Living in the Moonlight is the first DVD release from Collage, Poland's progressive rock band. This DVD features a 12-song performance at Trans Club in Szczecin and Bootegged in Unden, Holland 10/06/1995

Peasant girl Jagna is forced to marry the much older, wealthy farmer Boryna, despite her love for his son Antek. With time, Jagna becomes the object of envy and disdain with the villagers and she must fight to preserve her independence.

Six million Jews died during World War II, both in the extermination camps and murdered by the mobile commandos of the Einsatzgruppen and police battalions, whose members shot men, women and children, day after day, obediently, as if it were a normal job, a fact that is hardly known today. Who were these men and how could they commit such crimes?

A famous surgeon is beaten by drunken bullies, loses his memory and cannot recollect who he was before. He gets to a village, lives in a not so well to do family and becomes the Quack - he slowly regains his talent for medicine and saves the lives of several village patients.

At the end of World War II, Giovanna, a war bride living near Milan refuses to accept that her husband, Antonio, missing on the Russian front, is dead. There's a flashback to their brief courtship near her hometown of Naples, his 12-day leave to marry her, ruses to keep from deployment, and the ultimate farewell. Some years after the war, still with no word from Antonio, Giovanna goes to Russia to find him, starting in the town near the winter battle when he disappeared. Armed with his photograph, what will she find?

When a group of teens finds a corpse floating in a canal, the brutal reality behind the perverse crime unravels a town's hidden secrets.

After a court order sends him to work at a hospice, an ex-criminal strikes up a friendship with a compassionate priest who changes his life.

Mateo undertakes the ascent of Annapurna, the most dangerous mountain on the planet, in order to fulfill an old promise.

Stockholm, in the 1950s. Erik is expelled from the local school for getting into one brawl too many. To protect Erik from his violent stepfather’s reaction to his expulsion, Erik's mother arranges for Erik to spend a year at Stjärnsberg Boarding School, the only school willing to accept him. This is Erik's last chance to graduate to Upper School and he promises his mother, for his and her sake, to do all he can to stay out of trouble.

У Мадриду, домаћица Глорија живи у малом стану са мужем, таксистом и фалсификатором Антониом; лудом свекрвом која је зависна од флаширане воде и колача; и два сина тинејџера, од којих је један дилер дроге, а други геј. Глорија ради као спремачица да би зарадила новац за своју дисфункционалну породицу и зависна је од пилула; њена најбоља пријатељица је комшиница, проститутка Кристал. Антонио је потајно заљубљен у декадентну немачку певачицу за коју је радио као возач у Немачкој. Један писац покушава да убеди Антонија да фалсификује Хитлерова писма и отпутује у Немачку да се нађе са дотичном певачицом и позове је да учествује у превари. У међувремену, Глорија прода свог геј сина перверзном зубару. Приликом Глоријине свађе са Антониом, она га удари у главу цепаницом и убије га. Сада полицијски детективи истражују случај.

1960s Turkey countryside. A newly assigned teacher finds out that the solitary village is missing a school. He gets fond of the village people and especially a disabled man. The teacher helps the village to build a new school and educate the children and the disabled man.

Advokat Josef Bartok i njegova supruga Ana planiraju da pobegnu u SAD. Međutim, malo pre nego što bekstvo uspe, Džozefa hapsi Gestapo. Kad odbije da sarađuje i preda podatke u vezi s računima plemstva i sveštenstva, biva smešten u samicu. Jedini predmet koji uspeva da prokrijumčari u pritvor je knjiga o šahu. Tokom narednih nekoliko meseci, on uči sve varijante igre i igra zamišljene igre u kojima mentalno pomera i crne i bele figure. Ova podvojenost ubrzo izaziva rascep u njegovom egu i ličnosti. Izgubljene partije iznenada izazivaju želju za osvetom...

When Cheryl visits the Christmas carnival in her hometown, she gets a second chance in life when she is transported to Christmas five years in the past.

Barbara O’Brien, an Irish Catholic mother, has her life turned upside-down when her son, a freshman in college, is involved in a tragic hazing incident. Taking justice into her own hands, she travels across the country recording mothers who have lost sons to hazing in an effort to prove the university’s liability. When she is confronted by corruption and cover ups, she seeks revenge on the one person she finds truly responsible, proving that hell hath no fury like a mother scorned.

In a suburban landscape, the lives of several families interlace with loss, despair and personal crisis. Esther Gold has lost focus on all but caring for her comatose son, Paul, and neglects her daughter and husband. Lawyer Jim Train is devoted to his career, not his family. Helen Christianson wants to find a new spark in life, while Annette Jennings tries to rebuild hers.

After a near fatal car accident, a popular high school student loses her memory and gets a second chance at a more meaningful life.

Robert Hansen, 34, a young police officer from Copenhagen, is transferred against his will to the small town of Skarrild in Southern Jutland as a substitute Marshall. The transfer is Robert’s chance to start over. Whether he is allowed to return to his job in Copenhagen, all depends on how well he performs in this frontier town.

To celebrate their engagement, Thea takes Jashan home — but his Indian roots and her family's Norwegian traditions clash in a chaotic Christmas.

When a wealthy businessman learns of his daughter's sudden engagement to a missionary, he embarks on a quest to keep her closer to home, but when his efforts go awry he must reconsider what it means to be a strong father.

After the Turia River overflows its banks, journalist Olvido and police sergeant Fermín investigate the appearance of six bodies with strange scars that point to a dark conspiracy.