Although μ's, the defending champions of the school idol tournament, plans to dissolve their group after the graduation of their senior members, they receive news that leads them to holding a concert event! The 9 girls continue to learn and grow in this new and unfamiliar world. What is the last thing that these girls can do as school idols? With the clock ticking, what kind of meaning will the μ's members find in performing the most exciting live performance?

Archeologist and avid puzzle solver Professor Layton and his assistant Luke are caught up in an adventure when a masked figure steals an entire opera house and forces those in attendance to play a high-stakes game. The winner will receive eternal life, but it could mean death for the losers.

Based on the popular books, the story tells of Tony who wants a friend to add some adventure to his life. What he gets is Rudolph, a vampire kid with a good appetite. The two end up inseparable, but their fun is cut short when all the hopes of the vampire race could be gone forever in single night. With Tony's access to the daytime world, he helps them to find what they've always wanted.

Sebastian has one ambition in life: to do nothing. His horizon is his couch. His life he does not want to live but contemplate. But today, if you do nothing - You are nothing. So driven by his two roommates, that chain internships and odd jobs, decided to Anna and not quite decided Bruno, Sebastien will have to - A little.

Apropo: surfingul a fost inventat cândva de pinguini. Deci nu e de mirare că păsările își țin propriile campionate mondiale de surfing între ele. Motiv suficient pentru ca fulgerul Cody Maverick să ducă următoarea cea mai bună balenă din Antarctica în Pacificul de Sud, unde își propune să ia titlul de la concurentul aparent copleșitor Tank, după ce se pare că idolul său Big Z a murit în ultima competiție. Dar la fața locului, Cody trebuie să-și dea seama că este ceva mai mult decât dorința de a-și asuma riscuri și că are nevoie cu siguranță de noii săi prieteni Lani, salvamarul și nebunul Chicken Joe...

God decides to take a vacation, but first He has to find a saint who can rule the universe while He's away. So He goes to the Northeast of Brazil, where He believes there's a very good man for the job. As soon as He comes down to Earth, a young man comes along to help on His quest.

Doamna Little (Geena Davis), domnul Little (Hugh Laurie) și fiul lor George merg la un orfelinat pentru a adopta un frățior pentru George. În timpul întâlnirilor cu copiii de aici, atenția le este atrasă de un șoarece pe nume Stuart, un șoarece care poate merge în două picioare, vorbește, poartă hăinuțe și poate face, în principiu, cam aceleași lucruri ca un pui de om. Impresionați, domnul și doamna Little se hotărăsc să-l înfieze și astfel, în familia lor intră un șoarece mic, încântător, curajos și plin de idei. George este cam dezamăgit de noul său frate, însă motanul familiei este de-a dreptul terifiat de gândul că va sta sub același acoperiș cu o asemenea creatură și se hotărăște să facă tot posibilul să scape de el cât mai curând.

Un film live-action în care Scooby și gașca sa ajung pe Insula Fantomelor, unde o forță malefică este readusă la viață și poate distruge rasa umană.

When Earth astronaut Capt. Chuck Baker arrives on Planet 51 -- a world reminiscent of American suburbia circa 1950 -- he tries to avoid capture, recover his spaceship and make it home safely, all with the help of an empathetic little green being.

Susan Murphy (a.k.a. Ginormica) and the Monsters are now working with the US government as special ops. So when an alien presence is detected in Susan's hometown of Modesto, California -- right before Halloween -- the team is dispatched to investigate. Everything appears normal, right down to the jack-o-lanterns peering out from every doorstep and windowsill. But when Halloween arrives, those innocent-looking carved pumpkins reveal themselves for what they really are mutant aliens. The altered pumpkins then start to implement their fiendish plan to take over Earth. The Monsters are there to combat the mutant gourds and try to smash their wicked scheme!

Fun-loving Annabelle Andrews and her uptight mother, Ellen, have a hard time getting along with each other. One Friday the 13th, they both wear magical necklaces that make them switch bodies for the day.

Jon și Garfield vizitează Regatul Unit, unde un caz de identitate greșită a pisicii îl găsește pe Garfield conducând un castel. Domnia lui este în curând pusă în pericol de nefastul lord Dargis, care are planuri pe moșie.

Now that Frollo is gone, Quasimodo rings the bell with the help of his new friend and Esmeralda's and Phoebus' little son, Zephyr. But when Quasi stops by a traveling circus owned by evil magician Sarousch, he falls for Madellaine, Sarouch's assistant.

În timp ce familia Little e în vacanță, motanul Snowbell este capturat de o creatură malefică. Stuart și un sconcs pe nume Reeko trebuie să-l salveze.

Ray, an ex-con and widower, is planning a coin heist with two accomplices to help him to buy his own bakery. However, he doesn't expect his son Timmy, who was living with Ray's sister, to show up at the house right in the middle of planning. Timmy is ignored and Ray and his buddies pull off the heist. Timmy gets his father's attention by stealing the coins and hiding them. To get them back, his father must take him to a number of different places and treat him like he enjoys his presence. They grow fond of each other but Timmy won't stay with his dad unless he gives up the coins.

Davey Stone, a 33-year old party animal, finds himself in trouble with the law after his wild ways go too far.

Familia Newton pleacă într-o călătorie prin Europa. Ceea ce ei nu știu e că ajung să posede un DVD cu coduri secrete, pentru care mulți ar plăti o avere ca să le aibă! Așa că, pe parcursul călătoriei, familia Newton ajunge sa fie urmărită de doi hoți, care trebuie să recupereze DVD-ul extrem de valoros!

For Beary Barrington, The Country Bears' young #1 fan, fitting in with his all-too-human family is proving im-paws-ible. When he runs away to find Country Bear Hall and his heroes, he discovers the venue that made them famous is near foreclosure. Beary hightails it over the river and through the woods to get the Bears in the Band back together for an all-out reunion concert to save Country Bear Hall.

Fairy tales collide when Mambo and Munk tip the scales of good and evil once again.

Roata se întoarce, iar o scorpie bogată își găsește nașul atunci când naufragiază pe o insulă pustie împreună cu un marinar de rând, puternic și curajos.