When a remote village is plagued by a deadly curse, one brother must fight to save his family from a terrifying supernatural threat.

Strogi teksaški otac - glava obitelji Von Erich - učinit će sve da pomogne svojim sinovima da postignu u sportu ono što on sam nije mogao. Iza kulisa hrvačkih predstava za kojima je Amerika poludjela 1980-ih nalaze se brutalni treninzi, slomljeni karakteri, rasplinuti snovi i narušeni bratski odnosi. Roditeljske ambicije postaju prokletstvo za njihove sinove - Von Erichovi pogađaju udarac za udarcem. Hoće li dotad nepobjediva braća izbjeći sudbinu koja visi nad njima?

Lara is a woman tormented, torn between science and faith. Pushed by her husband to seek treatment from a congregation of zealots, a ruthless exorcist will try to save her soul by putting an innocent woman through hell.

After her husband's death, Madame Clicquot flouts convention by assuming the reins of their wine business, defying her critics and ultimately revolutionizing the champagne industry, establishing her as one of the world's first great businesswomen.

Umirovljeni detektiv angažira Edgara Allana Poea, oštroumnog kadeta s West Pointa, da mu pomogne riješiti jezivo ubojstvo u toj američkoj vojnoj akademiji.

Unpopular best friends PJ and Josie start a high school self-defense club to meet girls and lose their virginity. They soon find themselves in over their heads when the most popular students start beating each other up in the name of self-defense.

Sam receives a call from Emily, a near blind woman who is running from her murderous ex in the woods. Can she survive using Sam as her eyes via video call?

For 13-year-old Kaitlyn, her world threatens to collapse when she learns that her parents want to get a divorce, especially because it threatens the loss of the house they shared in Portland, which had always been Kaitlyn's home. The teenage girl has dark thoughts and lost interest in life. The breeding pigeons given to her by her mother's police colleague don't make things any better. What should she do with the birds? Then her best friend Adam gives her an idea: they could steal the very valuable racing pigeon named Granger from the local breeder Jaan Vari, sell it and use the proceeds to pay off the mortgage on her family's home. The plan initially works, but then everything seems to go wrong and Kaitlyn loses her footing even more. But surprisingly, the old man who was robbed takes care of the girl and a bond develops between the two, which ultimately leads her to a new outlook on life.

Following the death of her estranged father, Iris learns she has inherited a run-down, centuries-old pub. She travels to Berlin to identify her father’s body and meet with The Solicitor to discuss the estate. Little does she know, when the deed is signed she will become inextricably tied to an unspeakable entity that resides in the pub’s basement – Baghead – a shape-shifting creature that can transform into the dead.

In 1980s Hollywood, adult film star and aspiring actress Maxine Minx finally gets her big break. But as a mysterious killer stalks the starlets of Hollywood, a trail of blood threatens to reveal her sinister past.

Avion se srušio u Tihi ocean. Potopljeni putnički avion visi na rubu ponora, a preživjeli se nađu zarobljeni u zračnom džepu. Zalihe zraka postupno nestaju, a među putnicima počinje borba za preživljavanje.

Građevinski radnik iz New Jerseyja prijeđe put od običnog čovjeka do špijuna kad ga njegova davno izgubljena srednjoškolska ljubav angažira za špijunsku misiju.

U društvu Aidena, špijuna alergičnog na mačke, Elly (noseći Alfieja u ruksaku) juri po cijelom svijetu kako bi ostala korak ispred ubojica dok granica između Ellyna izmišljenog svijeta i njezinog stvarnog počinje blijediti.

Patrick, a strange and lonely resident, lives in a mobile home at the back of an isolated caravan park. After a violent thunderstorm erupts, a mysterious young woman appears at his door, seeking shelter from the weather. The longer the night wears on and the more the young woman discovers about Patrick, the more difficult she finds it to leave. Soon she begins to question Patrick’s intentions, while Patrick begins to question his own grip on reality...

May, 1987. While returning from a nightclub and after having taken drugs, new girl in town Sara and her friend Rebe find a doll wearing a communion dress. From that moment, their lives will become a living hell.

On the surface, Saya is a stunning 16-year-old, but that youthful exterior hides the tormented soul of a 400-year-old "halfling". Born to a human father and a vampire mother, she has for centuries been a loner obsessed with using her samurai skills to rid the world of vampires, all the while knowing that she herself can survive only on blood like those she hunts.

Felix and Martha, the two offspring of legendary serial murderer The Skinner of Mons, grapple with the grotesque legacy bequeathed to them. While Martha works a menial janitorial job, Felix continues his father's reign of terror. But following a brutal attack at work, Martha quickly descends into madness, finding she must come to terms with the infamous blood that flows through her veins.

A mother desperate to reconnect with her troubled daughter becomes embroiled in the urban legend of a demonic witch.

Nakon što moćan izvor energije za zajednicu preživjelih s planeta Kriptona slučajno završi na Zemlji, Kara-El, Supermanova rođakinja i Jor-Elova nećakinja, odlučuje otići na Zemlju kako bi ju povratila. Kada stigne na Zemlju postaje jednako snažna kao svoj rođak no nailazi na opasne bitke i neočekivane prepreke kada zla žena koja se bavi okultnim, prisvoji njihov izvor energije te ga odluči iskoristiti za uništavanje i vladanje ljudima.

Siblings, Eric & his surreal artist sister Kay, her doctor husband David, her sister-in-law Brooke along with pilot Marsh become stranded on a rugged isle face off against a supernatural beast drawn to Kay who dreams of its killings.