Un avocat umil dintr-un oraș mic împotriva unui procuror mare al orașului. Emoțiile se aprind când un locotenent al armatei gelos pledează nevinovat pentru uciderea violatorului soției sale seducătoare și frumoase.

In the future, the Japanese government captures a class of ninth-grade students and forces them to kill each other under the revolutionary "Battle Royale" act.

Two thirtysomethings, unemployed former alcoholic Joe and community health worker Sarah, start a romantic relationship in the one of the toughest Glasgow neighbourhoods.

Two drifters, one a gentle but slow giant, try to make money working the fields during the Depression so they can fulfill their dreams.

Filmul redă povestea lui Larry Flynt, americanul care a fondat revista pentru adulți "Hustler", o apariție ce ignoră moralitatea societății și nu ține cont de niciun tabu. Acuzați din toate direcțiile, Flynt, împreună cu avocatul său, încearcă să apere nu numai revista, care i-a adus celebritatea, dar și dreptul de liberă exprimare într-o țară democratică.

Walter Mitty, a daydreaming writer with an overprotective mother, likes to imagine that he is a hero who experiences fantastic adventures. His dream becomes reality when he accidentally meets a mysterious woman who hands him a little black book. According to her, it contains the locations of the Dutch crown jewels hidden since World War II. Soon, Mitty finds himself in the middle of a confusing conspiracy, where he has difficulty differentiating between fact and fiction.

On a cold winter’s day Sergey Sobolev, a major at the local police office, is driving to the hospital where his wife is about to give birth to their child. High from happiness, he’s driving too fast and runs down a boy on a passage walk, who dies. Now the major has only two options: go to prison or conceal the crime. Sobolev decides to compromise with his conscience and calls on a colleague to help him out. But the case turns out to be messy and when Sobolev finally changes his mind and tries to make up for his deed, it’s already too late…

Set in the ghettos of Paris in 2010, an undercover cop and ex-thug try to infiltrate a gang in order to defuse a neutron bomb.

A calculating divorcée risks her chances at wealth and security with a man she doesn't love by getting involved with a hotheaded murderer.

Three U.S. journalists get too close to one another and their work in 1979 Nicaragua.

In 1904 Marocul este principala sursa de conflict intre Germania, Franta si Imperiul Britanic, toate acestea incercand sa stabileasca o sfera de influenta in aceasta tara. Mulai Ahmes er Raisuli este comandantul unei trupe de criminali barbari, spre deosebire de Sultanul Abdelaziz si unchiul sau, Bashaw din Tangier, pe care Raisuli ii considera ca fiind corupti. El ii rapeste pe Eden Perdicaris si copiii ei, Wiliam si Jennifer si cere o suma scandalos de mare drept rascumparare, in acest mod incercand sa provoace un incident international pentru a-l stanjeni pe sultan si a porni un razboi civil.

A US Army officer, who made a "friendly fire" mistake that was covered up, has been reassigned to a desk job. He is tasked to investigate a female chopper commander's worthiness to be awarded the Medal of Honor. At first all seems in order. But then he begins to notice inconsistencies between the testimonies of the witnesses...

John Smith is a mysterious stranger who is drawn into a vicious war between two Prohibition-era gangs. In a dangerous game, he switches allegiances from one to another, offering his services to the highest bidder. As the death toll mounts, Smith takes the law into his own hands in a deadly race to stay alive.

Terry works for a bank, and uses computers to communicate with clients all over the world. One day, she gets a strange coded message from an unknown source. After decoding the message, Terry becomes embroiled in an espionage ring. People are killed, and Terry is chased. Throughout, she remains in contact with this mysterious person, who needs Terry's help save his life.

Beverly Hills couple Barbara and Dave Whiteman find their lives altered by the arrival of a vagrant who tries to drown himself in their swimming pool.

A homicide detective teams up with a criminal profiler to catch a serial killer whose crimes are inspired by the children's game, Hangman.

A dachshund passes from oddball owner to oddball owner, whose radically dysfunctional lives are all impacted by the pooch.

An attorney uncovers a political conspiracy in the brutal killing of a wealthy young woman.

A group of seven young people spend a weekend in the home of a wealthy yuppie on Long Island and live out their problems.