In the middle of a broadcast about Typhoon Yolanda's initial impact, reporter Jiggy Manicad was faced with the reality that he no longer had communication with his station. They were, for all intents and purposes, stranded in Tacloban. With little option, and his crew started the six hour walk to Alto, where the closest broadcast antenna was to be found. Letting the world know what was happening to was a priority, but they were driven by the need to let their families and friends know they were all still alive. Along the way, they encountered residents and victims of the massive typhoon, and with each step it became increasingly clear just how devastating this storm was. This was a storm that was going to change lives.

Kumar Agnihotri belongs to a wealthy family, consisting of his dad, Madan, and mom, Janki. He is in love with beautiful Mala Bajpai, and they hope to marry soon with the blessings of their respective parents. Kumar's other passion is boxing, which Janki loathes, and hopes that he will give this up soon. When the Agnihotris bring home a woman named Ganga, and introduce her to Kumar as Janki's childhood friend, Kumar finds out that Ganga is his biological mother, and his father, Ajay Kumar, was the National Champion in boxing, who was killed by three men for refusing to lose a fight. While Janki is afraid that she is going her son to Ganga, Kumar has decided to avenge his biological's father's death by any means, little realizing that he may face the same fate his father did years ago.

A young girl is striving for stardom. In order to get a lead role in a new production, she agrees to stand-in for a famous star whose rich patron died in her arms one night. The real-life drama gradually comes to mirror the story of the play being performed by her.

In answer to an orphan boy's prayers, the divine Lord Krishna comes to Earth, befriends the boy, and helps him find a loving family.

Two teenagers are playing by night in a dirty parking lot. After they are driving on an empty road, they start to tease each other on the way to the sea, but they seem to be too young to drive and the road is a bit strange.

Street vendors in Korea are almost like a national institution, they are so widespread and relied upon. In Little Pond in Main Street a group of vendors band together to create a community radio station but come into conflict with other groups, as well as the government trying to shut them down.

Berlino 1941. Il mastro Andre Toulon (Guy Rolfe) ed i suoi inquietanti pupazzi si limitano a divertire il giovane pubblico. Diverte di meno il partito nazionalsocialista, visto che con i suoi spettacoli Toulon deride il Fürhrer. Nonostante questo i nazisti vogliono creare dei combattenti immortali utilizzando il segreto che si nasconde dietro i pupazzi di Toulon. I tedeschi uccidono la moglie di Toulon (Sarah Douglas), sfidando così l'ira del marito e dei "puppets".

Una banda soprannominata Apaches sta terrorizzando Montmartre. Per vendicare l'omicidio di suo fratello, la giovane Billie si infiltra tra le fila del clan criminale che lo ha ucciso. Vuole ucciderli uno ad uno, fin quando non raggiungerà il loro affascinante leader.

Per trovare il padre scomparso, una ragazza apparentemente ordinaria accetta l'invito a frequentare un'univesità magica diretta dall'eccentrico insegnante Mr. Kleks.

Il poliziotto Edward Gallagher, insieme alla moglie Ellen, prendono sotto la loro protezione un ragazzo, Jerry Florea, il quale è rimasto ferito a causa di una fucilata durante una rapina e ha trascorso ingiustamente tre anni di riformatorio a causa di una truffa commessa però da un suo compagno di scuola. Edward deve partire per la guerra e, quando rientra, scopre che Jerry è diventato un boss della malavita; facendo credere di avere buone intenzioni e di ritornare sulla retta via, accetta di lavorare come gestore di una stazione di servizio.

I mercenari prendono il controllo di un hotel remoto durante un matrimonio e tocca al testimone, allo sposo e al loro migliore amico ubriaco fermare i terroristi e salvare gli ostaggi.

A female FBI agent holidaying in Eastern Europe with her family gets her life upside down when her daughter is kidnapped. She has to team up with a criminal on the run to save her daughter before time runs out.

Young unlucky screenwriter Yasha starts a relationship with a beautiful young model. But having flown to the island of Crete to meet her parents, he suddenly falls in love with her mother, who is married to a not too faithful husband.

All'apice dell'impero Oyo, il temibile Bashorun Ga'a diventa più potente dei re che insedia, ma è poi annientato dalla sua stessa stirpe.

Couple Jin-goo and Joo-hee have been experiencing a lover's slump after their marriage. Meanwhile, a new couple in the neighborhood, Hyun-jin and Yoo-jeong came to the other couple's house to introduce themselves. They're attracted with each other's husbands and wives, and in the end, crosses the line that is not supposed to be crossed within neighbors. After that day, two couples' passion intensifies...

Chris Samuels è un ex wrestler professionista che si ritira dal ring per stabilirsi come pastore in una piccola città. Quando da pastore assiste a problemi della comunità decide di fare il chiarezza come un vigilante mascherato che combatte l'ingiustizie. Mentre affronta le crisi a casa e in chiesa, il pastore deve sfuggire alla polizia e in qualche modo riconciliare la sua identità segreta e violenta con la sua vocazione di pastore.

L'assegnazione all'ultimo minuto del detective James Knight al turno del Giorno dell'Indipendenza si trasforma in una corsa per impedire a un'ambulanza impazzita di mettere in pericolo i festeggiamenti della città. Il vigilante fuorviante, che interpreta il poliziotto con una pistola e un'uniforme rubate, ha un caveau in banca pieno di motivi per organizzare il suo spettacolo pirotecnico... uno che colpirà pericolosamente vicino alla casa di Knight.

Through seven scenes, the film follows the life and destinies of stray dogs from the margins of our society, leading us to reconsider our attitude towards them. Through the seven “wandering” characters that we follow at different ages, from birth to old age, we witness their dignified struggle for survival. At the cemetery, in an abandoned factory, in an asylum, in a landfill, in places full of sorrow, our heroes search for love and togetherness. By combining documentary material, animation and acting interpretation of the thoughts of our heroes, we get to know lives between disappointment and hope, quite similar to ours.