A short comedy spoof about Universal Monsters and their everyday unconventional work done at their very own talent agency for their movies.

David McVicar's spellbinding production of LE NOZZE DI FIGARO is set in 1830s post-revolution France, where the inexorable unravelling of an old order has produced acute feelings of loss. In the relationship between Finley's suave, dashingly self-absorbed Count and Röschmann's passionately dignified Countess, which lies at the tragic heart of the opera, the sexy ease between a feisty Figaro (Erwin Schrott) and a sassy Susanna (Miah Persson) is starkly absent, the tenacious spark between Marcellina (Graciela Araya) and Bartolo (Jonathan Veira) suggesting what might be rekindled. The production is superbly complemented by the beauty of Paule Constable's lighting and Tanya McCallin's evocative sets. Antonio Pappano conducts (and accompanies the recitatives) with invigorating wit and emotional depth.

American soldiers undertake a mission to capture a Japanese admiral who has survived an air crash in China during WWII.

Concerned parents hire a private detective to tail their son because they think he might be gay.

«Рожденные в СССР» — фильм о детях, родившихся где-то в середине 80-х. В начале 90-х им было по 7 лет, тогда же в стране начали происходить известные события. Через семь лет та же съемочная группа разыскала тех же детей и сняла вторую серию фильма — «14-летние. Рожденные в СССР». Общая идея та же: как дети растут в теперь уже постперестроечной России (как выяснилось, в России остались далеко не все).

A look into the mind of one of the Hillside Strangler murderers, Kenneth Bianchi.

Video installation, 2005, at LOKAAL_01 Breda 2007, Burning Marl, curator Frederik Vergaert in Seppenshuis Zoersel, 2005. A woman walking through 3 video images. Three screens display how the day’s light passes by: from the early morning light until late at night. Along with the woman the artist walks through the forest, in the same rhythm, the same pace. Off-screen she looks through the camera, fragmenting time. The age-old androgynous trees are a vertical constant along which the woman moves, as if in an interval between visibility and invisibility, between sound and silence, while the light keeps on evolving metabletically.

Annisa, a cheerful 15 year old girl, is open and has a tomboyish style. Entering his early years at Tunas Bangsa High School, he met Ivan and eventually became friends with Jelita, a 15-year-old girl who wore a headscarf, beautiful but shy and quiet.

Энни работает на радиостанции в передаче, посвященной инопланетянам и вопросам существования внеземных цивилизаций. Женщина, в отличие от ее напарника Соула, не верит во все рассказы о посещении планеты пришельцами. Ее задача заключается в том, чтобы находить логические объяснения странным явлениям, что происходят вокруг. Возвращаясь однажды домой, героиня фильма «Проникновение» поняла, что из ее памяти исчез значительный отрезок времени. Энни не помнила, как добралась с работы домой. Ее стали мучить слуховые галлюцинации, а ночью посещали странные видения. Женщина обнаружила, что по всему миру объявляются люди, которые испытывают те же проблемы – они слышат шум, доносящийся с небес. Но ей тяжело поверить в то, что она столкнулась с пришельцами. Чтобы опровергнуть свои опасения, героиня начинает расследование.

A group of young people draws straws to see who'll steal some cigarettes. With this theft, Sebastian starts a bizarre, symbolic odyssey through a sclerotic world, in search of himself and of truth and justice. When he tries withdrawing from one social paradigm, he finds himself caught in another.

A mother takes her minivan through an automatic car wash, drives home, scoops up the mail, pulls into the garage and kills herself. She leaves behind a husband (Dad), a daughter away at college (Riley), a set of teenage twins (Caitrin and Eli), and a dog (Leadbelly). Among the whitewashed fences, mailboxes, and manicured lawns, a despondent family deals with the drudgery of grief and their growing detachment to each other-- all through the eyes of their depressed dog, Leadbelly.

1665 год в Новой Франции в то время, когда часть Канады была колонизована Францией. Джозеф Куте сбегает из тюрьмы, чтобы избежать виселицы. Преследуемый солдатами, он скрывается в синьоре Буфо, под именем Иезуит, где большинство мужчин ждёт «дочерей короля». (Французские женщины, которых послали в Канаду, чтобы найти мужа.) Ночью Джозеф узнаёт, что существуют оборотни, которые терроризируют деревню. Кроме того, он влюбляется в одну из «дочерей короля» Мэри Лаботт, на которой никто не желает жениться. И теперь, чтобы защитить свою возлюбленную и спасти деревню, он начинает охоту на оборотней…

Anna Q. Nilsson is the title character, Agnes Lane, a daring spy for the South during the Civil War. She delivers an important message regarding an attack on a Yankee fort, then infiltrates the fort and turns herself in, only to change into a Union soldier’s clothes and escape with more confidential information. The Confederate soldiers love her, and treat her with respect, despite her un-ladylike profession. During the attack, morale appears to flag, but she sneaks out a message that she has been captured by the Yankees and is due to be executed, urging the boys to greater heroism. As they capture the fort, she again infiltrates and pretends to be grateful to her “rescuers.”

Picture Abhi Baki Hai is the journey of Amar Joshi (Sunil Shetty) who runs a video library in banaras and aspires to be a film maker. Despite facing objection from his father Amar Joshi decides to sell his video library and joins a film Institute in London. After completing his course he lands in the city of dreams "Mumbai" to make his film. Suraj (Rajpal Yadav) is a struggling actor doing bit roles in T.V. serials, who Is Amar's only connection in Bollywood. Amar Joshi starts his struggle to make his film by meeting different type of producers who have their own take on Amar's story. After many failed attempts He finally bumps into Monty Chadda (Rakesh Bedi) a P.R. Publicity man who sees good potential in Amar and decides to produce his film. Amar & Monty take help of star secretary Guptaji (Akhil Mishra) to convince Mohini (Udita Goswami) & her starry mother Mummyji (Neena Gupta) who agrees to do the film.

Returning home after difficult negotiations with potential customers, an employee of the Los Angeles-based pharmaceutical company, Tony West realizes that his wife is captured, while its unit and return home unscathed criminals require $ 50,000 in the next half hour. Doomed to hear Tony goes in search of money, but soon realizes that the kidnapping was not connected with the money …

A young man named Sebastian Murphy has spent a decade moving around the country with his mother after her company went bankrupt. Now that she has found a stable job the are living in Wexford Town for six months. Sebastian has become close with Sean Gerrad who has brought him into a new group of friends but nobody knows that Sebastian has a secret. He is a fantastic musician and he is hopelessly in love with Lara but too afraid to do anything about it.