen and police battalions, whose members shot men, women and children, day after day, obediently, as if it were a normal job, a fact that is hardly known today. Who were these men and how could they commit such crimes?

Rafalas Vilčiuras – genialus chirurgas, po kurio skalpeliu atgyja net ir beviltiškiausi ligoniai. Deja, šeimyninis vyro gyvenimas klostosi ne taip sėkmingai kaip jo karjera. Namus palikus žmonai ir dukrai, chirurgas lieka gatvėje. Apiplėštas, be pinigų ir dokumentų vyras vos per kelias akimirkas iš gerbiamo gydytojo tampa gatvių valkata. Aplinkybių vedinas jis pakeičia vardą ir tampa Antonu Kosiba. Nubraukęs prieš tai buvusį gyvenimo tarpsnį vyras keliauja iš namų namus, dirbdamas už maistą ir guolį nakvynei. Kartą atvykęs į vieno malūnininko ūkį, Antonas apsistoja svetingo vyro namuose ir padeda jam ūkio darbuose, o netrukus tampa visaverčiu šeimos nariu. Matydamas nevaikštantį, prie lovos prikaustytą malūnininko sūnų, chirurgas ryžtasi atgaivinti praeities įgūdžius ir operuoja jaunuolį bei padovanoja jam galimybę vėl atsistoti ant kojų. Netrukus apylinkėse pasklinda gandas apie žiniuonį...

Mateo undertakes the ascent of Annapurna, the most dangerous mountain on the planet, in order to fulfill an old promise.

After a court order sends him to work at a hospice, an ex-criminal strikes up a friendship with a compassionate priest who changes his life.

Based on the life of Hyakken Uchida, a Japanese author and academic. The film opens with Uchida resigning his job as a German professor at the onset of WWII. The story is told mostly in vignettes as he is cared for by former students in his old age.

Rašytojo Jano Guillouso autobiografine knyga paremtame filme pasakojama apie jaunuolį vardu Erikas. Šis sudėtingo charakterio vaikinas yra kupinas pykčio ir neapykantos. Jis niekaip negali pamiršti nuo pat vaikystės patiriamo smurto, nes būtent tokį auklėjimo metodą pasirinko patėvis. Mokykloje jau pats Erikas pradeda kelti muštynes ir negaili net geriausių savo draugų. Dėl šios priežasties mokymo įstaigos vadovybė nusprendžia vaikiną perkelti į privačią mokyklą, kurioje vyresni mokiniai kontroliuoja jaunesniųjų elgesį, kruopščiai juos prižiūri ir sugalvoja įvairių užduočių. Tačiau Erikas nori ramiai užbaigti mokslus ir gauti išsilavinimą. Jis ryžtasi neklausyti to, ką kalba ir įsakinėja vyresnieji mokiniai, o šiems pradeda nepatikti naujojo maištininko elgesys.

1960s Turkey countryside. A newly assigned teacher finds out that the solitary village is missing a school. He gets fond of the village people and especially a disabled man. The teacher helps the village to build a new school and educate the children and the disabled man.

Barbara O’Brien, an Irish Catholic mother, has her life turned upside-down when her son, a freshman in college, is involved in a tragic hazing incident. Taking justice into her own hands, she travels across the country recording mothers who have lost sons to hazing in an effort to prove the university’s liability. When she is confronted by corruption and cover ups, she seeks revenge on the one person she finds truly responsible, proving that hell hath no fury like a mother scorned.

Viena, 1938-ieji. Austriją okupuoja naciai. Daktaras Jozefas Bartokas su žmona Ana ruošiasi bėgti į Ameriką, tačiau jį suima gestapas. Jam, buvusiam nuverstos Austrijos aristokratijos notarui, liepiama padėti vietiniam gestapo vadui gauti prieigą prie privačių banko sąskaitų, kad būtų galima finansuoti nacių režimą. Atsisakęs bendradarbiauti, Bartokas uždaromas į vienutę. Kai jo protas ima temti, Bartokui į rankas patenka garsių šachmatų partijų knyga. Stengdamasis ištverti kankinančią izoliaciją, Bartokas pasineria į šachmatų pasaulį, sveiką protą išsaugo įsimindamas kiekvieną ėjimą.

Two adopted brothers filled with resentment for each other after the loss of their mother, united in their love of breakdancing, find themselves thrust together as they embark on a journey for the Gold. ​

When Cheryl visits the Christmas carnival in her hometown, she gets a second chance in life when she is transported to Christmas five years in the past.

After a near fatal car accident, a popular high school student loses her memory and gets a second chance at a more meaningful life.

In a suburban landscape, the lives of several families interlace with loss, despair and personal crisis. Esther Gold has lost focus on all but caring for her comatose son, Paul, and neglects her daughter and husband. Lawyer Jim Train is devoted to his career, not his family. Helen Christianson wants to find a new spark in life, while Annette Jennings tries to rebuild hers.

Ari Ben Canaan, a passionate member of the Jewish paramilitary group Haganah, attempts to transport 600 Jewish refugees on a dangerous voyage from Cyprus to Palestine on a ship named the Exodus. He faces obstruction from British forces, who will not grant the ship passage to its destination.

Pietro and Eleonora, both avid gardeners, are strangers who only meet because their two terraces are close to each other. The relationship that grows between them helps them to alleviate the pain each feels over something secret and very serious, a pain both try to hide from themselves and those around them. In this limbo they inhabit, the two make a stab at finding happiness together, until their paths diverge once more.

Robert Hansen, 34, a young police officer from Copenhagen, is transferred against his will to the small town of Skarrild in Southern Jutland as a substitute Marshall. The transfer is Robert’s chance to start over. Whether he is allowed to return to his job in Copenhagen, all depends on how well he performs in this frontier town.

In this biopic about the life and death of Ângela Diniz, Angela meets Raul and believes she has found someone who loves her free spirit as much as she does. The overwhelming attraction makes the couple drop everything and live the dream of rebuilding their lives on the beach. But the relationship declines into abuse and violence, giving rise to one of the most remembered murders in Brazil.

After the Turia River overflows its banks, journalist Olvido and police sergeant Fermín investigate the appearance of six bodies with strange scars that point to a dark conspiracy.

When a wealthy businessman learns of his daughter's sudden engagement to a missionary, he embarks on a quest to keep her closer to home, but when his efforts go awry he must reconsider what it means to be a strong father.