警车上,落网的连续杀人犯槚津严(绪形拳 饰)神态轻松,并在后来的审讯中拒不交代杀死职员柴田与马场的经过……槚津严出身于信奉天主教的渔民家庭,由于宗教歧视,严家的小船被没收,年幼的严试图反抗却被父亲制止,由此父亲丧失了在严心目中的地位。青年严因偷窃美军设备出狱后与加津子奉子成婚,然而很快又因诈骗入狱。父亲为阻止加津子离婚登门拜访,谁知两人却发生了不伦的关系,再次出狱的严不齿妻子与父亲所为,离家出走,从此开始了伴随杀人与诈骗的流浪旅程。严乔装大学教授与旅馆中的暗娼交好,间歇时仍然犯下累累罪行,而此时与他共居的母子二人,并不知晓身边人是日本知名的通缉犯……   本片获1979年日本《电影旬报》十佳电影第一名。


In January 1990, at the age of 33, the artist José Leonilson starts registering an intimate journal in a tape recorder. His views on events that shook both Brazil, such as the resignation of former president Collor, and overseas, such as the fall of the Berlin Wall, permeate his confessions. He also talks about his impressions on the various movies he used to watch. The records of this sensitive artist in tune with modern life did not intend, at first, anything more than register the harmony that existed between his life and his peculiar and intimate work. However, J.L. suffers the unexpected blow of the discovery that he himself is HIV positive. The uncertainty and urgency in his life begin to permeate his reports.

年轻的小伙子巴斯特(Buster Keaton 巴斯特•基顿 饰)丢掉了工作,女朋友也弃他而去,失意的他指望傍富人赚点儿零花竟也不成功,于是决定自杀。然而命运的折磨无休无止,无论巴斯特尝试何种方法,如卧轨、上吊、喝毒药等,最终都以失败告终。

George Orr, a man whose dreams can change waking reality, tries to suppress this unpredictable gift with drugs. Dr. Haber, an assigned psychiatrist, discovers the gift to be real and hypnotically induces Mr. Orr to change reality for the benefit of mankind --- with bizarre and frightening results.

故事发生在法国乡村,16岁的女孩丽拉(法伊娜·乔康 Vahina Giocante 饰)跟姑姑一起搬到了这处偏僻而又贫瘠的小村庄里。在这里,丽拉遇见了名叫奇莫(莫阿马德·古亚 Mohammed Khouas 饰)的男孩,对于奇莫的沉默和腼腆,丽拉十分感兴趣,她经常有意无意的在语言和行为上挑逗着奇莫,看着后者羞涩的表情,丽拉充满了快乐。 奇莫的朋友莫罗德(卡汗姆·本阿度 Karim Benhadou 饰)对漂亮奔放的丽拉垂涎已久,可丽拉对莫罗德的态度,只能用冷漠和粗暴来形容,这让莫罗德十分恼火。村庄里,人们纷纷带着恶意议论着与众不同的丽拉 ……

著名的植物学家在一个岛上培育研究植物,他的性格严厉保守,与女儿陈安(李小冉 饰)相依为命。这天,混血女子李明(米兰妮•詹姆帕诺米 Mylène Jampanoï 饰)前来岛上实习,她父母在唐山地震中双双亡故。陈安与李明朝夕相处,二人暗结断背情愫,感情日渐深厚难分。 陈安哥哥在西藏当兵,探亲归来,喜欢上了李明,父亲大力撮合二人婚事。此时陈安与李明已经互许终生,升华为情欲和爱欲交织的感情。俩人为了可以相伴终生,李明决定答应这头婚事。然而,哥哥终究发现李明不是处女的秘密,怒不可遏,把李明打伤。李明逃回植物园,这时父亲才觉察到了李明与女儿之间的不寻常关系……




Mariano, 16, inexplicably and without warning, shoots himself twice and improbably survives. Then, life goes on. His brother pursues a romance with a girl working at a fast-food joint, his mother takes off on a trip with a stranger, and Mariano recruits a woman to join his medieval wind ensemble.

Trnka’s sci-fi vision of the future in which machines and robots try to substitute themselves into the most beautiful human relationships. A cybernetic robot is supposed to substitute for the loving grandmother of a little girl. The wise grandmother, however, comes back and the girl finds the warmth of her grandmother’s loving arms again. Trnka’s artistic ideas in this film can be described as both poetically fragile and dramatically cautionary.


Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison all died at the age of 27 between 1969 and 1971. At the time, the coincidence gave rise to some comment, but it was not until the death of Kurt Cobain, about two and a half decades later, that the idea of a "27 Club" began to catch on in public perception, reignited with the death of Amy Winehouse in 2011. Through interviews with people who knew them, such as music stars, critics, medical experts and unseen footage, the lives, music, and artistry of those who died at 27 are investigated with a bid to find answers.


Welcome to the gayest of gay ghettos, West Lahunga Beach, where Rick and Steve make their fabulously decorated double-income-no-kids home. That is until Rick's lifelong lesbian friend Kirsten asks him to be the father of her child. There's just one catch, Kirsten's wife Dana and Rick's husband Steve are mortal enemies. The insults fly, nothing goes unspoken, and the ugly, bitter truth about domestic bliss never looked so cute. Starring the voices of Alan Cumming, Peter Paige, Wilson Cruz, and Margaret Cho, with music from the creators of Avenue Q. Viewer discretion advised.



《吉福斯》是P.G. Wodehouse著名的系列小说。书中的主角是迷迷糊糊英国绅士Bertie Wooster和他的聪明机灵、花样百出男仆Jeeves(吉福斯)。几乎每一个故事都是由主人荒唐的行为转变成不可收拾的困境,但是最后总是由男仆出人意料的机智解决了。1975年,安德鲁·洛伊·韦伯(Andrew Lloyd Webber)和歌词作家Alan Ayckbourn把《吉福斯》里其中一个故事编成音乐剧《吉福斯》。因为音乐剧十分失败,在1996年,该剧又被重新制作,取名By Jeeves(《全靠吉福斯》)。可惜这一个版本,也一样没有受到太多好评,也是很快就从伦敦和百老汇的舞台上消声匿迹了。

Shi Shen is the top performer in the Tiger Crane Lion Dance Association, but feels restricted by Master He's traditional mindset. He decides to form his own lion dance troupe, which fuses hip hop and rock with lion dance movements. A major Lion Dance Competition is coming up and Mikey is groomed to be Shi Shen's successor, but he is plagued by a fear of heights. The situation worsens when both Mikey and Shi Shen fall for the Tiger Crane master's daughter, Xiaoyu.