Alicia is a workaholic executive who suddenly loses her job and her family. In her process of rebuilding, she associates with a neighbor and helps her in her business. This is how she manages to be the most successful businesswoman in the country. During this process, she tries to reconquer her husband, only to realize that in order to return with him, she will have to learn to balance work and family life.

Dave Chappelle takes on gun culture, the opioid crisis and the tidal wave of celebrity scandals in this defiant stand-up special.

The true story of Joe Simpson and Simon Yates' disastrous and nearly-fatal mountain climb of 6,344m Siula Grande in the Cordillera Huayhuash in the Peruvian Andes in 1985.

During a harsh Montréal winter, an elementary-school class is left reeling after its teacher commits suicide. Bachir Lazhar, a charismatic Algerian immigrant, steps in as the substitute teacher for the classroom of traumatized children. All the while, he must keep his personal life tucked away: the fact that he is seeking political refuge in Québec – and that he, like the children, has suffered an appalling loss.

Jeigu galvojate, kad drakonai šiais laikais išnykę nuo žemės paviršiaus, jūs labai klystate. Jie gyvena tarp mūsų, kartais skraido aukštai danguje kartu su lėktuvais, nepastebėjote? Jie, kaip ir visi mes, turi svajonių ir tiki, kad kada nors suras savo protėvių šalį – gražųjį Dangaus pakraštį. Apie stebuklingą šalį mažajam drakonui Lungui, prasitarė vyriausias drakonas Kreivabarzdis. Nuo tada smalsusis drakoniukas apie nieką kitą galvoti negali! Jam būtinai reikia ją rasti! Sklinda gandai, jog netrukus į žalią drakonų slėnį ateis gyventi žmonės. Jie ims kirsti miškus, statyti namus, užvaldys ramią drakonų užuovėją, o tada… tada tikrai visi drakonai išnyks! Svajoklis Lungas, kartu su geriausia drauge kaukute Šelme ryžtasi neįtikėtinam žingsniui – surasti Dangaus pakraštį, tada sugrįšti ir skristi ten kartu su visais!

The little witch is only 127 years old – too young for the annual coven of witches. Although she is not yet old enough to be a real witch she wants to become a really good one. This decision causes trouble inside her magic world.

Set in ancient China, Zeng Jing is a skilled assassin who finds herself in possession of a mystical Buddhist monk's remains. She begins a quest to return the remains to its rightful resting place, and thus places herself in mortal danger because a team of assassins is in a deadly pursuit to possess the remains which holds an ancient power-wielding secret.

In a Parisian parking lot Sonia finds herself trapped in her car with her son and the daughter of her boyfriend Fred, who has been left outside, powerless to deal with the situation: an anti-tank mine has been set under the car. Sonia is a bomb-disposal expert, who works for a NGO with Fred. She just got back from a mission in Ukraine and, while she's used to face dangerous situations, with the children's lives on the line the stakes have never been higher. Along with colleagues Igor and Camille, who came to the rescue, Sonia and Fred have 30 minutes to defuse the bomb and work out who could be the mastermind behind this. Will they stand united until the end or will the family implode under pressure?

Gaisrininkų viršininkas Beilsas mėgaujasi ramiu gyvenimu. Vienintelis dalykas, neduodantis ramybės, – gražuolė astronomė Roksana, kuri neseniai atsikraustė į miestelį. Dėl tos merginos galvą pameta ir naujasis gaisrininkas gražuolis Krisas. Deja, vaikinas nepasitiki savo jėgomis ir paprašo Beilso pagalbos. Vargšelis Krisas visai nežino, kad Beilsas ir pats kraustosi iš proto dėl žaviosios astronomės ir kad pasistengs Krisui žūtbūt sutrukdyti.

Seymour works in a skid row florist shop and is in love with his beautiful co-worker, Audrey. He creates a new plant that not only talks but cannot survive without human flesh and blood.

Unlucky in love, chemist Paul Matthews visits gypsy Madame Rosa for help. Quickly realizing he is a hopeless nerd, she gifts him with Love Potion No. 8, which makes anyone who wears it irresistible to the opposite sex for four hours. Paul and animal psychologist coworker Diane Farrow decide to test it on themselves. The awkward pair suddenly find themselves alluring to anyone they approach, but soon realize they are most attracted to each other.

Mater, the rusty but trusty tow truck from Cars, spends a day in Radiator Springs playing scary pranks on his fellow townsfolk. That night at Flo's V8 Café, the Sheriff tells the story of the legend of the Ghostlight, and as everyone races home Mater is left alone primed for a good old-fashioned scare.

Died in a car crash, Paolo is allowed to come back to life for 92 minutes more, thanks to a miscalculation made by Heavenly accountants. He decides to use this newfound time on Earth to fix his mistakes as a father and husband.

Lonely, unstable gas station attendant Melinda is tired of being overshadowed by her more confident, outgoing co-worker Sheila. When the gas station is held up at gunpoint by Billy, a desperate man in need of quick cash, Melinda finds an opportunity to make a connection with the robber, regardless of who gets hurt.

Country girl Rebecca has spent most of her life on a farm in South Dakota, and, when she goes away to college in Los Angeles, Rebecca immediately feels out of place in the daunting urban setting. She is befriended by a savvy party animal named Crawl, who convinces the ambivalent Rebecca to stay in the city. When Thanksgiving break rolls around, Rebecca, no longer an innocent farm girl, invites Crawl back to South Dakota, where he pretends to be her fiancé.

Istorija pasakoja apie jaunąjį išdaigininką Denį, kurį tėvai palieka prižiūrėti dviem senjorams. Berniukas ne juokais gąsdina solidaus amžiaus sutuoktinių porą ir krečia nesąmones vieną po kitos. Kai mieste pasirodo vagių gauja, mažasis kietuolis pasiryžęs sudoroti ir juos!

A groom and his three best men travel to the Australian outback for a wedding.

Durell and LeeJohn are best friends and bumbling petty criminals. When told they have one week to pay a $17,000 debt or Durell will lose his son, they come up with a desperate scheme to rob their neighborhood church. Instead, they end up spending the night in the presence of the Lord and are forced to deal with much more than they bargained for.

On a university scholarship, a good natured student from the midwest gets a crash course in city life while dealing with three evil roommates. He befriends a virtually homeless college student whom he falls for, but she's dating a nasty professor.

Kultiniai animacinio filmuko herojai Fredas Flinstounas ir jo draugas Barnis atgyja didžiajame ekrane, įkūnyti garsiųjų komikų Riko Moranio ir Džono Gudmano. Nutiko neįtikėtinas dalykas - Fredas Flinstounas tapo kompanijos, kurioje dirbo paprastu akmenskaldžiu, viceprezidentu. Jis nė nenutuokia, kad jo vadovas ketina gerai pasipelnyti ir visus nešvarius darbelius atlikti nieko neišmanančio Fredo rankomis. Tačiau kol kas Fredas labai patenkintas naujomis pareigomis: jis turi savo kabinetą ir netgi savo asmeninę ir labai gražią sekretorę. Tačiau netikėtai Fredo gyvenimas ima ristis šuniui ant uodegos. Atvyksta jo uošvė, įkūnyta garsiosios Elizabet Teilor. Fredo sekretorė Šeron Stoun, kurią vaidina “Oskaro” savininkė Holė Beri, kaip įmanydama stengiasi suvilioti Fredą ir, žinoma, labai papiktina jo žmoną Vilmą. Negana to, Fredas turi atleisti iš darbo savo geriausią bičiulį Barnį…