It’s 1965 and Lia, a spirited young woman living in a small Sicilian town, is initially attracted to Lorenzo, the son of the most prominent (and possibly Mafia-tied) local family. His possessiveness eventually repels her. But soon after, he appears with his cronies to kidnap, rape and force her into a shotgun marriage, all with the collusion of the town’s authorities. Lia and her family refuse to accept this barbaric ‘tradition’ and, despite the constant intimidation and violence, they take their fight for Lia’s rights to court.

Pil-ju, an Alzheimer's patient in his 80s, who lost all his family during the Japanese colonial era, and devotes his lifelong revenge before his memories disappear, and a young man in his 20s who helps him.

An in-depth look at the creative process behind "Society of the Snow," featuring cast, crew, director J.A. Bayona and even real-life survivors.

An American travels to Bhutan searching for a valuable antique rifle and crosses paths with a young monk who wanders through the serene mountains, instructed by his teacher to make things right again.

In 1980s East Germany, Barbara is a Berlin doctor banished to a country medical clinic for applying for an exit visa. Deeply unhappy with her reassignment and fearful of her co-workers as possible Stasi informants, Barbara stays aloof, especially from the good natured clinic head, Andre.

Jesus and María are a couple going through a difficult time in their relationship. Nevertheless, they have just become parents. To shape their new life, they decide to buy a new coffee table. A decision that will change their existence.

When five women take part in a corporate hiking retreat and only four come out on the other side, Federal Agents Aaron Falk and Carmen Cooper head deep into the Victorian mountain ranges to investigate in the hopes of finding their whistle-blowing informant, Alice Russell, alive.

Jūrų pėstininkų karo veteranas susiduria su psichiniais ir emociniais sunkumais, kai bando grįžti į civilinį gyvenimą.

After fleeing civil war in Liberia, a formerly-privileged refugee is barely scraping by in her new life in Greece when she strikes up an unexpected friendship with a rootless tour guide.

Britų žvalgybos užverbuotas Teksaso reindžeris turi susekti ir sustabdyti pavojingą teroristą nuo atakos Londone.

Apleistame Niujorko daugiabutyje gyvena maištinga paauglė Šarlotė. Ją „užkniso“ visas pasaulis, ypač tėvai, kurie dabar visai neturi jai laiko ir visą dėmesį skiria, ką tik gimusiam kūdikiui. Vieninteliai dalykai, kurie Šarlotei dar suteikia laimės, tai komiksai ir visokie maži šlykštūs padarėliai. Kaip tik toks vienas, ką tik apsigyveno jos kambaryje, stiklainyje. Mergina mažytį mielą voriuką paslapčia šeria gyvais tarakonais ir puikiai leidžia laiką besišnekučiuodama su savo naujuoju aštuonkoju draugu, tačiau šis ima augti neįtikėtinu greičiu, kol nebetelpa į stiklainį ir pabėga. Tuo tarpu ima paslaptingai dingti kaimynų augintiniai, o vėliau ir patys kaimynai. Milžiniško dydžio monstras medžioja savo aukas po vieną, neria gleivėtus tinklus, o aukai į juos papuolus lėtai čiulpia jų kraują tol, kol užgesta gyvybė. Netrukus namo gyventojai bei Šarlotės šeima supranta, kad jie atsidūrė spąstuose, ir juos persekioja gigantiškas voragyvis, labai mėgstantis žmogieną...

An ex-military doctor finds herself in a deadly battle for survival when the Irish mafia seize control of the hospital at which she works. When her son is taken hostage, she is forced to rely upon her battle-hardened past and lethal skills after realizing there’s no one left to save the day but her.

A mysterious woman on the run, and the resourceful fixer assigned to bring her in. Their two unique stories inextricably link, as the stakes of the pursuit rise to apocalyptic proportions.

In the dark landscape of the Mississippi Delta, a former bare-knuckle fighter must win one last fight to pay off his debts to the local mob boss and save his childhood home—the stakes nothing less than life or death.

Caius Martius, aka Coriolanus, is an arrogant and fearsome general who has built a career on protecting Rome from its enemies. Pushed by his ambitious mother to seek the position of consul, Coriolanus is at odds with the masses and unpopular with certain colleagues. When a riot results in his expulsion from Rome, Coriolanus seeks out his sworn enemy, Tullus Aufidius. Together, the pair vow to destroy the great city.

An innocent woman is forced to confront a dangerous kingpin who has kidnapped her young daughter and is holding her for ransom. She teams up with a corrupt Interpol agent, whose son is also being held hostage, to rip off various criminals to raise the ransom to save their offspring. Together they have one hour to save their families from the wrath of bigwig.

A battle-scarred War on Terror bounty hunter is forced to go to London on a manhunt for a disavowed CIA operative, which leads him into a deadly running battle with a former military comrade and his private army.

Marina and Viktor are the only people left in a huge city, perhaps on the entire planet. After the heroes had somehow arranged their daily life, they were faced with a much more serious question - an existential one. How to revive humanity? Especially considering that they don't like each other.

August 1944. With the American Eighth Air Force poised to strike over Nazi Germany, British Intelligence learns that they could be flying into a deadly trap. With only hours to spare, Flight Lieutenant Edward Barnes must fly a life and death mission over Berlin in his unarmed Spitfire to obtain photographic evidence and save the lives of 1200 men.

My name's Arthur, a huge Internet star who's just hit 3 million subs. While in the midst of throwing an epic party to celebrate, the universe had the balls to bring on the effing apocalypse and cut my night short. What was supposed to be a perfect hangover, has turned into an epic fight for survival.