The short-tempered Daffy Duck must improvise madly as the backgrounds, his costumes, the soundtrack, even his physical form, shifts and changes at the whim of the animator.
Hector Valentin returns to France from Canada when he inherits a small sawmill. He has difficulties restarting the run-down operation which has inefficient workers and is hampered by the dirty tactics of its bigger...
After being expelled from Beecher Prep for his treatment of a classmate with a facial deformity, Julian has struggled to fit in at his new school. To transform his life, Julian's grandmother finally reveals her own story of courage of her youth in Nazi-occupied France, where a classmate shelters her from mortal danger.
Although his alcoholism has been treated, Alain still feels he is deeply unwell and does not feel he can leave the detoxification clinic once and for all. His wife, living in New York, continues to pay for his treatment, but no longer contacts him directly. He intends to commit suicide, but first takes a ride to Paris to catch up with old friends.
A father says goodbye to his young daughter. In time the daughter grows old, but within her there is always a deep longing for her father.
Tânăra Mouchette se lovește de greutăți peste tot în viața ei dificilă. Tatăl ei e un bețiv crud, care o neglijează. Mama ei e foarte bolnavă. Într-o zi, când încearcă să evite o ploaie, Mouchette îl întâlnește pe Arsène, un braconier cu ieșiri violente.
The search for a child murderer drags a once-respected detective into an all-consuming obsession.
It's no accident when wealthy Charles falls for Jean. Jean is a con artist with her sights set on Charles' fortune. Matters complicate when Jean starts falling for her mark. When Charles suspects Jean is a gold digger, he dumps her. Jean, fixated on revenge and still pining for the millionaire, devises a plan to get back in Charles' life. With love and payback on her mind, she re-introduces herself to Charles, this time as an aristocrat named Lady Eve Sidwich.
Un bărbat vârstnic căsătorit își părăsește soția pentru o femeie mai tânără. La puțin timp după, fosta lui soție începe de asemenea o relație cu un partener mai tânăr. Filmul urmărește eforturile celor doi de a găsi dragostea printre străini.
Two convicts—a white racist and an angry black man—escape while chained to each other.
Near the end of World War II, Gen. Dietrich von Choltitz receives orders to burn down Paris if it becomes clear the Allies are going to invade, or if he cannot maintain control of the city. After much contemplation Choltitz decides to ignore his orders, enraging the Germans and giving hope to various resistance factions that the city will be liberated. Choltitz, along with Swedish diplomat Raoul Nordling, helps a resistance leader organize his forces.
O școală cu probleme în suburbiile pariziene. Profesoara Sonia este expusă zilnic discriminării și asupririi - la fel ca și elevii ei. Când într-o zi, unul dintre protejații ei introduce un pistol în clădire, se întâmplă incredibilul. Profesoara ridică pistolul și îi ține în frâu pe copii. În sfârșit, se poate face auzită. Ea se apără cu inteligență de grupul special, care este acum la ușă. Dar, pe lângă cererea lor pentru o zi de rock respectuoasă, în care fetele să poată purta haina pe care și-au aruncat-o atât de intenționat în cursul emancipării, fără a fi privite și etichetate în mod disprețuitor de către bărbați, balanța puterii amenință să se răstoarne din nou și din nou. Cifrele se deschid doar atunci când arma este folosită ca pârghie, pentru a oferi perspective asupra soartei lor tragice.
A marshal tries to bring the son of an old friend, an autocratic cattle baron, to justice for the rape and murder of his wife.
In a corrupt city, a small-time gangster and the estranged wife of a pot dealer find themselves thrown together in an escapade of love, money, drugs and danger.
A tramp tries to earn money by playing the violin, but he’s soon facing off against the jealous competition.
Yorkshire, 1974. Frica, neîncrederea și corupția instituționalizată a poliției se dezlănțuie. Jurnalistul începător Eddie Dunford este hotărât să caute adevărul într-un labirint din ce în ce mai complex de minciuni și înșelăciune care înconjoară ancheta poliției asupra unei serii de răpiri de copii. Când tânăra Clare Kemplay dispare, Eddie și colegul său, Barry, își conving editorul să-i lase să investigheze legăturile cu două răpiri similare care îi atrag într-o lume mortală a secretului, intimidării, dezvăluirilor șocante și brutalității poliției.
The classic tale of Dante's journey through hell, loosely adapted from the Divine Comedy and inspired by the illustrations of Gustav Doré. This historically important film stands as the first feature from Italy and the oldest fully-surviving feature in the world, and boasts beautiful sets and special effects that stand above other cinema of the era.
The story of Sanshiro, a strong stubborn youth, who travels into the city in order to learn Jujutsu. However, upon his arrival he discovers a new form of self-defence: Judo. The main character is based on Shiro Saigo, a legendary judoka.
A daring prison break from an airliner at 30,000 feet leaves U.S. Marshal Pete Nessip mourning a brother and gunning for revenge. After being ordered to turn in his badge, he seeks out Jessie Crossman, a noted skydiver, and offers to sponsor her crew for the annual Independence Day parachuting show in Washington, D.C., if she trains him. Meanwhile, the mastermind behind the mid-air jailbreak is planning a daring computer theft on Independence Day.
When a billionaire gives a group of young scientists unlimited resources to study the science of matter transfer, the scientists unlock the secrets of time travel. But they soon find out that the project is backed by a militant extremist group, and the billionaire plans to go back in time and prove that Jesus never rose from the dead.