Pragmatični američki marinac prati dehumanizirajuće učinke američko-vijetnamskog rata na njegove kolege regrute, od brutalne obuke u kampu do krvavih uličnih borbi u Hueu.

Joe Cabot iskusni je kriminalac koji okuplja skupinu lopova kako bi izveli veliku pljačku dijamanata. Važan dio njegova plana jest da se pljačkaši međusobno ne poznaju, ne znaju ni imena, a sve u svrhu da - ako nekoga od njih uhvati policija - ne može odati ostale. Imena im daje po bojama: Mr. White, Mr. Orange itd... Nakon što vidimo akciju pljačke, radnja se smješta u skladište u kojem se Mr. Blonde/Vic okrutno iživljava na čovjeku za kojega misli da je policajac. Počinje igra živaca s mnogo krvi i nasilja, sve do završnog obračuna i zadovoljenja pravde.

Dallas 1985. Električar i povremeni jahač bikova- Ron Woodroof voli“ težak“ život: previše puši, pije, uzima kokain i naravno uživa u seksu. On je također i tipičan „seljak“ sa rasističkom i homofobnom ideologijom. Kad se na poslu ozlijedi i završi u bolnici doznaje da ima HIV i da će umrijeti u roku 30 dana. Ljut je i gnjevan, pogotovo zato jer ima „ pedersku“ bolest.

During a dinner, a group of friends decide to share whatever message or phone call they will receive during the evening, with unforeseen consequences.

Dutch Schaefer predvodnik je elitne skupine komandosa, specijalizirane za spašavanje vojnih zatočenika. Nova misija njegovu skupinu odvodi u dubine južnoameričke prašume, gdje mora izbaviti nekolicinu zarobljenih vojnika. Nakon rutinski obavljenog zadatka, komandosi se suočavaju sa zastrašujućim nevidljivim neprijateljem, koji ih počinje okrutno ubijati. Među vojnike se uvlači nikada doživljeni strah, a Dutch spoznaje kako će se morati suočiti s ubojitim neznancem - prsa u prsa.

A snobbish producer makes a documentary about the extraordinary behavior of her neighbor who believes himself to be Superman.

Stranac stiže u malo selo i ubrzo nakon toga počinje se širiti tajanstvena bolest. Policajac je uvučen u incident i prisiljen je riješiti misterij kako bi spasio svoju kćer.

In the future, the Japanese government captures a class of ninth-grade students and forces them to kill each other under the revolutionary "Battle Royale" act.

A struggling restaurant owner, caring for his sick mom, finds a bag of cash in a sauna locker, while a customs officer gets into trouble when his girlfriend runs off with money he borrowed from a loan shark.

Harry je uvijek ženi govorio da je prodavač računala, no zapravo je tajni agent koji provodi vrijeme ganjajući teroriste i sabotirajući njihove spletke da zavladaju svijetom…

A father goes all out to clear his daughter from any wrong doing in the murder of his fiancée. When all evidence points to her, he takes matters into to his own hands to save his daughter and outwit the judiciary system.

Mafijaš u bijegu krije se na otoku Jeju, gdje se poveže s ženom koju progone vlastiti demoni.

A man asks a womanizer to seduce his wife in order to catalyze a divorce.

A quiet, professional killer, Hyun-jun, arrives at a house to kill a man in his sleep, only to discover a woman alone under the sheets. Jin-young has decided to kill herself after a traumatic break up with her lover of seven years, but she wants to go out with a bang, not with a miserable and lonely dose of commonplace sleeping pills. The most extraordinary love story begins.

In Manhattan, a bike messenger picks up an envelope that attracts the interest of a dirty cop, who pursues the cyclist throughout the city.

David Callaway tries to piece together his life in the wake of his wife's suicide and has been left to raise his nine-year-old daughter, Emily on his own. David is at first amused to discover that Emily has created an imaginary friend named 'Charlie', but it isn't long before 'Charlie' develops a sinister and violent side, and as David struggles with his daughter's growing emotional problems, he comes to the frightening realisation that 'Charlie' isn't just a figment of Emily's imagination.

The probability of a couple that had broken up getting back together and having a successful relationship is just 3%. Dong-hee and Young, who had broken up over a minor tiff, later realize their love for each other and end up getting back together. But will they be able to fit into the 3% bracket?

Jamie Fitzpatrick and Nona Alberts are two women from opposites sides of the social and economic track, but they have one thing in common: a mission to fix their community's broken school and ensure a bright future for their children. The two women refuse to let any obstacles stand in their way as they battle a bureaucracy that's hopelessly mired in traditional thinking, and they seek to re-energize a faculty that has lost its passion for teaching.

Hyeon-jeong's sister is missing and she fears for the worst. Via her sister's cellphone, Hyeon-jeong learns that her sister stayed in a countryside vaillage. She goes to the village to find her sister and stops at the local police station for help. Because of the little evidence she has, the police refuse to offer help.

Hyun-jin, moved into a worn-down apartment in a small town, has trouble sleeping at night due to the noise from her next-door neighbor.