The night before Sporty turned forty, Melanie and the band played a live show at London's Shepherd's Bush Empire!

Honkongo jūrų laivynas nebesusitvarko su šalį niokojančiais ir plėšikaujančiais piratais. Laimei, reikalo imasi Seržantas Lungas (Džekis Čanas). Ar jam pavyks susidoroti su nusikaltėliais?

Louis Theroux heads to American college campuses and comes face-to-face with students whose universities are accusing them of sexual assault.

During World War II, French Commandos join forces with a German officer in order to survive the African desert.

Drakonas jau Sai Van rajono policijos viršininkas, besikaunantis su nusikaltėliais, pabėgusiais piratais, Manču revoliucionistais, Manču šalininkais ir korumpuota policijos valdžia.

Ritualinį kardą, kuriame sukoncentruota Dievo galia, užvaldo Azijos Vanagu pramintas kovotojas. Jei jis nesugebės išlaikyti kardo, žemę užvaldys siaubas ir pyktis. Pykčio jėgos susivienija, kad perimtų iš Vanago paslaptingąjį ginklą. Jie pagrobia Vanago mylimąją ir reikalauja išpirkos. Vaikinas pasiryžta kovai.

John Russell, disdained by his "respectable" fellow stagecoach passengers because he was raised by Indians, becomes their only hope for survival when they are set upon by outlaws.

Ismael and Julie, in the hope of sparking their stalled relationship, enter a playful yet emotionally laced threesome with Alice. When tragedy strikes, these young Parisians are forced to deal with the fragility of life and love. For Ismael, this means negotiating through the advances of Julie's sister and a young college student – one of which may offer him redemption.

Sang-hwan became a cop in order to help the downtrodden, but he doesn't get much respect. All that changes when he meets the Seven Masters.

Džekis šioje juostoje vaidina privatų seklį ir pleibojų Rijo Seba, pramintą "Miesto medžiotoju". Jam pavesta rasti dingusią laikraščių magnato Imamuros dukterį. "Miesto medžiotojas" patenka į kruizinį lainerį, kuriame netrūksta spec. agentų bei teroristų. Prie viso to čia dar ir jo mergina.

A young boy named Pelle falls in love with the drug addict Lena. Then he and his friend Proffen tries to save her from the drugs.

Jų tiek pat, kiek ir zodiako ženklų - dvylika. Būtent jas, Džekis turi gražinti į Pekiną, iš kur jos buvo pagrobtos. Jos - tai figūrėlės, kurios yra labai vertingos Kinijos valstybei. Vienintelė problema ta, kad po jų pagrobimo prabėgo daugybė metų ir dabar jų reikia ieškoti visame pasaulyje. Tačiau Džėkiui, kuriam pinigai - tai viskas, tai visai ne motais...

Banku, his mother, Anjali Sharma and father move in to their new house -- the Nath villa, unaware of the fact that the house is inhabited by a ghost. It is learnt the ghost is not too happy with his new housemates. But what the ghost is not prepared for is his unlikely friendship with Banku. Now Banku must uncover the reason why his ghostly friend is stuck and help him to attain salvation.

Documentary about the famous mountaineer Reinhold Messner.

KEN SAN pieces together the puzzle of the life and legacy of Japan's mythical acting icon, Ken Takakura. Collaborators, friends and family tell intimate stories of Ken's journey: how one man of quiet dignity became a cultural barrier-breaking film star.

Mark 13 is a government-built killing machine programmed with artificial intelligence, able to repair and recharge itself from any energy source. Through a series of coincidences, the cyborg's head ends up in the home of a sculptress as a bizarre Christmas present from her boyfriend. Once inside its new home, the cyborg promptly reconstructs the rest of its body using a variety of household utensils and proceeds to go on a murderous rampage.

Bugs Bunny partakes of the multiplex cinema that has been instantly built over his hole over the objection of usher Elmer Fudd.

Dr Gerald Bull was a genius at designing and building superguns (very large long range guns capable of shooting at ranges more than 100 miles). When an operational plan by the CIA to export sanctioned arms to apartheid-South Africa through him was exposed, the CIA denied all knowledge and he went to jail. He was later released, and moved to Belgium to start a subsidiary, of which a major project was to help Saddam Hussein build a new supergun capable of firing over 500 miles.

Brick Bardo is a traveller from outer space who is forced to land on Earth. Though regular sized on his home planet, he is doll-sized here on Earth, as are the enemy forces who have landed as well. While Brick enlists the help of an impoverished girl and her son, the bad guys enlist the help of a local gang. When word leaks out as to his location, and all hell breaks loose. Brick is besieged by an onslaught of curious kids, angry gang members, and his own doll-sized enemies, and he must protect the family who has helped him and get off the planet alive.

The third thrilling saga of Deathstalker pits him against the evil wizard and ruler of the Southland, Troxartes, and his band of undead warriors. Dashing Deathstalker is entrusted by the beautiful Princess Carissa to protect an enchanted Jewel one of three which together hold the key to the lost city of treasure, Erendor. The missing pair of gems are stashed all too safely in the heavily guarded castle of the wicked Troxartes. His mission clear, Deathstalker rouses his troops and storms the fortress with the power of lightning. And in this fateful battle, one man will survive to witness the magical secrets of Erendor.