



近日,英国、苏联两国核子潜艇竟然相继离奇失踪了!这一现象引起了英国军方的高度重视,当然又到了王牌特工007邦德(罗杰•摩尔 Roger Moore 饰)的出场时间。邦德经过调查终于发现幕后的黑手原来就是世界巨富航运业大亨史登堡,他为实现自己征服世界的野心,建立了一座海底城。史登堡高薪聘请科学家研发出了潜水艇跟踪系统,把把英、苏核子动力潜艇占为己有,他计划利用核子飞弹将纽约和莫斯科炸毁,实现一次毁灭两个超级强国的野心。007即将进入海底城组织这个狂人的疯狂计划。

本片记录了从“格兰披治大奖赛”到“一级方程式汽车赛”的过程,记录了众多前任车手、现任车手、大赛组织者、车队老板、甚至他们的家人、女友等的生活 ······

Five years have passed and Jake has turned his back on his family. He's still up to his usual tricks in McClutchy's Bar, unaware, as he downs his latest opponent, that his eldest son, Nig, has died in a gang fight. The uncomfortable family reunion at Nig's funeral sparks a confrontation with second son, Sonny, and sets Jake and Sonny on a downward spiral.

After a sleepless night Lara steals her husband's phone to make a call. When she's not met with the reception she expected, things take an even darker turn.

  本片为1992年《修女也疯狂》的续集。   狄乐丝(乌比·戈德堡 Whoopi Goldberg 饰)已经正成为了拉斯韦加斯的知名歌手,而在上集中与她同患难共欢乐的修女们也被调至一个社区学校服务。但是,这个社区学校的孩子们是个大麻烦。顽皮的他们与遵守规范的传统修女们简直是水火不容。不是无视修女们打瞌睡,就是醒来捣乱破坏了,令修女们颇为头疼。无可奈何的修女们只好请狄乐丝再度出山来管教这帮孩子。孩子们见到狄乐丝自然不服气,他们无视她,更想出各种鬼点子捉弄她。但是,很快学生们就领教了狄乐丝厉害。无论他们对她做了什么,最后凡狄乐丝总能“以其人之道还治其人之身”。这样一来,大家都对狄乐丝的管教服帖起来,就连最顽皮的孩子认识到她的厉害。孩子们第一次有目标地参加一次大赛时,但是这下,狄乐丝身份又成了问题……


The movie is a fictionalized account of a disgruntled cop who has been wrongly implicated in a torture video that went viral. It begins on his last night of duty, as he is about to leave for abroad for better job prospects.

In a digital world, can analogue find true love? It is the wise old gramaphone who has the answers for a lovesick loner.

Hello explores changes in two people’s working lives: a Mexican trash picker who separates and collects recyclable materials from landfills to sell by the kilo, and a German freelance computer-animation designer working for the advertising industry in Berlin. The double interview is controlled and manipulated by a computer-generated severed hand which Maria describes as an object once discovered in the trash while working in the violent northern town of Mexicali. This CGI hand was in turn produced by Max, who was born with no arms, and sought refuge in computer-imaging as a means to operate and manipulate a digital reality.

An unsupervised junior soccer team loses its ace player to the leader of a rival gang. Since only an entire team can win, they must have her back to be able to win the game against the national team. The existence of The Wild Soccer Bunch is at stake ...

A mentally-afflicted young man is accused of murdering his longtime benefactor. The real truth of what happened lies in his mad obsession with his supposed victim's old typewriter, on which he types relentlessly, day and night.

Conglomerated Assets, a brokerage firm is sinking fast as its CEO checks out and leaves the company to his inept film school drop out son. Enter Quincy, Waverly, Erica, Rudy, Tina and Yasmine. Team QWERTY--six sexy secretaries that must save the day.

Let’s get SICK’NING for the Holidays! RuPaul’s Drag Race legend Laganja Estanja is here for Hey Qween’s Very Green Christmas Special!

With the victory against "The Beastly Beasts", "The Wild Soccer Bunch" showed it to everyone and then won every single game. Only one victory now separates them from the "Pott", the Freestyle Soccer Cup. For this they have to compete against the "Wolves of Ragnarök". But the wolves are not normal opponents! They have a dark secret - and behind them lurks a power stronger than all of them: the girl Horizon and the "Silver Lights" from the fog...

A businessman in Italy, who doesn't pay any taxes, and a financier always on the hunt for tax evaders come into contact because their sons share an apartment in Paris.