After ten years of prison, Chasampoulis, protector of the poor and underprivileged, escapes with a single goal. To punish the good friends who betrayed him. Meets with his brothers who are in the branch and the revenge plan comes into effect. A film based on real events.

Francis, a young man, recalls in his memory the horrible experiences he and his fiancée Jane recently went through. Francis and his friend Alan visit The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, an exhibit where the mysterious doctor shows the somnambulist Cesare, and awakens him for some moments from his death-like sleep.

Joss Whedon and others in interviews discussing the aims for this new franchise.

Three macabre short stories about gambling, vengeance and homicide.

When Sosuke, a young boy who lives on a clifftop overlooking the sea, rescues a stranded goldfish named Ponyo, he discovers more than he bargained for. Ponyo is a curious, energetic young creature who yearns to be human, but even as she causes chaos around the house, her father, a powerful sorcerer, schemes to return Ponyo to the sea.

After the cataclysmic events in New York with The Avengers, Steve Rogers, aka Captain America is living quietly in Washington, D.C. and trying to adjust to the modern world. But when a S.H.I.E.L.D. colleague comes under attack, Steve becomes embroiled in a web of intrigue that threatens to put the world at risk. Joining forces with the Black Widow, Captain America struggles to expose the ever-widening conspiracy while fighting off professional assassins sent to silence him at every turn. When the full scope of the villainous plot is revealed, Captain America and the Black Widow enlist the help of a new ally, the Falcon. However, they soon find themselves up against an unexpected and formidable enemy—the Winter Soldier.

Pīters Pārkers kopā ar labākajiem draugiem dodas vasaras brīvdienās uz Eiropu. Tomēr no iecerētās atpūtas nekas nesanāks, jo Pīters piekritīs palīdzēt Nikam Fūrijam tikt skaidrībā, kas tās par noslēpumainajām būtnēm, kas izraisa katastrofas un postījumus visā kontinentā.

Filmas "Nenotveramie atriebēji" turpinājums – par lieliskā drosmīgo pusaudžu četrinieka turpmākajiem piedzīvojumiem. Viņi saņēmuši komandiera uzdevumu sagādāt svarīga rajona aizsardzības nocietinājumu operatīvo karti. Uzzinot, ka šī slepenā karte atrodas pretizlūkošanas priekšnieka seifā, viens no nenotveramajiem – Daņka, izlikdamies par zābaku spodrinātāju, sāk novērot pretizlūkošanas štābu. Veikli novēršot pretinieku uzmanību, draugiem izdodas izzagt karti no seifa. Pretizlūkošanas aģenti velta neiedomājamas pūles operatīvās kartes atgūšanai. Vai viņiem tas izdosies?

Pēc sensacionālās debijas filmā "Kapteinis Amerika: Pilsoņu karš" jaunais Pīters Pārkers jeb Zirnekļcilvēks iejūtas supervaroņa identitātē filmā "Zirnekļcilvēks: Atgriešanās mājās".

Derija ir nomaļa mazpilsēta, kurā ik pa laikam notiek šausminoši un neizskaidrojami noziegumi – pazūd bērni, kuru mirstīgās atliekas pēcāk tiek atrastas sakropļotas. Septiņu draugu grupiņa, kurus citi bērni atstūmuši, bezbailīgi stājas pretī šaušalīgākajam briesmonim, kādu vien spēj iztēloties – klaunam Penīvaizam – noslēpumainam aizvēsturiskam radījumam, kas nogalinājis bērnus jau gadsimtiem ilgi.

Stāsts par pieaugšanu, jaunu mīlestību un noslēpumainu mūziku, kas skan no kristāla radio, ko par piemiņu atstājis tēvs. Jaunā varone nonāk dziļi apslēptā pasaulē.

Faced with an unplanned pregnancy, sixteen year old high-schooler, Juno MacGuff, makes an unusual decision regarding her unborn child.

The Queen is an intimate behind the scenes glimpse at the interaction between HM Elizabeth II and Prime Minister Tony Blair during their struggle, following the death of Diana, to reach a compromise between what was a private tragedy for the Royal family and the public's demand for an overt display of mourning.

A group of martial artists seek revenge after being crippled by Tu Tin-To, a martial arts master, and his son.

Peter Parker is an outcast high schooler abandoned by his parents as a boy, leaving him to be raised by his Uncle Ben and Aunt May. Like most teenagers, Peter is trying to figure out who he is and how he got to be the person he is today. As Peter discovers a mysterious briefcase that belonged to his father, he begins a quest to understand his parents' disappearance – leading him directly to Oscorp and the lab of Dr. Curt Connors, his father's former partner. As Spider-Man is set on a collision course with Connors' alter ego, The Lizard, Peter will make life-altering choices to use his powers and shape his destiny to become a hero.

A dying master sends his last student to check up on five former pupils, who each know a special style of kung-fu.

For Peter Parker, life is busy. Between taking out the bad guys as Spider-Man and spending time with the person he loves, Gwen Stacy, high school graduation cannot come quickly enough. Peter has not forgotten about the promise he made to Gwen’s father to protect her by staying away, but that is a promise he cannot keep. Things will change for Peter when a new villain, Electro, emerges, an old friend, Harry Osborn, returns, and Peter uncovers new clues about his past.

Seksapīlā blondīne Lūsija kļūst par bīstamāko un nāvējošāko sievieti uz pasaules, apveltītu ar nepārspējamu intelektu un pārcilvēciskām fiziskām spējām. No potenciāla upura, viņa ir pārvērtusies par mednieci un dodas pa pēdām tiem, kuri viņu gribēja nogalināt.

While working a job at an exclusive ski resort to support her Dad, Kim learns to snowboard and is so good at it that she enters a competition with a huge cash prize. She has to dig deep to overcome her fears, but her life gets more complicated through her spoken-for boss, Jonny.

Hoping to bring his family closer together and to recreate his childhood vacation for his own kids, a grown up Rusty Griswold takes his wife and their two sons on a cross-country road trip to the coolest theme park in America, Walley World. Needless to say, things don't go quite as planned.