War in Abkhazia, 1992. An Estonian man Ivo has stayed behind to harvest his crops of tangerines. In a bloody conflict at his door, a wounded man is left behind, and Ivo is forced to take him in.

An intimate, all-access documentary that will chronicle Lewis Capaldi's journey from a scrappy teen with a viral performance to a Grammy-nominated pop star.

An experienced commercial pilot is forced to collaborate with his country's intelligence services to avoid being punished for a serious fault he committed on the job. He is quickly plunged into an underworld of intrigue and extortion that will put his life at risk and he will pay a very high price to escape from it.

When ex TV host and socialite Lex finds herself faced with the possibility of spending Christmas sharing a luxury chalet with her son, ex husband and his new girlfriend, she volunteers to work in the chalet to avoid things getting too close to home, while documenting her every move for a new wave of followers loving this new chapter of her life.

Glavnog egzorcista Vatikana, prekaljenog Gabrielea Amortha pozivaju da istraži opsjednutost jednog dječaka. Poznavajući da 98% slučaja zahtjeva samo kvalitetnu psihološku pomoć, ostat će iznenađen kad otkrije da dječaka uistinu opsjeda demon, ali i da demon s Vatikanom dijeli dugo skrivanu misteriju te da su mu namjere puno gore nego što je Amorth očekivao... Film je inspiriran memoarima svećenika Gabrielea Amortha - “Egzorcist govori” i “Novi izvještaji jednog egzorcista” koji su brzo postali međunarodni bestseleri. Amorth je rođen 1925. godine u Modeni, zaređen je 1954., a u 61. godini života postaje egzorcist Rimske biskupije. Godine 1990. osniva Međunarodno udruženje egzorcista i predsjeda do 2000. Nakon toga, posvetio se gore navedenim memorarima koji su poslužili kao inspiracija za ovaj nadnaravni horor triler.

Sylvie, a nearly sixty-year-old woman, has fallen in love with Michel, a thug she marries in prison. The couple dream of starting again with a clean slate by opening a flower shop. But Sylvie’s son Abel, convinced that Michel will fall into a life of crime, disapproves of this relationship.

Desperate to be rid of her toddler, a dissatisfied Beverly Hills housewife hires a stranger to babysit and ends up getting much more than she bargained for.

Gaea is a mythical realm ruled by sword and sorcery and immersed in blood and violence. Thrust into a conflict she doesn't quite understand, Hitomi Kanzaki helps aid the young Prince Van as they embark upon a journey to fight the Black Dragon Clan. The battle over a legendary suit of dragon armor, Escaflowne, has begun.

Tiha Brynn Adams u svakom se društvu osjeća kao crna ovca. Mlada i talentirana sramežljiva žena ne pronalazi mjesto za sebe u društvu i odlučuje se zatvoriti u četiri zida. Smješta se u kuću svojih roditelja. Samoća joj ne smeta. Provodi vrijeme u razmišljanju i sanjarenju, radosna što su buka i gužva ostali iza nje. Poznato mjesto donosi joj mir koji je krhkoj osobi toliko nedostajao. Pokušava se izvući iz dugotrajne depresije. Noću čuje šuštanje i tiho škljocanje. Zna da se pljačkaši često ušuljaju u osamljene kuće u nadi da će doći do lakog plijena, ali ovoga puta je nisu posjetili lopovi.

Temeljeno na istinitoj priči o bostonskom manijaku koji je ranih šezdesetih oduzeo živote više desetina žena. Reporterka Loretta McLaughlin pokreće istragu zajedno sa koleginicom Jean Cole, ali se dvojac nađe u zastoju zbog raširenog seksizma tog doba. Ipak, McLaughlin i Cole hrabro nastavljaju priču uz veliki rizik, stavljajući svoje živote na kocku u potrazi za istinom. Ubojica je harao godinu i pol, a onda je policija uhitila i optužila čovjeka po imenu Albert DeSalvo. No, i dalje postoje ozbiljne sumnje u njegovu krivnju.

Hwang Yeo-rae je popularna glumica, ali je često ismijavaju zbog svojih loših glumačkih sposobnosti. Nakon udaje za bogataša Johnathana Na, objavljuje svoje povlačenje iz industrije zabave. No Yeo-rae nije zadovoljna svojim brakom i želi se vratiti životu glumice. Želi svoj stari život natrag i obraća se susjedu i obožavatelju Beom-woou za pomoć da ubiju Johnathana Na.

Taking place in real time, elementary school teacher Emily organizes a mixer of like-minded women, but an altercation between a woman from Emily’s past and the group leads to a volatile chain of events.

Kad se braća blizanci vrate kući ugledaju majčino lice prekriveno zavojima, što ona objašnjava da je posljedica nedavne estetske operacije. Međutim, kako njezino ponašanje postaje sve nepredvidljivije i neobičnije, u glavama dječaka počinje se oblikovati zastrašujuća misao: sumnja da žena ispod zavoja nije njihova majka.

Professor David Ash exposes false spiritulists and mediums. He is invited to Edbrook to resolve the fears and torments within its secretive family. Soon after arriving Ash begins to doubt his own senses, and watching the strange behaviour of its residents does not make his task any easier. In time, he finds there's more to Edbrook than even he can debunk.

During China's Song Dynasty, a mysterious murder occurs at Chancellor Quin Hui's palace after meeting delegates from the neighboring Jin Dynasty. The members become embroiled not just in a murder mystery, but a larger conspiracy concerning the fate of the empire.

Nakon što je svjedočila grotesknom ubojstvu na zabavi u svom novom gradu, tinejdžerica počinje imati čudne vizije i bizarne želje.

Sam Ellis is a man on the rise — a hot-shot federal prosecutor on the cusp of a bright political future. But what was meant to be a one-time experience with an escort turns into a growing addiction — a new demon threatening to destroy his life, family, and career.

Close friends Marcus and Holly begin their freshman year at a tough public high school in Baltimore County, Maryland. When Cassie, a well liked senior at the school, disappears suspiciously, both of their lives change forever. Together, will they find out what happened to Cassie? And after a dramatic confrontation, will any of them ever be the same?

Aisha, a Senegalese immigrant who takes a job as a nanny for a wealthy white family in New York City, finds herself consumed by unsettling visions and a growing rage.

Kolovoz je 1970. Kao i svake godine, milijarder Claude Tranchant i njegova supruga Eliane borave u raskošnoj vili u Saint-Tropezu. Čini se da im ništa ne može pokvariti dobro raspoloženje. No, uvjeren da je žrtva pokušaja ubojstva, Tranchant poziva svog prijatelja Chiraca da angažira usluge najboljeg inspektora iz Pariza. No u srcu ljeta dostupan je samo inspektor Boulin, koji je nekoliko tjedana udaljen od mirovine. On će vrlo osebujnim metodama slijediti trag uznemirivača.