ბეტმენი კრიმინალურ სამყაროსთან ბრძოლის ფსონებს მაღლა სწევს. ლეიტენანტ ჯიმ გორდონთან და პროკურორ ჰარვი დენტთან ერთად იგი ცდილობს ქალაქის ქუჩებში კრიმინალური ფორმირებების თარეში აღმოფხვრას. ეს პარტნიორობა საკმაოდ ეფექტურად მუშაობს მანამდე, სანამ,ძალიან მალე ისინი ქაოსში არ აღმოჩნდებიან. ამ ქაოსს გენიოსი კრიმინალი, ქალაქ გოთჰემის დამწიოკებელი ჯოკერი გამოიწვევს.

A feature-length documentary about the making of Kevin Smith's "Clerks" and the commercial success that followed.

Taiwanese historical drama about the Buddhist monk Huineng.

Luke Skywalker leads a mission to rescue his friend Han Solo from the clutches of Jabba the Hutt, while the Emperor seeks to destroy the Rebellion once and for all with a second dreaded Death Star.

Since some bird chicks hatched in the neighborhood, the bat hasn't got any sleep.

დატჩი და მისი ჯარისკაცები ცენტრალურმა სადაზვერვოrnსამმართველომ დაიქირავა, რათა ცენტრალური ამერიკის ჯუნგლებში ჩამოვარდნილი მფრინავები, პარტიზანებისგან გადაარჩინონ. მისია საქმეს უმკლავდება, თუმცა დაბრუნებისას აღმოაჩენენ, რომ მათ რაღაც დასდევთ. თითქმის შეუმჩნეველი, ტყესთან შერწყმული, რომელიც მსხვერპლის გვამებს ნაწილებს აცლის. თანდათან მაყურებელი ხედავს, რომ ეს არის ჭკვიანი უცხოპლანეტელი მონადირე, რომელიც ადამიანებზე ნადირობს და სათითაოდ კლავს.

Set in Sarajevo in May 2021, the city's famous Old Town tries to recover after a difficult pandemic year. When a visitor from Zagreb comes looking for the best kebabs in town, a harmless gesture causes the disintegration of the business and private lives of several people.

WrestleMania V was the fifth annual WrestleMania professional wrestling pay-per-view event produced by the World Wrestling Federation (WWF). It took place on April 2, 1989 at the Trump Plaza in Atlantic City, New Jersey. The event was commentated by Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura. The main event was Hulk Hogan versus Randy Savage for the WWF Championship billed "The Mega Powers Explode" which Hogan won after a leg drop. Featured matches on the undercard were Rick Rude versus The Ultimate Warrior for the WWF Intercontinental Championship, The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart) versus Greg Valentine and The Honky Tonk Man and Demolition (Ax and Smash) versus Powers of Pain and Mr. Fuji in a handicap match for the WWF Tag Team Championship.

About the individuals who live in a mad-house. This kind of people usually seem to be quite normal. However, from one scene to another they may dramatically change, thereby revealing their deep problems with themselves and the society they cannot live in anymore.

Badal is a victim of the 1984 riots, brought up by a terrorist. Badal aims to kill the treacherous police officer who had killed his parents and his loving sister. He takes shelter in the house of an honest police officer and falls in love with a minister's granddaughter. Will he be able to accomplish his revenge?

Kid, a 15-year-old hard laborer, steals a map that promises to reveal the location of the notorious pirate Black Mor's treasure. Together with his crew -- MacGregor, Beanpole, Taka and Jim the monkey -- Kid procures a vessel and sets out to sea.

1958 წელი. მიმდინარეობს ცივი ომი. საბჭოთა ჯარისკაცებმა, რომლებსაც აგენტი ირინა სპალკო მეთაურობს, ინდიანა ჯონსის ძველი შეყვარებული - მერიონ რეივენვუდი გაიტაცეს. მათ პროფესორი არჩევანის წინაშე დააყენეს: უმოქმედობა და მერიონის სიკვდილი ან საბჭოთა დაზვერვასთან თანამშრომლობა - მერიონის თავისუფლების სანაცვლოდ.

Yassin is a fame-seeker who makes a deal with the lawyer, Samir, to falsely confess to a famous murder, in the hopes that the media attention will benefit them both, as Samir proves Yassin's innocence at the last moment. But when Yassin is implicated in the crime, Samir has to find the real killer to save him.

The masterpiece of Shino Sakuragi, who won the 149th Naoki Prize for "HOTEL ROYAL" in 2013, is now a motion picture. A lawyer burdened with an inexpiable sin, and an accused woman who seals her past and keeps it a secret. In Kushiro, Hokkaido, the pair who chose a faraway town as the terminal station of their lives encounters and develops a moving drama by starting new lives. Koichi Sato enters new territory his performance, while Tsubasa Honda plays a serious character which creates a new image for herself. Machiko Ono, Shidou Nakamura, Shigeru Izumiya and other talented cast members join in the film.

Five monks live harmoniously in the monastery but suddenly their peace is disturbed by a gang of construction workers. The leader of the church sold the monastery to the town council, and now their beloved home is destined to become a spa! The monks' desperate attempts to stop this situation seem in vain, but then - a miracle! The monastery is saved. But that is just the start of their troubles...

El Vago (Martinez) has recently won an old-fashioned billiards hall in a heated contest with the joint's former owner El Mexicano (Jesus Ochoa). The first order of business: El Vago enlists the aid of ambitious assistant El Perro (Luna) in shooting an instructional billiards video. Trouble soon begins to brew, however, as El Perro is repeatedly distracted from his camera duties by El Mexicano's sexy daughter La Pujara (Hidalgo). Increasingly aggressive in his attempts to transform the venerable gaming establishment into a techno-throbbing youth hot spot, El Perro later crosses the line when he uses his lens to shoot a pornographic video with willing exhibitionist La Pujara. As an impressive array of billiards champs descend upon the pool hall for a high profile tournament, El Mexicano comes into possession of the steamy sex tape and flies into a vengeful fury.

Live recordings from Girls' Generation's Second Asia Tour in Seoul, including behind the scenes, rehearsal and interview footage.