A young and beautiful female teacher starts working in an all boys high school.

The first rule is that there are no rules. For the bare-knuckle combatants competing in Musangwe fights, anything goes - you can even put a curse on him. The sport, which dates back centuries, has become a South African institution. Any male from the age of nine to ninety can compete. We follow a group of fighters as they slug it out in the ring. Who will be this year's champion?

Jurassic Fight Club, a paleontology-based miniseries that ran for 12 episodes, depicts how prehistoric beasts hunted their prey, dissecting these battles and uncovering a predatory world far more calculated and complex than originally thought. It was hosted by George Blasing, a self-taught paleontologist.

川流熙攘的闹市街头,现代男女行色匆匆,全然没有注意到街头巷尾沉睡的生命。天色渐晚,乌云密布,伴随隆隆的雷声,路灯点缀着都市黯淡的色调。雨点纷纷落地,仿佛蕴藏着生命力量的神秘之水,井盖、路障、邮筒、排水管道乃至招牌装饰,依次被雨滴所唤醒。它们悄悄睁开惺忪的睡眼,不为人知地观察着熟悉而又陌生的世界。雨点大滴大滴坠落,密集成片。路人们不慌不忙展开手中的雨伞。在这其中,有一把碧蓝色的雨伞,他就像一个初涉人世的孩童,瞪大好奇的双眼审视周遭的一切,并接受其他伙伴无伤大雅的戏谑与关照。这时,一把红伞小姐引起了他的注意。 近在咫尺,不能言语。短短的一条街,却是爱情道路上荆棘密布的万水千山……

The true story of how Israel used politics, espionage, blackmail, targeted assassinations and finally military power to destroy Saddam Hussein's nuclear reactor and deny him the bomb.

Phineas and Ferb become the galaxy's unlikeliest last hope when they must return the Death Star plans to the Rebel Alliance.

An attempted robbery turns to be an unexpected recruitment when two unemployed men mistakenly break into a police office instead of a store.

“The Crocodiles” are back and they are in for quite an adventure! Frank is seriously hurt and needs a liver donation. In order to save him, the gang needs to get Frank’s brother out of prison. Their plan is risky and the stakes are high.

曾经充满杀戮和抗争的北欧博克岛,在少年希卡普(杰伊·巴鲁切尔 Jay Baruchel 配音)和可爱的夜煞龙无牙成为亲密无间的好朋友之后,绵亘千百年的人龙之战终于告一段落。维京人放下武器,尝试着和这群可怕的大家伙做朋友。希卡普和伙伴们则不断摸索经验,熟悉每一头龙的特性,并且从前人的典籍中寻找线索。所谓前人的典籍,那便是嘉伯(克雷格·费格森 Craig Ferguson 配音)的祖先——被族人称作“倒霉鬼”和“公牛”的伯克,他曾干过打铁、种植、捕鱼等行当,但无一例外都遭到龙族的破坏。在此过程中,他记录下每一种龙的特性以及对制方法,分门别类,整理成册,变成了在维京人中间流传甚广的《龙之书》。 而今在希卡普和朋友的努力下,这本传世典籍的内容不断丰富起来……

Filippo is a star on the Italian TV. He works for a documentary series about wild animals and nature. He is sent to Tenerife (Spain) to shot an issue about the local stork. It is the 13th of August. After he did his job is time to leave, but the ferry couldn't operate. He has to spend the night in the island. The day after is again the 13th of August, and Filippo live again the same day for different times. Something has to change to exit the paranoid and unrealistic situation.



Littlefoot and his pals set off in search of a "stone of cold fire" that fell from the night sky. Since he's the only one who has seen it though, nobody really believes him. Petrie's uncle Pterano offers support only because he thinks the stone has secret powers and wants it for himself but conceals this from the rest. The young dinos must figure out the truth, before Pterano gets the power.

橄榄球队的茶水男孩鲍比•布施(亚当•桑德勒 Adam Sandler 饰)有人际交往障碍,反应迟钝的鲍比频频被队友们捉弄,教练瑞德认为他妨碍了队员训练,将其开除。失业的鲍比无法离开坚守了18年的茶水员工作,以不计报酬的方式投奔了一只经济状况困窘屡战屡败的大学球队“泥狗”,泥狗教练克莱恩偶然发现愤怒时的鲍比有超乎寻常的拦截能力,随力主鲍比入队,鲍比的母亲(凯西•贝茨 Kathy Bates 饰)因为担心,反对他任何离开自己身边的念头,尤其鲍比童年玩伴、问题女孩维基(费尔鲁扎•鲍克 Fairuza Balk 饰)的出现更令她忧心忡忡。瞒着母亲加入球队的鲍比帮助队伍连连获胜,并最终收获了爱情,还有别人对他真正的认可。

七十年代的海湾城警局里,有一位敬业又略显癫狂的警探大卫·斯塔斯基(本·斯蒂勒 Ben Stiller 饰),大卫作风强硬,哪怕再小的案件他也要不计代价抓捕罪犯。而卧底探员肯·哈金森(欧文·威尔逊 Owen Wilson 饰)则几乎完全相反,肯时常装做匪徒打劫,之后借卧底身份溜之大吉。因大卫失去了搭档,上峰将他和肯硬撮合到了一起。 拥有海湾城知名商人身份的里斯背地里却是一名大毒枭,里斯一伙最近研制出了不能被警犬发现的新型可卡因,里斯因为运送可卡因的手下办事不利,将他射杀在海中。死者的尸体被发现,大卫和肯的二人组接手此案,两名性格迥异的警探在里斯布下的迷宫中逐渐接近了事实的真相,但是里斯的狡猾,超乎他们的预料。

The relationships of three men are examined through their use of technology.

  在上一集101真狗中,古拉(格伦•克洛斯 饰)被关进了牢狱中。三年牢狱中古拉提前出狱了,本来以为她会改过自身不在打那些可爱斑点狗的主意,就连她自己也说不会再做杀害斑点狗的残忍事。   但她的虚荣心还是敌不过自己的意志,看到那些美丽的斑点狗,她再次动心想要取得那些斑点狗的皮毛。法国设计师勾画出的美丽服装设计图,再次让她决定故伎重演的决心。102只斑点狗的生命危在旦夕,但这些懂人性小狗们为了自己家族的生命,也要抵抗到底。在斗争的过程中,一只刚出生的小狗,成为了大英雄。



18 directors, 18 novels, 18 short stories about Moscow...