Created in 1983, the animated movie uses the plot of Ovanes Tumanyan's tale "Talking fish".

Two middle-aged Jewish merchants plot to crack a safe with a clergyman and some neighbors in Paris.

The Hound of the Baskervilles is a 1981 Soviet film adaptation of Arthur Conan Doyle's novel The Hound of the Baskervilles. It was the third installment in the TV series about adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson. A potent streak of humour ran through the film as concerns references to traditional British customs and stereotypes, ensuring the film's popularity with several generations of Russophone viewers. Other features of this best entry in the series include excellent exterior shots which closely match the novel's setting in the Dartmoor marshland, as well as an all-star cast: in addition to the famous Livanov -Solomin duo as Holmes and Watson, the film stars the internationally acclaimed actor/director Nikita Mikhalkov as Sir Henry Baskerville and the Russian movie legend Oleg Yankovsky as the villain Stapleton.

剧情简介:刚从烹饪学校毕业的年轻姑娘托霞从温暖的黑海之滨来到冰天雪地的西伯利亚某林场当上了厨师。在林场的工作生活中她遇上了一群善良可爱的人们,最重要的是她还和林场的先进伐木工伊利亚擦出了爱的火花。正当俩人的感情烈火烹油之时,托霞的朋友们告诉了她事情的真相...... 尤里·楚留金(1929-1987),他导演的喜剧片《不驯服的人》(1959)和《姑娘们》(1961) 使他成为著名喜剧片导演。 娜杰日达·鲁缅采娃在片中饰演女一号托霞。1962年她凭此片在布宜诺斯艾利斯国际电影节上获得优秀女主角奖。饰演男一号伐木工人伊利亚的是苏联著名演员尼古拉·雷布尼科夫。他在银幕上成功塑造了一系列青年工人和农民的形象,真实体现了那个年代先进工农的精神面貌。例如:《滨河街的春天》(1956)中的炼钢工人萨沙;《不称心的女婿》(1956)中的拖拉机手费多尔;《高空》(国内译名:劳动与爱情)中的高空作业工人巴谢奇尼克。 本片的音乐也非常棒哦,尤其是插曲《老槭树》。作曲是亚历山德拉·帕赫姆托娃。

Franck Poupart是一个有点神经质的上门推销员,生活在巴黎郊区的一个险恶地区。他遇到了十几岁的莫娜,她被自己的姑姑变成了妓女。弗兰克想改变自己的生活,也想从莫娜的姑姑那里救她。谋杀是唯一的解决办法。

  影片讲述的是爱——对祖国,对生活,以及对爱人的爱。无论命运怎样波折,影片中的战友们始终保持着对友谊、职责以及军人荣誉的忠诚。他们的信念一次又一次地经受考验,其中包括国内革命战争以及伟大卫国战争,但他们的心灵永远同年轻时一样纯洁,即便“三角恋爱”也不能改变这一点...   虽然影片的名字是《军官们》,但它的内容并非仅仅局限于战争。作品以一对好友——两位军官(分别由尤玛托夫、兰诺沃依扮演)——作为中心人物展开叙事,描写他们的生活,描写其中一个人的家庭,他们的朋友、儿女以及作为第三代的孙儿们。“有这样一种职业——保卫祖国”,伴随这一座右铭他们度过了自己的一生,将自身的命运与祖国紧密相连。故事从国内革命战争年代开始,重心是伟大卫国战争,结束于当代——影片问世的年代。


Engineer Quiller has become rich by selling his completely indestructible shop-window glass to jeweleries around the world. But this got him lots of enemies too: the insurance agencies, who've lost hundreds of customers, and the burglarers. When he temporarily looses his memory and voice in an accident, of all people, a family of thieves finds and cares for him - believing he's a pocket-picker. Things get complicated when he falls in love with his host Tilli.

Traveling from New York to Italia, pretty Mary rushes into moody macho lawyer Tito. The girl immediately falls for the guy with the gruffy manners and in an very impertinent way, she leans on him as she gets in trouble: Not only that she gets tied up in her suite by some Gangsters, but also, her new husband is found dead.

Asso (Ace), the best poker-player in town, was killed in his wedding night, because he won too much against a bad loser. In the "final" game in heaven the clerk on duty also lost, so Asso can come back to this world as a ghost to search for a good man for his wife (widow). Who is good enough for the wife of Asso ?

After his girlfriend is murdered, an art critic realizes that a wealthy heiress is falling in love with him.

A beautiful girl Rosina lives In Rome. Her husband is strong as a bull and jealous as Shakespeare's Othello. Once the husband of Rosina kills a wealthy aristocrat, who sang the serenade to his wife, and now he is hiding from justice.


The ape-man, found somewhere in the jungles of Congo, transferred to Milan and named Bingo Bongo. The only one who believes in the human qualities of him is Laura, a woman anthropologist , so their affection for each other even grows to love.

The story of fish-monger Nino of Rione Borgo. Nino is in love with Rosa but he always manages to postpone their wedding.


A group of friends decide to go on vacation and they use an agency, the Via Col Vento tours, to organize it. The latter promises them a holiday of dreams and absolute fun.

A three newly wedded pairs are traveling to a wonderful exotic island of Cuba and adventures start.